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"Greetings, Lady Hantei." The Carriage Repairman greeted to TIger-Hybrid Girl as she approached his stand.

"Hello, Mr. Rain, I know you're busy but I wanted to know if you were almost done with those carriages I requested." Hinata asked with a small smile on her face.

"Actually, yes, Lady Hantei." He said as he lifted the paper he was writing on before Hinata walked up, "I was actually working on your confirmation letter to notify you that I was finished with the order." He said to Hinata.

"I see. The Hantei, Yuki, and Momochi Clans are grateful for your services. Here." Hinata reached into her wallet and pulled out a few bills and handed them to him, "Some extra payment for your kindness and time."

"Thank you, Lady Hantei." He said as he accepted the bills before he handed her the keys to the 2 carriage coaches before wishing her a good day and continued to work as Hinata walked away from the stand, smiling at the two keys in her hand before she slid them in her pocket and continued on her way to the cabin.

[At Hinata's Cabin]

"The Carriages are done? Finally, we can get out of this place." Zabuza sighed as he held the tiger cub in his hands.

"Agreed, I was close to turning this place into a snowglobe and giving it to my wife as an anniversary present," Haku said as he rocked the sleeping baby in the crystal crib that Hinata made, smiling down at the infant.

"Tigress said that we're bringing those 4 with us?" Zabuza asked.

"Yes - The two young men that were saved from the fire - Mattias and Mikoto, the baby, and Mori is talking with her parents and the Hokage to come with us." Haku said.

"The Hantei Clan grows ever more powerful - I wonder if the kid will go to war with this place. Speaking of Tigress, where is she?" Zabuza asked.

"My wife wanted to meditate alone and speak to Lady Hantei before we began packing. Zabuza-sama, I was thinking of taking Hinata to the Mountain Hotsprings for our upcoming anniversary, do you think she will like it?" Haku asked as he looked at his teacher with a raised eyebrow, who looked back at him with the opposite eyebrow raised.

"I don't know. Tigress is still a mystery and I live with her for Kami-sama's Sake; not to mention my adopted son is married to her." Zabuza said with a chuckle.

"Yes. I am glad to be married to her - she completes my soul, Lord Zabuza." Haku blushed and smiled at the thought of his wife.

"Excuse me, Lord Haku."

Haku and Zabuza looked in the direction of the voice: There stood a boy around the age of 15 with short red hair and tan skin along with piercing green eyes, wearing a black training clan suit and fresh bandages around his arms and hands.

Haku and Zabuza looked in the direction of the voice: There stood a boy around the age of 15 with short red hair and tan skin along with piercing green eyes, wearing a black training clan suit and fresh bandages around his arms and hands

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"Mattias, you're walking around already? I see that you push through the pain of your wounds." Zabuza said.

"Yes, Lord Zabuza - as the eldest of my siblings, I had to be able to push through as much pain as I could to protect them...from our own parents." Mattias looked to the ground with sadness in his eyes.

"They are the ones who started the fire and locked you 3 in that closet, aren't they?" Haku asked with narrowed eyes, if there was anything he couldn't stand was an abuse of loved ones.

"Yes, My Lord. They didn't want sons and they would blame their misfortune on us so they would take their anger on us. When they had my little sister but found out that Mother was having an affair, they wanted to get rid of all of us and start a new lie. We thought we were going to die...until Lady Hantei found us. Were her words true? She's going to let us join her clan?" Mattias asked with hope in his eyes.

"Yes. The Grey Triangles on your face is proof enough that you are now a part of Clan Hantei." Haku said as Mattias reached up to touch the small grey markings on his face.

"Wait, what about my brother - Mikoto - he never go his markings." Mattias wondered.

"He shall come with us but he is too young to take Lady Hantei's Chakra just yet." Haku explained.

"I...I see." Mattias said.

"Tomorrow, we are leaving. Clans Hantei, Momochi, and Yuki want nothing to do with the Hidden Leaf Village and we shall leave it behind, as well as all the pain that comes with his place." Haku glared out the window and looked at the village in the distance, 'Poisonous People in a Venomous Village. I will make you pay for what you all did to my wife.' 


Sakura looked at the picture of Hinata's smiling face but the longer she looked, all she could see was Tigress's Face - the face of hatred taking over her Hinata's face. She placed her hand on the stone before letting her tears fall.

"Don't cry, Sakura-chan." Naruto called out from his place by the river, "I'm gonna save Hinata and she's gonna be with us the whole time. I don't know what Haku and Zabuza did to her but I'm gonna save her and she's gonna know just how much I love her." Naruto said as he looked at his reflection, 'I'll do anything for you, Hinata-chan.'