Chapter 13: Turning My Life Around

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POV: Ethan

FINALS ARE OFFICIALLY OVER!!! Guess who is more excited than me? You guess her. Izzie. Izzie is actually really excited. When I texted her after my last final she called me crying and screaming. Yeah. Izzie is excited because we bought an apartment for us. It's 4 blocks away from my school and 6 blocks away from her gym. Yes she did get the job. There was only one other boy that applied for the job, and they don't have a women as a person trainer. They thought that a women would help with a lot of there women clients. It would help the business grow and have people coming back more often.

I passed all of my classes. I got all of my credits. I am so happy. I know that I can actually do this for 3 more years. I'm able to do this. With Izzie is will be much easier, for the most part. Now after all of this I have summer, and moving. But mostly summer.

We start to pack up Izzie's place first. On the Monday after my tests we decide to start. Saturday and Sunday were party days and relaxing with each other days. Izzie doesn't have that many items of her in the room. Most of it is from the eating disorder place. We pack everything into her 3 suitcases. Then we get into my car and drive a mile or two to our apartment. She brings her suitcases in and we collapse to the floor.

"Oh Izzie," I say.

"What babe?" She asks.

"I miss this," I say.

"Miss what?" She ask.

"This. Us cuddling on a wood floor which we own," I say laughing.

"How do you miss it if we have never owned a wood floor before?" She asks laughing.

"I miss being close to you, lying down with you, two things which we are doing right now," I say.

"You crazy Ethan!" She says.

"You crazy Izzie!" I say mimicking her.

"Shut up!" She says and stands up. "Let's unpack my stuff!" She says and starts to unpack.

"So Izzie," I ask her. She turns around to face me. "How many days off do you get to unpack our house?" I ask her.

"From work?" She asks me.

"No from the jail. Of course from work!" I say.

"Well 3 days off from jail and 5 day off from work," she says.

"Oh what fun! So I get you for this week but you go back on Saturday?" I ask her.

"Yep! Then next week I'll work every day besides Sunday. Sunday nobody works because it's a holy day. Since this part of town is Roman Catholic you don't workout on Sunday. If they did need me on Sunday for a surprise client then I would be called in," she says.

"Well maybe tomorrow we can go to Ikea and get some stuff for our new apartment...." I say.

"Sounds like a great idea babe, now let's get your stuff!" She says and runs away.

She looks so cute when she runs. She points her toes and has her arms swaying back and forth. Her hairs sways back and forth just like her arms, so cute.

"ETHAN! DO YOU WANT ME TO BRING IN ONE OF YOUR BOXES OR MY LAST BOX??!?!?!!!!?!!!?" Izzie yells to me.

"Take in yours, I'll take in mine," I say to her when I come over to the truck.

"You don't have to yell," I say.

"REALLY? NO I THINK I HAVE TO SO YOU CAN HEAR ME!" Izzie yells in my ear.

"Gosh now I'm deaf in my left year thanks," I say and hug her.

"YAY! NOW LETS GO!" Izzie yells and laughs.

"GREAT!" I yelled at her.

I actually think that this is a great idea. I did have this crazy idea last year to move in with Izzie, but it was smart. We can be together all the time, well most of the time. I think this could really help our relationship. If we also do want kids, I am find out if she is a kind of person that would be a good mom. Yeah I want kids, I think I would be a good dad. No I know I would be a good dad.

Izzie interrupted my train of thought, "so babe where do you want my stuff to go?"

"Um where ever I guess. I mean you clothing will go in our room but we don't have a bed yet or really anything," I respond.

"Okay so in the room where nothing is there is fine?" She asks.

"Yeah right now, but tomorrow we might have to move it," I say.

"Okay! So what are we sleeping on tonight?" She asks.

"Ummm well we have blankets and pillows in boxes," I say.

"Let's go get the last three boxes and then we can sleep! I'm so done," Izzie says.

"First one out only has to carry a box!" Izzie says and runs down the steps to arrive at the truck first. I carry two boxes which were the pillows and blankets....

"CAN WE GO TO BED NOW!" Izzie yells and falls to the ground.

"I thought you didn't want to sleep with me!" I say.

"Well I do," Izzie says and laughs.

"Get up, I'll put down a blanket and we will make a makeshift bed," I say.

Izzie gets up and helps me make a horrible makeshift bed. It looked horrible. I don't even care though cause I get to sleep right next to Izzie, my wonderful beautiful girlfriend. I hope she feels the same way.

"Babe," Izzie says.

"Yeah," I say.

"I have a secret to tell you," she says.

"What?" I asks. Oh gosh I'm scared to know what it is. The last time she said she had something to tell me it was her eating disorder. What if she is cutting her wrists or a sex addict or something crazy like that.

Finally she puts me to easy by saying, "I love you."

"I love you too babe," I say and we fall asleep.

Authors note: hey! Sorry the updates have not been sooner. This week I will update again. School has been crazy and dance too. But that doesn't matter. Like comment share and add it to your library so you can always know when I update because I don't have specific days that I update. Summer I will try to update once a week. BYE LOVE YOU!

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