Chapter 16: Elevators

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POV: Ethan

It was good to get the secret off of my chest. Now there is nothing that I am keeping from her. Well, basically nothing. There's just this one thing that she might get upset if I tell her, because I've hid it for so long but I don't think it'll come up in conversation. I actually don't go on runs every morning, I am trying out for jobs in the morning. Sometimes I will go on an afternoon "jog" which just means I have an interview in the afternoon. Not a big deal, but Izzie wants to pay for everything with her own money that she makes. She thinks that if I get a real job she won't be providing equal pay for the house and other expenses. I won't bring this up at dinner because she could be all sweet or she could go ape shit crazy.

While Izzie is showering I decide to clean the house a bit. It was already really clean to begin with. I went out of the house to go visit Grayson at the dorms. I wanted to hang out with my little brother and make sure he didn't say anything about the jobs. I just got word from one saying that they would like to hire me as an intern, but I would get paid and get moved up soon seeing there was an employ that was not doing their required work. It was a position at a legal firm and they loved I just got out of high school and in college preparing. They didn't care that I didn't have my college degree. Grayson was very excited about my new job and promised that he wouldn't bring it up during dinner.

After Grayson I went to the hotel that Terrance and Conner made reservations at. They said they were suppose to come late last night or early this morning. I asked and they said that they had checked in. Perfect! I texted Conner and they both were up working out in the hotel gym. I texted them that I would pick them up about 3:00PM for the dinner at 5:00PM. They were going to finish their workouts and then go shopping then come back shower and they would be ready in the lobby by 3:00PM sharp. I really liked that Conner and Terrance were both the type of people to be on time and they they are going to be on time.

I get back home and Izzie is carrying groceries into the house. I grab the last couple bags in the trunk of her car and close the trunk before walking up stairs to our house. I close the door when I get into the house and Izzie thanks me for carrying the food into the house. She begins to prepare for the meal by getting out all of the ingredients to make her chicken and potatoes. I was helping her by taking a shower before I taxi around to pick up all of the guest. I showered and then put on black khaki shorts with a brown belt and a green polo tee-shirt. I then decided to put brown loafers to match my belt.

It's about 2:30PM and I decide to leave the house to go pick up Conner, Terrance, and Grayson. I told Grayson that I would pick him up after I picked up Conner and Terrance. I arrived at the hotel at 2:59PM. I parked my car and waited in my car for Conner and Terrance to show up. I texted him to make sure that they knew I was not coming inside to pick them up. They came out the doors at 3:00PM and got into my car. They decided to sit in the back seat so Grayson could sit by me. While driving in the car with just the two, they told me lovely stories about their time in Florida. It was pretty funny considering they said "Do you want to hear lovely stories from our time in Florida so far?" It was a great time and then we get to the dorms. I call Grayson because sometimes he isn't ready on time and doesn't respond to text messages for a couple hours or days even. He picks up and says he is coming down the elevator right now. He hangs up and does not show up for the next 10 minutes. I understand that our elevator was pretty slow but it did not take us 10-15 minutes to get down 3 floors. I call him again and no reply. I go inside and leave the two guys in the car. They were/perfectly fine with this plan. I go inside the familiar lobby and see that nobody is at the front desk like normal. Everybody was gathered around the elevator. Some were college students that I vaguely remember from the party and classes. There was a tech guy that was trying to open the doors of the elevator. I asked the front desk man what was happening. He told me that the elevator broke down and there are a few students stuck in it. I asked who they were and he told me three girls names. I thought to myself "Where is Grayson then?" He was literally right behind me.

"I could tell you were scared weren't you?" Grayson asked.
" So how did you get out of the elevator?" I ask Grayson.
"WellI was about to go onto the elevator when you called. I was very confused after a while so instead of pressing the button five million times I decided to be proactive and take the stairs. It was a bit of work seeing that it was 6 flight of stairs but I made it down. You don't even know how long the stairs are! They are huge and so much effort! Sorry I was late let's get out of this place and go to your new house!" He says and walks to my car.

We drive to the apartment and I lead everybody into the house. I open it and see Izzie in the kitchen making dinner. We got there about 4:14PM and dinner was almost ready! Izzie had just put the potatoes into the oven and was seasoning the chicken. I gave everybody a tour around the new pad and we sat down on the couch to watch some baseball.

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