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Amaterasu: Welcome to Hinata's Week From Hell - 7 Days of Hinata staying in the village she hates with people she wants to kill until her carriage is fixed. How will annoy the Tigress of the Mist today? Take a guess here and see if you were right by the end of the chapter!!!

Warning: The chapter is a bit smaller, please forgive me.

Guess Here: Who do you think Hinata will meet today?

[Konohagakure - Monday - Around 7:45 A.M.]

They say things that come in sets of 3 are more appalling - whoever said that Hinata wanted nothing more than to stab them with her sword. That saying was complete bullshit and she can give 3 reasons why:

1. Her Carriage was ruined in the failed invasion - she and her family were stuck in this hellhole for an entire week.

2. Now that everyone knew who she was, she knew that they were going to bother her; try to get her to return under the banner of Konohagakure.

3. She was alone for the day because her Father-in-law found a contract to keep himself from being bored and he took her husband with him! He knew that Haku was her chill pill, without him, there was a high chance that she was gonna turn this place and everyone in it into a mountain of crystal shards!

'Grrr. What was Zabuza-sama thinking taking Haku-kun with him while I am here with these fools? He knows that I hate this place and everyone in it.' Hinata growled in her head as she walked down the dusty streets of Konoha with her hands in her pockets - the sheath of her sword secured in the sash belt around her waist.

"Maybe he wanted to test your restraint, dear cub." Hantei purred from the depths of Hinata's mind, "He knows that you hate this place but he wanted to make sure you wouldn't act on that anger."

'You have an answer for everything, don't you?' Hinata asked the large cat.

"I am wiser than you think, my dear, I am much older than you after all." She explained.

'Right.' Hinata exhaled. She was going to open her mouth again when she bumped into someone, "Excuse me, I wasn't looking where I was going..." She stopped when her blue eyes locked with familiar crimson ones.

"Hinata?" Her former teacher questioned.

"Nevermind." Hinata growled before walking around Kurenai and continued on her away, only for the woman to place her hand on the girl's shoulder, "Take your hand off me." She warned.

"Hinata, please, I just want to talk to you." The woman pleaded, still not taking her hand off the girl's shoulder, "I know you are upset with me for not defending you when Kiba and Shino were talking horribly about you. I know you were angered that I told your father what happened during the training session but that was something I never expected from you; you're kind and sweet, and what you did to Akamaru wasn't like you." Kurenai explained.

"Not like me?" Hinata knocked her old teacher's hand off her shoulder before turning to face her, "That's the problem - you all had an issue with how I was. You all thought that I was too sweet & kind, too weak & soft; you all looked down on me for showing restraint with my power, and the moment I used a little of it, you all looked at me like I was some kind of stranger. The only thing I regret that day was almost killing Akamaru - that attack was meant for Kiba and his loyal hound got in the way. This village doesn't deserve Akamaru...Just like it doesn't deserve me." Hinata turned on her heel before walking away again. 

Kurenai looked heartbroken as she reached out and spoke again.

Art By I_Love-All

"Hinata, please, come back to us

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"Hinata, please, come back to us. I can fix this. I can make up for what I have done and I will make sure that you are treasured by everyone in this village like you are meant to be, just come back to us! To me! I need you, Hinata! You're the closest thing to a daughter that I ever had!" The crimson-eyed woman begged her former student who just looked over at her again without a single sparkle in her eye.

"You don't understand, right? I don't need you. I don't want you. I don't need this village when I have one that respects me and my power. I have cleansed myself of the poisonous taint Konoha gave me when I was born. Now? Now, I am more than you will ever understand, Kurenai Yuhi of Kohohagakure. Come before be again...and I will not hesitate to kill you." And with that, Hinata walked down the streets again, looking for something to do before heading back to the cabin and waiting on her family.

Leaving a very heartbroken Kurenai behind in her clawed footprints.

'That's not Hinata... Not My Hinata... They did something to her and I have to get her back somehow. I need her... I need my daughter back!' The woman thought as she turned on her heel and ran down the street with tears flowering down her face and determination in her heart.