♡ 15 ♡

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Here you go with the fifteenth chapter!

WARNING : A very long and dramatic chapter ahead.. bore mat ho jana please (╥﹏╥)


"You will marry Anirudh babu" Bondita stated on the verge of tears.

"What?" Saudamini whispered in astonishment.

Bondita looked towards her and nodded in a yes, wiping her tears.

"But don't you love Anirudh?" Saudamini asked surprised.

"I do... I love him so much that I can do anything for him and I don't want anyone to call him names.. so he will marry you and that's how your child won't be left illegitimate too" Bondita answered softly.

Saudamini gulped and nodded in a yes. That's what she wanted, after all, kicking Bondita out of Anirudh's life and then replacing her. She wanted to marry Anirudh and make Bondita suffer from the moment Bondita told her she was Anirudh's wife. But why did it feel so bad now? Why did it feel like she lost a big battle? A battle between heart and brain where the stupid brain won and poor heart lost.

"Will he agree to this marriage?" Saudamini questioned.

"He will have to.." Bondita affirmed.

She walked out of the room steadying her heart because she knew it would be a thousand times difficult to make Anirudh agree.

"Hmm, so you finally remember your husband?" Anirudh raised his eyebrows.

Bondita sighed and hugged him keeping her head on his shoulder. Anirudh smiled and hugged her back kissing her hair.

"Anirudh babu.." Bondita whispered.

"Hmm?" Anirudh hummed in response.

"Are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me?" Bondita asked softly.

Anirudh bit his lips as he fought to tell the truth.

"You are going to be a father and you didn't tell me Anirudh babu?" Bondita asked sadly.

Anirudh looked at her shocked and then guiltily.

"I was about to tell you Bondita... I j-"

"When were you going to tell me? When your child would have entered this world?" Bondita questioned furiously.

"We had promised to hide nothing from each other, didn't you have even an ounce of trust in me?!" She cried sitting on the bed.

Anirudh looked at her teary-eyed and kneeled in front of her taking her hand in his.

"Jaan... I didn't mean to hide this! I was just insecure that you would leave me... I would be left alone without my Bondita, you are the reason I am breathing... I can't live without you" Anirudh whispered audibly.

"Did I leave when you were sick? When baba told me he could get me married to some other person after all how could I spend my life with a mad person?" Bondita jerked her hand.

"Don't say that.. I.. I.. love you" Anirudh spoke side hugging her.

"If you really love me Anirudh babu.. will you do as I say?" Bondita asked stepping back.

Anirudh looked at her sadly and nodded in a yes.

"Anything you'd like me to do.." He stated.

"Then marry Saudamini.." Bondita gritted out.

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