Chapter 10: I'M BACK AGAIN

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POV: Ethan

Izzie comes into my dorm room and I'm so relieved! I couldn't believe that she was just taken from me a day ago! It's been one full day without her! I really was scared. I tried to chases down the truck and tried to see who got her. They were just so silent and too fast.

"Hey," Izzie says.
"Where were you?" I ask.
"It's a long story, how about we go somewhere private to talk about it?" She asks.
"Totally, we should also make it back to your place and tell the people what happened," I say.
"I already told them, but going back to my room to talk is a good idea, the room is sound proof," she says.
"Okay let's go!" I say.
We walk from my dorm room to her place. It wasn't a long walk at all. We talked about how much we missed each other and what I was doing in the past day, and weird things that didn't make any sense. Yep we are the interesting type. When we get to her place, everybody is staring at us. She whispers to the guy at the front something and he lets me go into to dorms part of the building. It looked like a hotel. I mean it sort of was a hotel, except the food service was not upon request and they could see everything you were doing. Most of the boys and girls here had other places they could stay if the nasty was to happen. We get into her room and it looked like a hotel room. It was gorgeous. Then we both sit down on the bed and start talking.

"Okay can you explain to me what happened now?" I ask.
"Yes I can. I was taken away and drugged with some weird sleeping gas, so something like that. I was tied up in a chair with some rope, and duct tape on my wrist and my ankles. A women comes out and she was my best friend while in school. She hated me because of our homecoming of our junior year I got a guy to go with me and she didn't. I didn't tell her. So then I went to homecoming with both of them, but my best friend didn't know about the boy I was going with. The boy knew about my best friend. She was sleeping with him and totally thought that we might of been dating, but I never really liked him in a romantic way every. She also wanted to know how to be anorexic. It was a hard thing to say all of my tricks on loosing weight so fast, but that was the only thing I could do to get out of the chair and come back. She would of killed me if I didn't tell her. So I did and she let me go. She also gave me back my phone and nothing had changed. I walked out of warehouse number 16 and walked 3 miles to your dorm. It took me about an hour, and now we're here in present day," she says.
"Wow, do you think she will come back?" I ask.
"No. She likes to move around. She was just in MN because she talked with my mom and that's how she knew I was anorexic. She must of been stalking me for a couple day. She and her minions must of been following you around too!" She says.
"Well there must of been a lot of planning going on around in this. I hope she doesn't come back I really hope she doesn't. I don't want to loose you again," I say.
"I don't want to loos you either," Izzie says.
"I want to kill both of you, but I won't," Amy say.
"Who are you!" I say.
"I'm Amy, I'm the girl that kidnaped Izzie and I need to speak with her about something, so can you leave?" She says in a very rude tone.
"I'll just be over here Izzie," I say to Izzie and move over to the two chairs.
"Okay Izzie so I have a few questions about this place that your staying at," She told Izzie.
"Please asks them," Izzie says.
"Okay so why are you here?" Amy asks.
"I'm here because of my eating disorder," Izzie says.
"Why do they have to feed you all of them time?" Amy asks.
"It's so we can all recover and eat normally. When I get back to a healthy weight I can leave," Izzie says.
"Would it be good if I came here?" Amy asks.
"Well if you want to stop your eating disorder than yes, if not then I wouldn't set foot in this place ever again," Izzie says.
"Okay that's all, I'll be leaving now and never coming back. It was nice to see you again and express my emotions to you! Bye forever have a good life," Amy says and walks out. I hope that she does not mess with me again. I hope she does leave me alone.

Authors note:
HEY MY WONDERFUL VIEWERS! Hope you all are having a great day! Sorry this chapter is shorter, but I will make up for it in the next chapter, I promise! Like comment share and add it to your library! Sorry my updates are becoming less, school and such is helping with that. Your all beautiful and I love all of you. Until next time-😻

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