Chapter 1

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A/N, If they're any grammatical errors, please don't hesitate to let me know!

"Come on, this is your last high school year and you haven't made one friend throughout your whole high school year." Emerson sighed, looking down at his food as his mom complains about how his high-school experience is shitty.

What was the big deal about high school? After high school, it's as if he's going to care enough to remember his classmates.

People crave to be popular, but why? It's not like they can say "Oh yeah I was super popular throughout high school" and people will automatically bow down to you.

It's not like people genuinely care if they were popular or not to get into college. News flash nobody gives a shit.

"I choose to not have friends, why would I want to associate with people who have a god complex and automatically think they're superior because people know their name. It's not like I'm going to continue being their friend after high school, I'd rather pay attention in school and do something with my career. Since I'm sure working at fast-food restaurants for the rest of my life is already occupied"

Not like there's nothing wrong with working on a minimum wage job. Not everyone has the luxury to have an education.

It's the pricks who have a chance to do something meaningful with their life that throw it all away to seem cool. Pathetic.

"I'm just saying, it'll be nice to see you make a friend who makes your day better, maybe even a girlfriend" Emerson scoffed.

"I never see you smile, ever since your father passed away you've shut me out. I don't want your father's death to be the reason you feel the need to isolate yourself from everyone" His mom smiled sadly, her eyes filled with pity and guilt.

Emerson's father passed away when he was still in elementary school. His death is not the reason he isolates himself. Hell, he doesn't even remember him.

"Dad's death has nothing to do with this. There's no reason why I'm closed off, I've always been this way, mom" She sighed as he continued to eat his food, his mom eventually doing the same.

He never had an interest in people, he never cared for them. People have tried talking to him, but his personality isn't necessarily the greatest.

In middle school, a girl whose name he can't be bothered to remember tried talking to him. She seemed like a sweet girl. That didn't mean he wanted to be her friend.

She sat next to him during math class, he blatantly ignored her hoping she wouldn't talk to him but of course, the spirits had other plans.

- -

"Hi, I'm Sophia" Emerson looked to his right, unamused. She smiled brightly, she had braces, the color pink. Bold choice.

He looked away hoping she would stop trying to make conversation. "Hello? I'm talking to you. It's rude to ignore someone" She stated, clearly irritated.

She started poking his arm relentlessly. His eyebrows furrowed due to irritation. "Leave me alone," He said venomously.

"No, I wanna be your friend" He rolled his eyes. "I don't wanna be yours, I thought I made the clear considering I ignored you a few times but you still can't seem to take a hint. Pea brain." She tilted her head, her facial expression radiating confusion.

"Pea brain?" She asked, confused. "Yeah, it means you're stupid" She gasped in shock. "Are you bullying me?" She asked and he shook my head. "I'm not. Though, I am surprised you have the brain capacity to comprehend when someone's bullying you. You're not as naive as I thought."

She looked at him in utter confusion. Clearly did not understand what half the words I said meant. Not surprising considering most middle schoolers don't know the word "Naive."

"Are you an alien?" She asked in pure seriousness. Emerson stared at her for a few seconds with a 'are you for real?' look before standing up and walking to another seat, thankfully there was a substitute teacher who paid no attention to him.

- -

She never tried talking to him after that day, not complaining though.

Once he had finished eating, Emerson washed the dishes and went up to his room.

His mom wants him to get a girlfriend but the thought of it gave him chills, and not the good kind.

He's never been attracted to girls. For a while, he thought it was normal, he's only a senior, though he bet half the school lost their virginity already.

For a while, he thought he was gay, it made sense. He found myself staring at the guy's abs whenever he watched movies. But who hasn't? he never found any guys appealing or even remotely attractive in his school. He never paid attention long enough to see if there's someone attractive there.

Maybe he was aro-ace? It could be a possibility, he couldn't imagine being in a relationship with anyone, romantically and intimately.

Maybe he could romantically but he has pretty high standards. He doubts anyone will be ever to meet those standards.

He did his homework quickly, before taking a shower. He didn't want to go to school with a bunch of idiots. But he couldn't ruin his perfect attendance.

He wrapped a towel around his waist once, he finished taking a shower, he looked at himself in the mirror.

He wasn't ugly, he had dark brown fluffy hair, dark blue eyes. He was around 5'11 and slim. If only his personality didn't completely make him seem unattractive.

Nonetheless, he did like his personality if he's being honest. He thinks it's fun being a dickhead to people who don't leave him alone, watching them get irritated to the point they look like they want to beat the complete shit out of him.

They never laid a hand on him though. Which is good since he can't get in trouble. He can't ruin his chance at getting a scholarship.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He left the bathroom and went to his room, putting on a pair of boxers and a black tank top.

He sat down on my bed, leaning towards his nightstand, making sure his phone was charging.

He laid down, staring at the ceiling with a frown. He wondered what his life would be like if he met "the one."

He shook his head and sighed. He didn't want to experience it. He wasn't much of an over-thinker, but imagine losing your partner, the one who you wanted to be with for the rest of your life, just to have them taken away from you.

That's a tragedy, he did not want to experience. Falling in love seemed like a terrible idea, but he didn't worry. There was no way, he could love someone, and if he did, there wasn't a remote chance that it'd be reciprocated.

He would prefer it that way. So he wouldn't get heartbroken. It's not as if he'd even give his heart away, no person can reach his standards.

Or at least he thought.

A/N: this story will not contain drama but it's a slow burn. Just give Emerson some time

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