Chapter 23

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Lucas sighed at the sound of his brother yelling. "We're in the living room" Lucas yelled back. Two different foot stops were running, and one footstep was just walking.

"Oh, I didn't know you had friends other than Emerson," Michael said, and Emerson snorted.

"Wow, what's wrong with everyone slandering me?"

"It's not slandering if we're being honest," Emerson said.

"For real, the definition of slander is basically saying false statements about someone, and what we're saying is true. Therefore we're not slandering you," Cameron commented.

Lucas frowned slightly "I don't like you people"

"So what are you guys arguing about now," Mason said. "You took your sweet time," Michael said looking at his twin with an annoyed expression.

"Okay, and? Not my fault you're so desperate to see your big brother, grow up." Mason retorted.

"How do people think you're sweet, you're just an asshole"

"Wow because I care so much" Mason rolled his eyes.

"Can you guys stop arguing, and hi Liz" Lucas said with a smile.

"Shit I didn't even notice you, hi my favorite person," Emerson said, and Liz saluted at him. "Hi my favorite person," She said back, and Emerson saluted too.

"Offended" Lucas added with a lighthearted scoff.

"Oh! Are you guys playing uno?" Michael asked, looking at the table.

"No, they're playing goldfish" Mason commented sarcastically.

"I don't like your sarcasm"

"Oh no! I guess I better stop" Mason said with a deadpanned expression before scoffing.

"I would ask if you guys wanna join, but you both would just argue the whole time," Lucas said and Michael's lips turn downward slightly.

"We won't argue, promise!" Michael pleaded.

"Fine, but no arguing. Liz, do you wanna join?" Lucas asked, and Liz smiled before nodding.

"Grab pillows and sit. Since I already won, we can just play another game" Lucas said, and the three just nodded and handed their cards to her.

Lucas grabbed all the cards, shuffling them before handing seven cards to each player. "K so I already explained the rules and you guys have been knowing how to play so we can start," Lucas said, grabbing a card from the deck and placing it on the middle of the table, which was a blue five.

"Who's gonna go first?" Lucas asked. "Me!" Liz said, before placing a blue five, then a green five.

Emerson then put down a green one, and Lucas put down a red one.

"Awkward silence at its finest" Wilson said, and Cameron sighed. "I was just gonna say some stupid shit because it was so quiet" Cameron added, as Michael put down a red block.

"Dude, we just met and you're already coming after my ass?" Wilson exclaimed.

"My bad, that was the only red I had" Michael defended.

Cameron chuckled as they put a red three "Imagine getting blocked by a middle schooler"

"I'm gonna defenestrate you" Wilson threatened. "Wow big words, didn't think you had it in you"

Mason put down a yellow three. "Not yellow again" Wilson groaned.

"It's not even your turn, the color will probably switch," Cameron said and Wilson huffed.

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