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Amaterasu: Hey everyone! I'm back with a special treat. A new chapter and a drawing from an amazing artist by the name of I_Love_All_will be placed at the bottom of this. Please enjoy.


[Chunin Exams Finals (Statium) / After The Match]

The Stadium was silent as the medics lifted Naruto's bleeding body from the ground and placed him on a stretcher - the Lead Medic barked at the others to hurry up, he was losing too much blood and he didn't want to lose him. The Ref watched the medics carry the boy away before he turned his gaze to the victor of the first match - Hinata Hyuga - or rather - The Tigress of the Mist. She looked at the sword in her grasp - or rather at the blood that slowly ran along the length of the blade before stopping at the tip, gathering, and dripping into the soil.

"With all his barking, I expected more of a fight," Hinata said as she slid her sword back into its sheath until she heard the click signaling the sword was secure, "I'm disappointed.". She began walking away from the Ref, but she began fading from his view as if she was disappearing with the wind. His eyes picked up on a light blue breeze flowing up to the contender waiting area before it materialized back into the Former Heiress of the Hyuga Clan. Hinata exhaled before opening her eyes, looking at all the shocked faces before walking past them - paying them no mind until she reached the smiling faces of her Husband and Father-In-Law.

"Well done, kid. I'm a little disappointed the brat didn't put up a better fight." Zabuza said as he walked over to Hinata.

"Exactly. That was the most pitiful excuse of a display of power I've ever seen and he was planning to 'avenge' me with that?! I've never been more insulted at that moment as I have ever been in my entire life." Hinata growled through her locked fangs.

"Don't too much of it, My Darling." Haku said as he placed a chilling kiss on his wife's cheek, "Why let an appetizer get you upset when the main course has yet to be served?" Haku questioned in his calming voice - Kōri in his arms meowed as if to agree with him. Hinata exhaled and turned to face him, throwing her arms around his shoulders, hands behind his neck playing with the baby hair.

"Why is it that you know exactly what to say at the right moment to stop me from destroying this place and everyone in it?" Hinata asked with a tilt of her head like the curious cat she was.

"Because I am your husband, My Tigress." Haku smiled.

"Hmmm. Yeah, that makes sense." Hinata said as she smiled at him again. He leaned down and she straightened her head just in time for his lips to meet hers. Their lips stayed locked for a few good moments until Kōri started meowing, nuzzling between their chests; she loved her parents but she did not want her head between a marshmallow and a cutting board. They smiled at the little tiger cub before Hinata's nose started twitching and a low growl rumbled from her throat.

"Not now, Aburame." Hinata growled out as she broke away from her husband - her dark blue eyes narrowed at the sunglasses-wearing boy.

"Hinata..." Shino tried but his voice was broken - there was so much he wanted to say but there was nothing he could say. There was so much he wanted to tell her if he could but now that she was before him - alive, well, and completely crossed with him and his village - there was nothing he could say at this moment.

"Save it." Hinata growled, "I already had enough at the moment with that failure of an appetizer, I don't need any shit for you or anyone else here. When I want to deal with you, you will know because there's a chance that you won't walk away alive. Now, piss off." Hinata hissed before turning on her heel and walking over to the corner. Haku glared at Shino before following his wife and Zabuza just folded his arms before turning to face the match field again - waiting for the next match. Shino just looked to the ground before turning and walking away - his mind and heart heavy.