Chapter 9 - Stage mother

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~ Alicia ~

Im a little relieved as my plan with Jarrod seems to be going quite smoothly and I don't think Pia has picked up on it yet...I hope!

Pia is a bit of workaholic and ever since Rhys died she has completely absorbed herself into work and her gigs. Jared has come to a compromise with her as she argued when he suggested she take a clean break, so he has agreed she can 'drop in' to check on things. But if he hears she's not taking a break, he will be coming across to set her straight.

Jarrod has said she can go down and look after the shop for a few days and then she will only need to check in occassionally, incase Miles needs her for anything. Mind you, I'm pretty sure he has a bit of a crush on her, so the poor girl probably won't get a minute of peace.

Thinking about it, Pia and Miles would make a great couple, but I don't think they would cross that boundary as they cherish their friendship too much which makes sense, although lately I'm pretty sure Jarrod has scared a few possible canditates away. He can be so over protective of her but sometimes it's to the point where I'm sure guys think that he is her boyfriend. From what Rachel tells me she's already got Shayne's attention and I'm worried because Jarrod's so over protective of her, it will scare away any possible suitors.

I've also given Pia a realtor's details for a beach house that she can rent whilst she's there. I know it's pretty close to lakeside which is her favourite beach, but it will also be a good distance away from the shop too so she can have a break as well. I know she's keen to hit up Miles for some surfing lessons and she's keen to get away.

I'm glad I had the opportunity recently to have her sing with me in my show. Pia is truly talented and blew everyone away when she performed with me, it was such a proud moment for me. I know she sees it differently and I don't know how to knock it into her and make her realise. I know I can be pushy at times, but I want everyone to see the beautiful person that I see. She is so humble and really has no idea just how amazing she is.

Pia is a little bit of a tomboy so most of her friends are male, but I feel very lucky because I've become one of her closest female friends. I love bringing out her girly side as she tends to live in jeans and t-shirts, which I don't think they do her any justice as they don't show off just how gorgeous she is. We recently went out to a club to meet for drinks and I made her wear one of my dresses. As soon as Pia walked in the club she was certainly turning heads as she looked amazing. We are going out again this week as Rachel is back from her tour and I really want to introduce her.

"hey sweetie, it's Alicia here"

"hi lovely, it's great to hear from you" Rachel replies.

"are you free on friday night? You have to meet Pia in the flesh as she's coming down to work with you next week", I say.

"I'm flying in on thursday so that would be perfect.  Ooh It will be lovely to have another girl in the store", she coo's.

"Fantastic Rach, I'll message you the details and I'll talk to you soon, bye"

"Ok, talk soon, bye"

Rachel and I have been friends for a number of years now as we studied at the same music school and have stayed in touch since. Sometimes it's hard as our schedules clash so it can be months at a time before we catch up but we always talk like it was only yesterday. It's one of the things I love about Rachel the most and she is so much fun. I think that Pia and Rachel will really hit it off and it will be great for Pia to have another female friend too.

We were recently discussing the auditions as they are being run by the agency that look after Rachel and her band and she mentioned that there may be a spot in her crew for a backup dancer and backing vocalist. I definitely think these two should meet because I think Pia could be just what Rachel is looking for on her next tour. I really want PIa to have every opportunity as I know she will go far with her talent, she just needs to let loose and go for it. It's like she's been holding back for a long time because every now and then I see a different side to her and I know she really wants it.

Pia will go far with her talent because she deserves it more than anyone I know. And I think she's finally starting to realise she can go further as there is nothing holding her back now and she has real talent. I'll never forget the night I first saw her DJ, it was at Club Vixen and she started to mix her voice in live with the beats. The atmosphere immediately changed as the place just came alive and it was the most amazing thing I'd ever seen.

Ever since that night I saw her DJ I've been hassling her to do something more with her singing. Pia has since performed in one of my recent shows and a couple of local productions. However these auditions I have lined up for her are going to be with some agencies for some big artists. I've not let on too much, infact I've been abit vague about the details as I was worried it might freak her out a little. But I know she will be fine and I really hope she takes me advice and go through with it and tries out for the auditions.

I know I can be abit dramatic at times like a 'stage mother as Pia always calls me, but I couldn't help getting teary when we last spoke as I'm going to miss her so much. I know she will be ok and we will talk on the phone everyday just like we do now. And I feel a little better now that I know I'll have Rachel to keep an eye on her for me too. We are all going to miss her as she's been the life around this place but I know it's what she needs right now and I really want her to move on.

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