Chapter 9: Warehouses and Men

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POV: Izzie

I was talking with Ethan on the beach, and then I was pulled away by two men. I was I totally shock and I think they drugged me so I didn't make a noise at all. All I know is that I'm in this really creepy warehouse and I want to leave, like now.

When I wake up, I'm treated by three very big muscular men. All over 6 feet tall. I'm like 5 feet. I'm also tied to this chair with rope and some duct tape on my ankles and wrists. This place smells horrible too. I wish they duct taped my nose so I didn't have to smell this horrid smell. 

After I wake up from the drugs, the large men talk over a walky talkys to another saying "the girl's up". I'm so confused what is going on but I just stay silent. After I figure out I'm in a warehouse, and very familiar figure comes out from a huge door. I could tell it was a woman. She was wearing a very tight dress and the loudest heels in the world! It also echoed throughout the building. 

"We meet again Izzie," the familiar voice says.
"Wh-who are you?" I stutter.
"Let's just say you sort of know me," she says.
"Well you obviously know who I am," I say in a very sassy voice. Maybe too sassy, she could kill me.  
"Yes I do," she says. She starts to walk around me.
"Wait, I know your voice. I know it! I just don't have a good enough grasp to grab it! I know who you are! Your from my childhood! You're Amy Rivers!" I say.
"Good job. You were always the smart one in our friend group," Amy says.
"So why are you do this? Why?" I ask. I'm so confused we were best friends since middle school. 
"Well well well, wouldn't you like to know," Amy says.
"Please tell me why you're doing this!" I scream at her.
"Fine, I guess I can. It's because of that time in our Junior year of high school before homecoming..."

"So we're going to homecoming together right?" Amy asked me.
"Of course. I haven't gotten asked for the past two years, this year probable won't change at all," I say in a depressed tone.
"Maybe we should change it up, why don't we get some boyfriends! Or at least dates," she says. Her smile grew bigger by the second. She loves giving me makeovers and taking control of plans.
"Fine, but if we don't get dates, we go with each other. If I don't get one but you do, we need to go together and ditch the guy," I say in a overly serious tone.
"Perfectly fine with me! Let's go to the school workout room, probably some cute football players," she says.
We both ask out some guys. Amy had no luck. This one guy I asked(Michael) said he would go with me! I asked how is was going with Amy before I could tell her my good news. When she said she had no luck I didn't mention my date. Amy and I made plans to get ready at her place. Michael and I made plans to meet before to grab dinner and pictures, plus some slow dances.

That night was amazing! And I had a great time. I couldn't see Michael ever again because of Amy. I didn't want to anyway but it would of been nicer if I could of had a normal homecoming. She must of found out that I was sneaking around behind her back? I wonder....
"Yeah I remember it," I say.
"Well I found out about you and Michael sneaking around. I was so pissed. The next couple years after that me and Michael started dating, and said mean stuff about you. I kept being your friend because you really couldn't deal with anything without me," she explains.
"Well thanks, because it doesn't matter to me anymore. I have a boyfriend now and I'm super happy," I say.
"Oh but your not. I was talking to your mom. She told me everything about your anorexia stuff. Your not happy with anything! You really hate this world. You hate yourself. I was thinking I could help you with this anorexia thing. I wanted to know how it feels to be anorexic!" She says.
"No you don't, it's horrible and it's a diseases, I-" I start to say but she cuts me off. 
"Oh well if you don't help me become thin, then I will kill you. So either help me become prettier, or die." She says.
"Okay I'll help you," I say. I give up, I can't help her anymore.
"Okay so what's the first step!" She says.
"Don't eat anything. No food at all. Drink a lot of water, and tea. Also exercise a bunch. Run, walk, bike, and workout a ton. Sleep, and refuse to eat anything. If you do then make it small. If you have to eat anything cut it up and eat slowly. Before you would be forced to eat a meal drink a ton of water. During this meal drink in between your small bites. Wear baggy clothing so it doesn't show your extreme weight loss. Don't let people know about it, keep it to yourself. I think that's all of the tips I have for you, now can I go?" I ask.  
"Yes. Here's hour phone too," she says. The big men untie me from my chair and break off the duct tape. Amy hands me my phone and I walk out of the warehouse. No guards stop me, nothing. 

I walk to the dorms(about a mile) and find Ethan. He's in his room sobbing when I come in. His face brightens up when I step in the room.

Authors note:
Hey you guys! Crazy chapter! Did this help your pain? Hopefully it helps your day. Like comment share and add this story to your library! I'll update soon with more surprises to come! Love you guys and you are all beautiful-😻

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