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Quick Note:

"Human Speech"

"Tailed Beast/Creature Speech"

'Human Thought'

'Tailed Beast/Creature Thought'

"Human Jutsu"

"Tailed Beast/Creature JuTsu"

- 20 Miles Away From Konoha / Hinata's Point Of View -

My usual speed was slightly slowed through the muddy roads & the rain was still coming down hard; harder than it was before. I knew that I couldn't continue like this, I needed to find shelter for the night and continue on my journey in the morning. I stopped and reactivated my family's bloodline and scouted the area - I noticed a large cave about 25 feet to the east. I headed to the cave and throw my soaked hood off my head before I removed my coat.

'Most unpleasant.' I thought as I sat on the ground and opened my bag - I grabbed a piece of bread and chowed down; while I was cold, I didn't light a fire. I didn't want to attract any kind of attention to myself. After eating, I leaned against the cave wall and closed my eyes; the thoughts of everything that has happened began leaking back into my mind. I could feel my teeth locking and my fist clenching. I wanted nothing more than to go back and level that village but I took a deep breath and dropped my head with a deep exhale.

'What am I thinking? I'm not a mass murderer. I just want to prove that I am not anything that they said - I'm not useless. I'm not unloved. I know there is someone out there who wants to be around me...if only I could find them.' A tear fell down my cheek when I felt something coming my away, from the depths of the cave. I felt a pulsing coming from deeper in the cave, like something powerful was down there, I was about to activate my Byakugan when I heard something call out to me.

"Child. Please. Come To Me." It was a heavenly voice - smooth like silk and sweet like honey. Like a siren's call. I rose to my feet and activated my bloodlike and sure enough, there was a pulsing - it moved in wavy blue rings from the darkness of the cave and the strange thing is that while the pulse was coming towards me, it felt like it was trying to pull me towards it. I started walking in the direction of the pulse and it got louder.

"Child. Please. Help Me." It was that voice again.

"Help who? Where are you? Who are you?" I called out to the voice.

"Find My Lantern, Child. Find The Light Of Life." Lantern?

I kept walking until a brightness cast a glare on my Byakugan

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I kept walking until a brightness cast a glare on my Byakugan. Upon deactivating it, I saw what caused it - A Lantern. The Lantern was large, almost the size of my torso - in its' belly was a bright blue flame with a white core. The flame looked like it was...dying? I reached out and touched the edge of the lantern when the center of the lantern pulsed out and I could feel my mind being pulled from me. I blacked out.

- ??? -

I opened my eyes and I stood before a pond - the pond was breathtaking. The water was a sea of stars with pink and purple lilies dancing along the surface. I looked down and saw that the grass was white and shining like stars - where was I? The sound of something moving around in the water caused me to look at the source of the sound and my jaw dropped.

'There's a tiger in the water...'

"Welcome To My Prison, Child

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"Welcome To My Prison, Child." The Tigress spoke out to me as it walked out of the water and sat on the ground before me. Her green eyes were captivating and her blue fur.

'Wait. She called this place her 'prison'. What is that?' I thought to myself.

"Lady Tigress, if you don't mind me asking - where are we and who are you?" I asked the Tigress.

"I Am Hantei - The Celestial Tigress of Judgement & Keeper Of The Departed. This Place...Is My Personal Prison." The Tigress - Hantei explained. I looked around, this place was beautiful; why would she call this place a prison?

"Why do you call this place a prison, Lady Hantei?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow. She exhaled and raised her paw before she pointing out a claw and placed it on my forehead - a cool wave went through my mind as my vision and I was teleported to a place completely made of stars. While she was not there, I could hear Hantei talking to me. A large figure walked through the clouds of stardust and it was...Hantei? Wait...that's the lantern in her mouth.

"When Humanity Was Still Obvious To The True Power Of Chakra - I ruled over the Realm of the Heavens with the Lantern of Life; I kept the souls of the departed with the blue flame of life, judging them so that they could receive their final reward or punishment. I was kind to my people and they cared for me but...there is always the one in the shadows that want to see disorder in the lands." Hantei explained as another unforeseen shadow coming up behind her with its' claws raised. I widened my eyes...

" were..." I started and the figure brought its' claws down on Hantei's unexpected form, causing the tigress to scream, dropping the lantern and falling to the ground and the lantern falling next to her - the scar of 3-Claw Marks on her back that was facing me.

"I was betrayed. Cut down by someone in my realm and I was sealed away in my lantern and hidden in a cave for more than 6,000 years. Someone I cared for and trusted took my life from me and I knew not who it was nor did I know why." Tears fell from my eyes as the vision dissolved before me and I was standing with Hantei in her prison as she was placing her paw back to the ground. I looked into her eyes - she was like me, betrayed by someone she knew and cared for.

"Is there any way to get you of here?" I asked her. She looked at me with soft eyes and nodded.

"I cannot have a body of my own but...if you become one with me, I can be free from this prison but...I could have a new one." Hantei explained.

"Another Prison?" I asked.

"Your body. If we become, I would seal myself with your vessel and give you my power when every you call upon it - the Lantern of Life would be yours and my power would be yours to control. All I ask for is a new vessel." Hantei said. I looked to the ground, I wanted to cry; she wanted to leave this place but she was willing to use me as a new prison. I looked at her.

"If we do this - you are not going to be a prisoner." I raised my hand to her and placed my hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat. "We will become one - truly. Whatever that entails. Become my partner and friend; that means we do things equally. Your needs are my needs. One and the Same." I look up to her with a smile. "What do you say?" I asked. She blinked me before she placed her nose on my forehead.


The point of connection between her nose and my forehead sparked a new light that grew and encompassed the both of us before it spread through the prison, dissolving it away.