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Amaterasu: Thursday - 3 days until the week is over but that's 72 Hours of Hinata's Torment in a village she hates. 

Guess Here: Who is going to invoke the wrath of a pissed of tigress today?


[Konohagakure - Thursday - The Village Streets]

The dust of the streets was kicked up as multiple pairs of sandals walked along with it - 4 of them belonging to the 3 Beasts of the Mist and the Golden Heiress turned Silver. Hinata lead the group with her husband at her side - her tail wrapped around his forearm and her tiger cub on her head, now sporting a collar with The Hantei Clan Crest as a pendant. Zabuza and Mori walked behind them - Zabuza's hands in his pockets with Mori's hand clenching her new purchases of ninja clothes, tools, and scrolls. Hinata inhaled then exhaled before groaning.

"I'm bored - there's nothing to do here." Hinata growled out.

"My love, I know that you want to leave this place as soon as possible but the carriage is still being repaired. If you are truly bored, how about the two of us have some husband-and-wife time together?" Haku smiled at her.

"Really?" Hinata asked with a smile as she looked into her husband's brown eyes.

"Of course, you never give me the chance to spoil you as much as I want to." Haku pouted at the last point; if there was anything Haku loved more than his wife, it was spoiling his wife.

"You spoil me every time you want us to spend time together, but I don't know what we could do in this rat trap. Plus, I don't want to spend any of our money here." Hinata snarled as she looked at some of the stores.

"I heard of a small village down the road that is hosting a festival tomorrow. We can go there - that way you don't have to spend any of our money here and I can get the chance to spoil my lovely wife as much as I want to." Haku smiled before placing a kiss on Hinata's cheek, making the girl blush.

"Okay... Okay. We can go tomorrow." Hinata smiled as she looked into Haku's brown eyes and leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips when...

"Hinata, step away from him!!!" A familiar female voice called out, making Hinata growl as she looked in the direction of the voice to lock eyes with her former teacher.

"Damn, Lady. You don't know how to take a  hint do you?" Zabuza sighed as he looked at Kurenai with a bored expression in his eyes with his hands in his pockets, "Can't you see that she doesn't want you telling her what to do, nor do you have any power over her? She severed her ties to this place and you along with it." He said.

"Shut up, Demon of the Mist!" Kurenai yelled as she marched up to Zabuza and pointed her finger in his face, "This is all your fault - you're the reason she's like this!" 

"My fault? She was like this before we met her; what could I have done with her personality?" He asked.

"You corrupted my student! She was a kind & sweet girl until she left the village and met you & that boy and now look at her! She's completely different: She almost killed he cousin, her sister is dying because she took back the Soul Fragment keep...

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"You corrupted my student! She was a kind & sweet girl until she left the village and met you & that boy and now look at her! She's completely different: She almost killed he cousin, her sister is dying because she took back the Soul Fragment keeping her sister alive, she even stabbed the boy she loved in the final exams! The Hinata I know would never do anything like that! You changed her! You will give me back my student and stay away from her so she can return back to normal!" Kurenai barked in one breath. Zabuza opened his mouth to speak when he was pushed back from Kurenai and a very angry hybrid got in the red-eyed woman's face.

"Don't you dare blame him for something he never did." Hinata growled, "It wasn't his fault that I turned out like this - it was you, your team, the Hyuga Clan, This Whole VILLAGE! You all are like a poison in my veins and I am cleansed of that poison. I shall never reside under the Banner of Konohagakure again." Hinata proclaimed.

"But... Hinata... This is your home..." Kurenai tried but Hinata cut her off.

"Let me tell you something..." Hinata began...

"I HATE YOU AND THIS DIRTY VILLAGE! This place kept me weak for so long and I decided that I have had enough of this place and the people in it

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"I HATE YOU AND THIS DIRTY VILLAGE! This place kept me weak for so long and I decided that I have had enough of this place and the people in it. Get that through your head that I hate all of you and leave me the hell alone. Come never me and my family again, and I shall show you no mercy." She looked at her group, "We're leaving." Hinata marched past Kurenai, knocking her shoulder again Kurenai's arm, making the woman's heart grow cold as the rest of Hinata's party followed her.

'Hinata...' She thought as she placed her hand over her heart before turning to watch the group of 4 walking away, 'What have they done to you?' 

Little did they know, a pair of blue eyes were watching them a whole time.

'A Date at the town downwind? That would be the perfect time to get my Hinata-chan back.'