Chapter 27

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"Finally! Gosh, that was the longest 4 hours of my life." Lucas said, standing up and laying down on the couch.

"Yeah, but we would've finished faster if you hadn't gotten distracted so many goddamn times, you honestly have a staring problem," Emerson said as they stood up and sat beside Lucas's feet since she was laying down.

"It's really not my fault, honestly. You should put a bag over your head if you don't want me getting distracted" Lucas said sitting up, criss-cross towards Emerson.

"Oh then, perdóname for being too attractive for you to handle." (forgive me). Emerson said with an eye roll. "I'm like pretty sure that word means something along the lines of I'm sorry, so I accept your apology. I know how difficult it is to be so attractive because I'm also extremely attractive too, like so attractive, i's honestly blinding. So, I understand the difficulty." Emerson's eyes twitched irritably.

"Wow you're so vain"

"Give me a second, I have trouble remembering some words and what they mean. I know I've heard that word before." Lucas said, thinking of the definition.

"Is it unbelievably sexy? Or maybe dreamy? Oh! I know, it's charismatic." Lucas said with a smirk and Emerson snorted.

"First of all, those are all wrong. Second of all, they don't even describe you, and third of all, it means being self-obsessed with yourself; or conceited."

Lucas gasped in agony. "Wow, West. You sure know how to break a person's heart." Emerson's eyes widened.

"Oh! That reminds me I have a question about your gender identity." Emerson said and Lucas nodded "What is it?"

"Okay, I know agender is gender-neutral cause I'm also agender so obviously I know. And you also said you didn't mind any pronouns, and I know pronouns don't equal gender and technically you don't identify as a girl or boy or anything else gender-wise. Would you still like being called male-gendered terms and female-gendered terms like you know?" Emerson inquired.

"I don't mind it but I'd rather be called something gender-neutral. Like if I date someone I would wanna be called a significant other and stuff like that." Emerson gasped slightly in understanding.

"Okay okay, I see. Wait! If I'm around your parents, you wouldn't want me to use other pronouns, right? Since you're not out to them."

"Yeah, don't because they don't know. Thanks for asking, makes me feel like you cared" Lucas said and Emerson smiled slightly.

"'Course, us agenders gotta stick together"

"Alright, what should we watch now?" Lucas asked. The television screen was on the homepage since they finished the movie before they finished the puzzle.

"Uh, I don't know?" Emerson said and Lucas started scrolling through Disney plus homepage. "Oh, how about this? It's sorta old but it looks good." Lucas said, clicking on the movie.

"I watched that before, it's really good, we should watch it." Emerson agreed, and Lucas played the movie 10 things I hate about you.

"I have some cookies and chips that I bought yesterday since we were gonna hang out today and a few monsters, I know I'm so amazing," Lucas said and Emerson nodded.

"I'm only gonna agree because I want the monsters and snacks," Emerson said and Lucas went to grab the snacks and a can of monster.

"I got the white one, but they're other colors," Lucas said handing them the monster and sitting down beside them. Lucas opened the chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies.

The intro finished and both of them were immediately focusing on the movie. "Wow, she's so pretty, and her music taste is not bad," Lucas said and Emerson nodded.

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