Chapter 5

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Once they had finished doing their homework and studying, Lucas insisted he makes food for the both of them.

"You know you don't have to cook, we can just order take out, I'll pay," Emerson said but Lucas shook his head.

"No, next time we'll order take out but right now I'll cook, besides I get to show off my impeccable cooking skills like they're so amazing that Gordan Ramsay would be quaking in his boots," Lucas said as he started cooking.

"What exactly are you making?" Emerson asked as he leaned against the counter, tilting his head to the left to look at Lucas.

"Ramen soup, microwave style," Lucas said, grinning. "Yeah because making ramen soup is definitely classified as cooking."

"Is it not? I've been deceived. Well, I still make a mean pasta, not to brag or anything. I'll have to cook  pasta next time you come over." Lucas said, grabbing two ramen soups, opening the paper lid.

"I thought we were gonna order take-out next time?" Emerson asked and Lucas found. "Uh, okay. I'll make pasta the next time and after that time we'll order take-out. How does that sound?" Lucas asked, putting water inside the soup, before placing them inside the microwave.

"That sounds fine. Also, I have a question" He said as Lucas leaned against the counter, staring back at Emerson.

"Shoot," Lucas answered. "How old is your sister?" Emerson asked and Lucas raised an eyebrow. "That's your question? Here I thought you were finally going to ask me out on a date" Lucas teased and Emerson rolled his eyes.

"As if." He replied. "She's seven" Lucas answered and Emerson nodded. "Why isn't she in school, let alone home alone," He asked.

"She said she had a sore throat this morning and my mom told her to stay home. My mom stayed until she felt better and then left for work. I told them I'd stay home to make sure she's okay but they insisted I went home. Besides she was told to stay in her room until someone came home." Lucas answered.

Did they seriously let a seven-year-old stay home alone? Red flag.

"Why doesn't she hang out with us? She's probably bored by herself in her room" Emerson suggested and Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Should I be jealous?" He asked and Emerson scoffed. "Where's her room? I'll go get her." He said. "Two doors down from my room" Lucas answered.

Emerson nodded and went upstairs, knocking on Elizabeth's door, who opened it a few seconds later.

"Hi, are you here to say bye?" She asked with a frown. "No, I'm here to ask if you want to hang out with me and Lucas downstairs" Her eyes lit up at that, nodding frantically.

"Wait before we go, I need to talk to you." She said and Emerson nodded. She grabbed his wrist and led him inside her room.

"Sit" She started and Emerson nodded. "Do you like my brother?" she asked and Emerson raised an eyebrow.

"Not necessarily, I tolerate him. He's not bad though, I can grow to like him as a friend" He said and Elizabeth nodded.

"I think my brother likes you a lot, I may be seven but I can tell," She said with a smile, and Emerson nodded.

"He's weird but a good person, I'm glad he decided to become my friend but don't tell him I said that," Emerson whispered, and Elizabeth beamed.

"Your secret is safe with me" She saluted and the corner of Emerson's like curled upward. Not particularly a smile but close enough.

"What secret?" Both of them jumped slightly, startled. "Nothing, something between us royalty," Emerson said and Elizabeth nodded with a smile.

"Wow, I'm hurt. Baby, are you planning on leaving me?" Lucas asked before pouting, clutching his shirt.

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