Chapter 32

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It was the next day, Lucas had left around eleven o'clock last night.

Emerson had finished getting dressed earlier since today they were going to pick up Lucas.

They grabbed their wallet, keys, and backpack before heading out of the house.

Once they arrived at Lucas's they took out their phone and shot a quick text saying

hurry up
                                                            lucas: okay 👹

Emerson turned off their phone and saw Lucas leaving the house, the tips of their lips moving upward at the sight.

Call it cringe, or disgusting, but Lucas always looked undeniably pretty. Every damn day.

"Hi, butterfly" Emerson raised an eyebrow at that per name. "Really? Another one?" Lucas nodded in response.

"Yep, it's my favorite now too" Emerson smiled before shaking their hand and starting to drive.


- -

The school day went by smoothly, it was finally lunch time.

As always Emerson arrived before Lucas. After a minute has passed, Lucas was strolling in with Wilson at her side. To their surprise, Cameron was there too, though they weren't engaged in the conversation.

They all sat down, Lucas beside Emerson, and both Wilson and Cameron across from them, but beside each other.

"Hey, butterfly. How's school treating you so far?" Lucas asked as soon as he sat down. "Boring."

"When is it not" Cameron added and Emerson chuckled at that, before nodding.

"What's with the cute yet stupid pet name?" Wilson asked, and Lucas rolled their eyes. "As if you don't know"

Emerson raised their eyebrow at that. "They know?"

Lucas nodded reluctantly. "Was I not supposed to tell them?" Emerson shook their head frantically, dismissing that statement. "Yeah, you can. I just didn't know that you would, since we're not officially together."

Lucas gaped understandingly. "Yeah, I know, but Wilson would've thrown a fit if I didn't tell you how I felt."

"I would've too" Cameron added, before glaring at Emerson.

"You didn't even tell me," Cameron said and Emerson shrugged.

"You knew I was going to confess, we texted about it. I just didn't confirm nor deny if I did." Emerson argued and Cameron rolled their eyes.

"I'm still offended... Wilson didn't tell me either but he hinted at it. My suspicion got confirmed literally now, that's fucking offensive but I understand if you wanted to keep your non-exclusive relationship a secret because being open means people prying into your business and shit" Cameron said and Wilson looked like they were ready to swoon at Cameron being understanding.

A remarkable quality in a person.

"Yeah, also I'm not ready to be in an actual relationship, emotionally," Emerson said and Lucas held their hands. "I'm a patient person"

Cameron physically gagged at that. "Ew, you both are such saps."

"If you're lonely, just say that." Lucas retorted, which earned an eye roll from Cameron.

"I'm not lonely, how can I be lonely when I have this dumbass texting me all the time?" Cameron said pointing at Wilson with their thumb, and Wilson flipped them off.

"As if you don't enjoy me texting you," Wilson said and Cameron pressed their lips in the flat line, nodding in agreement.

"That's true," Both Emerson and Lucas rolled their eyes, before looking at each other.

"And they call us saps," Lucas said, and Emerson nodded before chuckling lightly. "Yeah, the nerve of them."

"Alright, alright. I get it. But us being so-called saps is justified because we're going on our second date tomorrow, unlike you both who took forever to even tell each other how you feel." Emerson's eyes widened, as Wilson blushed.

Emerson looked at Lucas, who didn't look surprised.

"What? When? How? Lucas, why are you not surprised? And Cam? You didn't even tell me how your first date went? I should be the offended one." Cameron smirked at them.

"I don't kiss and tell," Cameron said and Emerson flipped them off. "I can't be too offended, I didn't tell you how our first date went," Emerson said, and Cameron scoffed.

"Guess we're both hypocrites"

"Guess we are," Emerson answered back.

"So, how's your day going so far?" Lucas asked all of them, steering the conversation in another way, which Wilson was grateful for.

They didn't want to hear Emerson and Cameron arguing, especially since he knew their conversation was going to go on arguing about who's the bigger hypocrite.

"It's going good, and yours?" Wilson asked.

"That's great! And my day is good too, Emerson, Cameron. Answer my question." Lucas said, and Cameron rolled their eyes at Emerson before looking at Lucas.

"Just peachy, I mean I just found out how big of a hypocrite my best friend is," Cameron said, before looking at Emerson with a glare.

"My day was going good until someone decided to be a bigger hypocrite" Emerson retorted back.

Both Lucas and Wilson sighed, facepalming themselves.

"Shut up already, you're both hypocrites, deal with it. Jeez, you both give me bigger headaches than my parents do." Wilson said, and Lucas nodded. "For real."

"Fine," They both said, before looking at each other and laughing.

"Sorry for not telling you sooner, I was gonna tell you but I wanted Lucas and you to tell each other how you felt before I told you about Wilson and me. So I wouldn't upset you for not being first." Cameron said and Emerson furrowed their eyebrows.

"You think I would've been upset if Wilson and you got together before Lucas and me?" Emerson asked, and Cameron shrugged.

"A bit? I mean you'd feel ashamed for being more of a pussy than I am" Emerson rolled their eyes.

"Dickhead. I wouldn't even be ashamed or upset, you telling me that Wilson and you are going on a date would've motivated me to confess even quicker because you weren't sure if Wilson liked you, while I was like, ninety percent sure that Lucas reciprocated my feelings."

"Was I really that obvious?" Lucas asked and all three of them nodded.

"Painfully," Emerson added.

"Yeah, anyone who pays attention to you would've been able to tell. Like when you like someone, you usually think they don't like you back, but even Emerson noticed you liked them. That's how obvious you were" Wilson said and Lucas sighed.

"Wow, here I thought I was being pretty subtle," Lucas said and Emerson raised an eyebrow.

"Not with those pet names, and compliments. Also, I'm observant."

"At least it worked out," Lucas said, caressing Emerson's hand with her thumb while resting his head on their shoulder.


"Fuck off Cam."

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