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Amaterasu: Welcome back to Hinata Week from Hell - it is now Friday Evening and the Dragon & Tigress are getting ready for their date tonight, but knowing this place, there will not be any peace on their day.

Guess Here: Who shall annoy Hinata and Haku this time?


[Hinata's Cabin]

"How are they doing?" Hinata asked as she held the baby in one arm while holding the bottle that fed it with the other hand while talking to the medic shinobi before her.

"They are stable but injured - they inhaled lots of smoke, not enough to kill them but enough to give some congestion for a long while. Their bodies are covered in bruises as if they were abused over a long period of time." The Medic Shinobi exhaled as he picked up his bag.

"I see." Hinata frowned as she looked back at the cabin that held her two new guests.

"Lady Hyuga, I have a question..." He spoke.

"You may answer your question but remember - I am Lady Hinata Hantei; I wiped my hands of the Hyuga Clan." Hinata warned the man.

"Yes, I understand, but my question is about your sister: Lady Hanabi. She is getting worse without the Soul Fragment you implanted in her all those years ago; at this rate, she shall not survive this week." He explained.

"And I should care for what reason?" Hinata asked as she looked at the white-haired baby suckling the bottle in her arms.

"My Lady... You may not acknowledge the bond the two of you share but she is her younger sister & she shall die if nothing is done about it. Please, think about it." The man begged before he bowed to her and turned on his heel to walk away. Hinata watched him walk away before walking into her cabin and sitting in the living room on the sofa. She looked at the infant in her hands and for a moment - she saw her sister's face - remembering the promise she made to her mother before she was taken away from her.

"I'll keep Hanabi safe, Oka-san; I won't let anyone hurt her." 

The promise of a child to protect another.

Hinata sat the baby down as she rose to her feet and looked at her clawed hands - the same hands that ripped the soul fragment out of her sister's chest and sent her sister down a path of slow and painful death. Hinata folded her arms and closed her arms as she thought if she wanted this on her conscious and her hands gripped her arms as crystal engulfed her and shattered to reveal she was gone.

[Meanwhile - With Haku]

"So, there aren't any extra carriages for sale?" Haku asked the vendor.

"Unfortunately no, My Lord; all the other villages have already booked them and it would take months to make a new one and I doubt that you and Lady Hantei would have the time or patience of remaining in this place." The Carriage Vendor explained to the man before him.

"You are correct on that notion. Very well, but if you happen to come across an extra one, please let us know; we shall be bringing others with us." Haku said as the vendor gave him a bow and the Ice User turned on his heel and walked back into the village that his wife hated. 

"Hey!" A Familiar Voice barked behind Haku, making him exhale, and turned around to lock with familiar red eyes.

"Can I help you with something, Naruto Uzumaki?" Haku asked with a calmness in his voice but a silent rage in his brown eyes.

"This is all your fault!" Naruto barked as he marched up to Haku, "You took her from me and changed her into...into...a murderer! My Hinata-chan was kind and sweet, she was always willing to help anyone who needed help, and now...? Now, she is so quick to kill everyone that cares about her now!" Naruto yelled.

"What does your barking have to do with me?" Haku asked in his calm voice.

"GIVE ME BACK MY HINATA!" Naruto barked in Haku's face with the same eyes that managed to break through the Crystal-Ice Mirrors but he was not afraid of him - his wife was not weak and he would never bow to one of Konoha's Lapdogs

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"GIVE ME BACK MY HINATA!" Naruto barked in Haku's face with the same eyes that managed to break through the Crystal-Ice Mirrors but he was not afraid of him - his wife was not weak and he would never bow to one of Konoha's Lapdogs.

"Your Hinata?" Haku began, "How can I give you back something that was never yours in the first place? You disrespected her, called her a freak and weird while constantly running behind the Haruno Heiress like the dog that you are. Now that you see that the only one who really loved you no longer does, you think you can just demand her back like she was yours at the start? You make me sick, Uzumaki. My wife wants nothing to do with you or this village, get that through your ramen-chugging head." Haku finished with narrowed brown eyes, his chakra starting to show around his robed body.

"I love her..." Naruto tried but Haku shut him up.

"No, you don't - you love the idea of her because she once loved you and the one you wanted doesn't want anything to do with you." Haku corrected him.

"No... No... You don't know what you're talking about! I love Hinata-chan and I want her back! Give Hinata back to me or I will... Hey! Where are you going?!" Naruto barked as Haku turned on his heel and began walking away.

"This conversation is over. I can sense that my wife needs me." That was all Haku said before he leaped away to the upper roofs of the buildings, leaving a rather angry Naruto standing in the middle of the road.

'He took her from me. He made her hate me and our village. I'll show him just who Hinata-chan belongs to and I'll make sure I never let get go again.' Naruto growled in his head, 'I need to make sure I stop that date tonight. I need Hinata-chan.'