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Amaterasu: Welcome back, everyone. Let's find out why Hinata went to the hospital in the first place.

Guess Here: Who shall annoy her?


[Friday/Konohagakure Hospital/Room 303: Hanabi Hyuga]

Hinata's arms were folded over her chest - holding in the raging thumping coming from her heart, her claw buried in her arms as if she was trying to keep herself from attacking the form lying in the bed before her, hooked into all these machines keeping a rotting body alive: The Body of her once beloved little sister, a title she didn't deserve or the all the hell she placed Hinata through just because she appeared to be stronger from the Soul Fragment Hinata gave her to keep her alive but now - without it - she was reverting back to her original state, her true weak body.

'Look at you.' Hinata growled in her head as she narrowed her eyes at her sister's pale face, 'A pitiful little mouse in the presence of a tigress - prey whose life is in the hands of their predator.' Hinata lifted one of her hands, flexing her claws as the sunlight hit Hinata's claws. 'Why did I have to make that promise to Mother when you turned into a brat like this? Now, I am plagued by my mother's memory and the promise I made to her the day you were brought into his world as weak as you are.' Hinata walked closer to the bed and looked down at the girl before exhaling, 'At least now...' She lifted her clawed hand up and focused her energy, 'I won't have to owe you anything.'

Celestial Style: Soul Restoration

A glowing ball of white glittering energy formed in the palm of her hands and grew to the size of a baseball before Hinata lowered it to the dying girl's chest, turning her hand to where the back was facing the ceiling and gently pressed the glowing ball into Hanabi's chest - the same location she took her soul fragment. She stepped back and folded her arms again as she watched the girl's body shined in white light and the sounds of the heart monitor began to beat at a more healthy rate. Hinata exhaled and turned on her heel to walk to the door but before she could reach it, a familiar but weak voice called out.


Hinata looked back at the bed - Hanabi's eyes weren't open but she knew that the girl was conscious. "Don't call me that - I have no relation to you." Hinata growled out.

"You...can say that all you want...but you're my big sister and I know... I know that you still have love in your heart for our family." Hinata scoffed at Hanabi's words.

"We don't have the same family - you are Hanabi Hyuga, the Heiress and ONLY Daughter to Hiiashi Hyuga. I am Hinata Hantei - the Head of my Clan married to Haku Yuki. We are not connected, Heiress." Hinata insisted.

"Then...why are you here? Why didn't you just let me die?" Hanabi asked.

"Just to get rid of some childhood guilt. Now, that I have done what I needed to to do, I am leaving." Hinata began walking to the door again.

"Do you remember when I was little and I was terrified of the thunderstorms?" Hanabi asked and Hinata stopped in her tracks, "You would let me sleep in your bed and sing a lullaby to get me to sleep." Hanabi smiled.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Hinata asked as she looked over her shoulder with narrowed eyes.

"I also remember when Father wouldn't let you treat my wounds after training so you snuck into my room to bandage my wounds." Hanabi said again with a smile.

"Once again, what does that have to do with me?" Hinata growled out.

"I know...the things that I have done to you are unforgivable, I wasn't a good little sister to you; even before learning what you did for me to keep me alive as an infant. I didn't realize how much you mean to me until you ran away from that hell. I know you will never forgive Father, the clan, or me...but I just want you to know that I love you, Big Sister; please, live a happy life with your husband and clan." Hanabi finished before taking an exhale as she heard Hinata leave the room with a door slam.

'Forgive me, Big Sister.'

Outside the room, Hinata stood in the darkness of the hall with her fists balled, her fangs locked, and tears falling from the wide-open blue eyes that were flooding in emotions.

'After all the hell you and your clan put me through, it had to take this for you to call me your sister?! For you to tell me that you loved me?! What cruel sick joke is this?! FUCKING BRAT!!' Hinata roared in her head as she marched down the hall with fury and sadness in her heart. Hopefully, the date in a few hours would make her feel better.