Chapter 12: Dance and Fights

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POV: Ethan

Today I get to see Izzie perform her dance! I'm so excited to see her dance and do her own thing on stage to show to others. She has always wanted to do this and I can't believe that this is actually happening for her. I don't think that she will travel that much, but she will try to when she can get better. I don't want her to move because I want her to stay with me, right here.

I go to see Izzie dance and it was amazing! I loved it! She was great. She actually decided to quit the dance company because she wasn't getting paid. She had her eating disorder to push her along. After that I hope she will become pregnant with my child so she doesn't have to go into a profession without loving what she is doing. Yes we are young and I'm crazy that I want children now but I'm of age....

"Hey babe!" She says.

"Hey what's up?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Well, it's almost the end of the school year right..."

"Yeah we have a week left, why?" I ask.

"Well I have about a week left in my eating disorder place and I was wondering about our plan," she told me.

"Yeah I've been working a lot and saved up money to buy an apartment. We can go looking soon?" I asked her.

"That would be great. I also have to look for a job or do something that would bring in money," she says.

"Okay, well I can help after I'm done with finals in a week. Next weekend?" I ask.

"Sure, listen I have to go to my class, talk to you later?" She asks.

"Totally. Bye babe love you," I say.

"Love you too," she says and signs off.

POV: Izzie

I signed off because I got upset. I don't know what to do with my life now that I can't dance because they don't want me. I quit because I knew that they were going to fire somebody anyway and I'm the weakest and newest, I didn't want to get fired or have another person get fired and have it be not fair.

I need to find a job before this weekend. I need to get out of the house and do stuff. I am thinking about going to the gym and becoming a personal trainer. They don't have to have any college degree, only a high school one. I have one so it seems perfectly. I am also very active and always have been. Before the anorexia I was still fit. I am now very fit.

After class I go to the nearest gym a half a mile away from Berkley. Perfect for Ethan. I see that there are a couple apartments on my walk that are close and are not too expensive. I go into the gym and set up an interview. I do the interview and they said they would call me back if I make it or if I don't.

After going to my interview I decided to call Ethan. I shouldn't take out all my problems on him. He also has been acting very weird lately so I think we need to talk.

"Hey babe, you busy?" I ask.

"No I just got out of class, you want to come over?" He asks.

"Sure! Be over in 5 minutes," I say and hang up.

I go into the dorms. The manager knows me pretty well now, he doesn't care and just lets me up. He is actually a really nice person. I ride the elevator up 7 floors. I knock on Ethan's door and Grayson opens the door.

"Oh hey Izzie!" He says.

"Hey Gray, do you know where Ethan is?" I ask him.

"No I don't. I didn't know he was expecting you." He says.

"Oh, okay. I'll just text him I guess," I say. I sit down on his bed and text him.

Izzie: I'm in your dorm room...

Ethan: Oh sorry I was talking with my Professor, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Izzie: Okay,

Soon Ethan comes into the dorm room and sees me.

"Hey! I thought you said you would be here in 30 minutes," He says.

"I said 5 minutes. I was close around. I interviewed for a job!" I said.

"What job?" He asks.

"I might get it, It's a a gym and I would be a Personal Trainer. It would be easy for me and I was looking around and there is a bunch of apartments around, plus it's close to campus for you so you will have an easy commute," I say.

"We will have to look around soon. Can we just not talk about it," He says.

"Okay I guess," I say.

"Were you mad at me? When we hung up on FaceTime you looked and sounded a bit mad, what's up?" Ethan asks me.

"I was just mad about Dance and my life at the moment. It hasn't been the best couple weeks. The only good thing is I get to leave the Eating Disorders place in one month," I say.

"We should find a place then," Ethan says.

"I mean I guess, I have no idea about housing. They said they wouldn't kick us out if we didn't have a house/some place to live. They want us to be in good living conditions and not go back to our eating disorder," I say.

"Okay well I'll still look around and we can go this weekend," Ethan says. We decide to cuddle up on his bed. Grayson eventually leaves and Ethan and I are all alone.

Authors note: HEY GUYS! Hie are you guys doing? Great anyway so like comment and share this with people. Maybe add it to your library. I worked really hard on this chapter for you guys and another chapter will come in the next week. Don't judge me. I'll update next week and hey, hey. Stay beautiful❤️

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