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Amaterasu: Greetings & Salutations, as well as Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. Welcome to Hinata's Second Day of her Hell Week in Konoha. 

Guess Here: Who will piss off the Tigress of the Mist today?



[Konohagauke's Training Field - Tuesday - Around 3:30 P.M.]

"Strike!" Hinata roared her command to Kōri who responded by lunging out her right claw at the crystal training spike before her. After a filling lunch of a variety of meats, Hinata and her new feline partner went to the training field for some much-needed training with the cub's skills; Kōri was still young, around the same size as Akamaru was when Kiba first go him, so Hinata was going to easy on her until she was older and stronger, then the Chakra Training begins.

"Okay, Kōri, that's enough for the day. You've been at it for 3 hours. Let's get a snack and head back to the cabin; Haku-kun and Zabuza-sama should be back at the end of the day today." Hinata smiled at the cub with her hands on her hips and her tail waving by her ankles. The cub looked up at Hinata with a smile before her gaze turned to look behind her and her body got into a defensive stance with her ears darted back, back hunched, fangs bearing, and tail puffed up as her blue eyes glared at the figure behind her. Hinata's nose twitched when a familiar and unwelcome scent came to her nose.

"Can I help you with something, Lord Hyuga?" She asked with an exhale.

Behind her stood Hiashi Hyuga - Head of the Hyuga Clan's Main Branch as well as the man who discarded her when Hanabi showed more 'promise' than her; regardless of his promise to his late wife - Hikari - who died when Hanabi was being born.

"You don't have to be so formal with me, Hinata; I am your father, not a stranger." Hiashi said with a calm voice but on the inside, he was tearing up; his daughter was before him and she hated his guts. If he was not careful, he was going to end up like the Uzumaki Spawn on the day of the Chunin Exam Finals.

"Last time I checked, the only 'father figure' I have is my father-in-law & Demon of the Mist, Zabuza Momochi, and you damn sure aren't him." Hinata reached down and gathered the hissing tiger cub in her arms, "Now, is there something I can help you with, or are you gonna continue to taint my nose with your stench?" Hinata gave out a low growl.

Art By I_Love_All_

"Hinata, you are my daughter - you have my blood flowing through your veins; the blood of the powerful and noble Hyuga Clan

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"Hinata, you are my daughter - you have my blood flowing through your veins; the blood of the powerful and noble Hyuga Clan. You must return to us - You have to go back to the Hyuga Clan." Hiashi said with his 'leader' voice on.

"I'm not going to come back to a place that didn't appreciate me ever since a half-dead infant go stronger after I risked my own life to split my soul to give her the strength to move." Hinata snarled as she looked over her shoulder at the man behind her.

"Daughter, that was the..." He was cut off.

"Do not call me that. You lost the right to call me that when you called me a disgrace to the Hyuga Clan, called me a barbarian, and said my mother would be ashamed of me if she were alive today. Do you really think I would still listen to you, let alone stay loyal to your clan after everything I did to bring honor to that airhead clan?" Hinata snarled at her sperm donor.

"Hinata, please... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I have done and said to you. I wasn't acting like your father and I should have known that something was off when Hanabi started getting stronger out of nowhere. Please, come home and I shall much up for everything I have done to you." Hiashi said, fighting back the tears that were coming.

"I don't care about how 'sorry' you are or the empty promises that you spew at me. Your words have the same value of your flesh & existence: Completely and Utterly Worthless." Hinata growled as turned her face away from him before her body and Kōri's became covered in crystal before shattering - leaving the shards behind.

The Elderly Man just stood there as the wind blew his hair and the frosted steam of the crystals away.

'Hikari...' He looked up to the skies - letting the tears fall from his face, 'I have failed our daughters. I broke our promise and now...we may lose both our daughters. I shall not let it end here. I will get Hinata back in the clan and treasure her like she is meant to be. She is my Eldest Daughter - My True Heiress - and I shall not let those monsters take her away from her home again.' Hiashi turned on his heel before striding back to the Hyuga Clan Grounds.

[Meanwhile - At The Cabin]

A Large Crystal erupted from the ground and shattered - freeing Hinata and Kōri; who opened their eyes to see there was someone else there...and they appeared to be waiting for them. 

"Of everyone who has bothered me so far, I didn't expect you. What do you want from me...Mori?" 

Mori looked into Hinata's eyes with a light that Hinata didn't remember seeing back in the Forest of Death - this girl was not the same.

Mori looked into Hinata's eyes with a light that Hinata didn't remember seeing back in the Forest of Death - this girl was not the same

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"Lady Hantei..." Mori began before she fell to her knees and bowed before speaking again, "Please, make my blood worthy of being spilled in battle! Make me into a True Kunoichi!" 

"What?" Hinata was not expecting this from her.