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Amaterasu: Welcome to the end of the Weekdays of Hinata's Hell Week in Konohagakure, but this one is gonna be quite different. Not only is someone gonna piss Hinata off, but the Hantei Clan is gonna grow.

Guess Here: Who shall anger the Tigress today?


[Konohagakure - Friday - Around 3:45 - Hinata's Cabin]

Hinata stood outside of her cabin, leaning against the wall with her legs and arms crossed, and her eyes closed as she focused on what happened earlier in the day. She let out a deep exhale before opening one eye when she felt a tug on her tail, causing her to open one to look upon the small infant in the crystal crib with a soft cotton cot on the bottom where the baby was laying. The baby had lovely snow-white hair with silver eyes and paleish-tan skin, wrapped in a lovely blue cloth with snowflakes stitched into it. The infant reached up to reach for Hinata's tail with a toothless smile.

"Hmph." Hinata smiled, "You smile even after all the hell you and your brothers been through... you're a strange one, little cub." Hinata said to the baby as she moved her tail to give the baby something to laugh at while her mind went back to what happened earlier that day.


'Why? Why can't I have a simple day without these idiots bothering me?' Hinata growled at the voices in her ears, the urge to commit murder in a public restaurant was becoming overwhelming...

'Why? Why can't I have a simple day without these idiots bothering me?' Hinata growled at the voices in her ears, the urge to commit murder in a public restaurant was becoming overwhelming

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"I didn't know you liked Ichiraku Ramen, Hinata-chan; how about the two of us go on a dinner date tonight?" Naruto's voice asked from the right of Hinata.

"Hina-chan doesn't wanna waste her time with you, Naruto-baka; she would much rather spend her time with me. Right, Hina-chan?" Sakura smiled from the other side at a much louder pitch of voice.

'All I want is to eat in peace...' Hinata began inhaling - the smell of the ramen, the two idiots, and... 'Wait....'.



'That smell... That's brimstone and...iron. No...THAT'S BLOOD!' Hinata's eyes darted open as she jumped from her seat, surprising the two and the vendor, "SOMETHING IS ON FIRE AND SOMEONE IS HURT!" She reached into her pocket and tossed some cash at the vendor, "I'll be back for the change!" She darted out of the shack and ran down the street, using the scent to lead her to a burning building with a couple standing in front, covered in ashes.

'They aren't bleeding - not even burned... Then where?' Hinata's ears picked up and the sound of an infant crying was coming from the inside. 'There's a baby in there!' 

Hinata increased the layer of protection of her crystal skin before charging into the building, using her arms to cover her eyes while pulling her breathing mask out of her pouch, placing it into her mouth before making some goggles so she could see better; everything was covered in flames.

"Hello?! Is someone else here?!" Hinata called out.

"HELP! WE'RE UP HERE! WE'RE LOCKED IN THE CLOSET!" A voice called out from the upper layer. The stairs were blocked off but there was a giant hole that lead to the second floor; with a strong jump, she was upstairs and saw a chair keeping a closet sealed. She kicked the chair and knocked it aside before opening the door and her eyes widened.

Inside the closet were 3 children: 2 boys with red hair, green eyes, and tan skin that was covered in bruises and scars; one was around the same age as Hinata while the other couldn't have been older than 5 or 6. In the arms of the youngest boy was a crying infant.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." Hinata said as she grabbed the arms of the boys and crystallized themselves and teleported them out of the house and back to the cabin.