Chapter 9

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The time has come, the moment Emerson was dreading, yet the moment Lucas was waiting for. Lunchtime.

Emerson sat where he usually did, a couple of seconds later Lucas joined him, sitting in front of him.

"Hi, Emerson! You know I've been thinking, I should have a nickname for you, wouldn't that be cute? Maybe Em or Emery, Oh! What if I just call you by your last name, West. That's such a nice last name, Lucas West, has a nice ring to it right?" Lucas stated, Emerson stared at him blankly.

"No, Hart sounds better," Emerson said and Lucas nodded. "Maybe I should call you by a pet name, my sugar plum fairy, kitten whiskers, or maybe sweetcheeks" Lucas laughed at those pet names.

"Emerson is perfectly fine." Lucas rolled his eyes. "Boring," He said, leaning against the table, resting his on the palm of his hand.

"You told your friends to not sit with us right?" Emerson asked and Lucas nodded. "Course I did, anything for you," He said, adding a wink while Emerson simply nodded.

"We should ask questions about each other, to get to know each other. Like 20 questions or is it 21? I always forget" Lucas said and Emerson shrugged. "I don't know either, let's just ask as many questions until the bell rings or until we get bored," He said, and Lucas nodded in agreement.

"I'll go first, what's your favorite color?" Lucas asked, Emerson, responding with "Midnight blue, and yours?" He asked.

"Hm, I don't have a favorite, but I prefer light colors" Lucas replied. "When's your birthday?" Lucas added.

"August fifth, what's yours?" "October twelfth, what's- wait stop doing that! You have to ask different questions, go again" Lucas said and Emerson groaned in annoyance.

"Uh... What's your credit card information?" Emerson said and Lucas made a 'are you serious?' expression.

"I'm joking, what's your natural hair color?" Emerson asked, Lucas always changed his hair color so Emerson was never sure which one was his natural hair color.

"Believe it or not, this is my actual hair color. I used to get bullied for having ginger-colored hair and I got bullied for my freckles too. Anyways, I told my parents and they let me dye my hair black, from there on then when I didn't care about people not liking my hair, I started dying it whatever color I wanted"

Emerson found it hard to believe that someone could bully Lucas, let alone for the color of their hair. Don't even get him started on his freckles.

His freckles were gorgeous, they reminded Emerson of constellations. Lucas's hair and freckles were beautiful, Lucas in general is beautiful.

"I like your natural hair color and your freckles, they look like stars," Lucas smiled, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Thanks. Do you have a reason why you don't talk to people or try to make friends?"

"No, I was always reserved as a kid. I never was a people person. I didn't like the thought of having someone relying on me."

"It never got lonely?" Lucas asked and Emerson shook his head, before furrowing his eyebrows.

"No actually, it was before. My mom worked a lot so I didn't even have her. It did get lonely but I've gotten used to it. So that was two questions so I get to ask you an extra one" Lucas nodded.

"How come you didn't hesitate to leave your friends to spend lunch with me?"

"You're way better company than they are, that simple"

What does Emerson do that makes him a better company than Lucas's friends?

"Okay, what's your sexuality?" Emerson said bluntly, making Lucas widen his eyes in shock.

But hey, Emerson was curious.

"I'm pansexual" Emerson's eyes widened, he had the suspicion. Lucas just gave the vibe he likes anyone, no matter their gender.

"Do you like mythical shit?" He asked and Emerson raised an eyebrow. "Like mythical creatures?" Lucas nodded.

"Yeah, I've done researches about them, they're cool to learn about, like the hellhounds" Lucas grinned, "I know right! They're so fascinating"

"Alright, do you have a favorite sibling?" Emerson asked and Lucas gasped. "As if I could never have a favorite sibling, I love them all equally." He said crossing his arms, as Emerson raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, because I totally believe you"

"You should! Okay, my turn, you don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable, but what's your sexuality?" Lucas asked curiously.

"I don't know, I've never liked anyone so I assume I'm aro-ace but if that changes, I'll let you know, I don't see why I should keep my sexuality a secret if I know what it is." He answered and Lucas nodded.

"Yeah I get that, I'm open about my sexuality, everyone knows it. It's a part of me and I never wanted to keep it a secret but I do understand why people keep it a secret, not everyone is as accepting. Which I think is stupid because it doesn't matter who you like, it doesn't define you as a person." Lucas said and Emerson nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. I don't get why people even care, but not everyone has the same perspective on it." Lucas sighed. "Yeah"

"You're such an amazing person Lucas, it never ceases to amaze me." Lucas blushed furiously.

"You're making me blush, stop it." He said hiding his face in his hands.

"Okay. What's your favorite movie?" Emerson asked and Lucas took his hands off his face before saying "I have a lot of favorite movies but I'll have to say Jurassic World, I had a bit of a dinosaur phase so that's why" Emerson snorted, making Lucas grin.

"You just laughed" He stated stupidly. "No, I snorted. There's a difference."

"Yeah but still, I managed to get a snort out of you, now I have to get a smile, you never smile. It's quite offensive" Emerson rolled his eyes.

"Your sister saw me smile" Lucas placed his hand on the table, leaning forward. "What? Lucky girl, this isn't fair, I've known you longer" He whined.

"By a few hours," Emerson said and Lucas scoffed. "Still counts, I feel jealous right now"

"She's my favorite Hart" Lucas stammered incoherently. "Bullshit, I'm everyone's favorite."

"On the contrary" Lucas rolled his eyes. They continue asking questions until the bell rang.

Both of them left the cafeteria, walking to their class together.

"We're going to hang out after school right?" Lucas asked once they sat down at their desks.

"I'm not waiting for you, I have study hall next, I usually go home after this class," Emerson said.

"I have study hall too, besides I took you to school, you would've had to wait regardless"

"I forgot. We can hang out since we can leave school because we have study hall next" Lucas smiled.

"Whose house, mine again? I can make pasta" Emerson nodded.

"Yeah, just take me to mine before so I can change"

"Roger that."

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