Chapter 14

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"I don't understand it, okay that's a lie I do, sorta? I mean he told me he doesn't know his sexuality yet, maybe I'm pressuring him? Oh my God, what if I am? I'm a terrible friend." Lucas said with a frightened expression, as he ranted to Wilson.

They were over at Wilson's house, both of them sitting on his bed. "I don't know, maybe he's not ready? I've seen you guys hanging out around school since you ditch us for him, but he seems in awe around you, y'know? Like I don't know how to explain it, he may not show it but you can just tell he likes you, he's either unaware or aware but not ready to accept it," Wilson said, and Lucas pressed his lips into a flat line.

"You have to give him time, but trust me, Luke, he definitely has feelings for you, be patient. This is all new to him, right? He's never had a crush on anyone, and not sure of his sexuality, this must be overwhelming for him." He added Lucas nodded understanding.

"Yeah, you're right. He just makes me so happy and I just want to be with him all the time, and hug him. He's just so pretty and he's unaware of how amazing his personality is like he's so painfully blunt, it makes me laugh. His smile and laugh, like I swear Wilson, I felt butterflies, no joke. Like yeah, I've only heard him laugh and saw him smile once but still! When has anyone had the pleasure of seeing him smile?" He asked. Wilson answered him with a "No one, right? Oh, didn't your sister see him smile?" He asked and Lucas scoffed.

"That doesn't count, but exactly! No one, just me, and probably his mother but still. Only I have, and I felt like I won the lottery"

Wilson was about to say something when Lucas continued talking. "We even held hands! He doesn't seem like the type to like any physical affection but we held hands! Well we were ice skating and he can't skate but he's gotten better. We stopped holding hands because it got awkward after and we were just in silence afterward. How am I gonna face him? We're still in our awkward stage now, I haven't texted him, what if he's worried?"

"You should text him" Wilson responded.

"How can I? I bet he knows I like him, I mean it's so obvious I do. What if he doesn't wanna be friends anymore because he knows I like him, and he thinks that's weird? Or what if he wants me to text him but he doesn't wanna admit it?" Lucas rambled, making Wilson roll his eyes.

"Stop with the what-ifs, just text him a simple hi, I guarantee he wants you to text him. He doesn't seem like the type to initiate things so, man up and text him"

Lucas sighed, biting his lip nervously. "You're right, I'll do it right now" He claimed as he grabbed his phone and shot a text message to Emerson.

"Gosh, I feel so nervous right now like my hands are sweating, see!" Lucas said before placing his hand on Wilson's cheek, who in return grabbed Lucas's wrist and yanked it off his face. "You're disgusting," Wilson said with a scowl.

"Sorry, you know how I get when I'm anxious" He mumbled, looking down at his phone, anxiously awaiting a text message.

"He's not answering me," Lucas said, frowning. "Is he constantly on his phone?" Wilson inquired and Lucas shook his head.

"He's mostly doing homework or studying. But it's Saturday, why would he be doing homework now?" Lucas asked and Wilson shrugged. "Maybe he's taking a nap, it's like four right now, people usually take naps around this time" Wilson stated and Lucas nodded. "Yeah, it's not like he's ignoring me, cause why would he do that?"

"Why wouldn't he?" Wilson teased, and Lucas frowned "For your information, I'm a delight"

"Of course you are, but give him time. He's probably busy right now"

- -

Emerson has been pacing around his room for about ten minutes, his phone in his hand. "Why am I so nervous, it's just a text message" Emerson muttered, before groaning, and putting his hands on his face, before sighing.

He wanted to distance himself from Lucas, so both of them won't get more attached than they already were.

It felt wrong, not talking to Lucas. They've been friends for a month now, they've gotten attached to the hip.

He can only imagine how upset Lucas must be. Emerson frowned at the thought of it. He wasn't sure when he was going to be ready for a relationship, or if he ever would.

Things would've been easier if they never bumped into each other.

Emerson could either continue ignoring Lucas and hope both of their feelings magically vanish. Or try and ignore his feelings and text Lucas back.

Emerson sighed, unlocking his phone. If there was one good thing he's always been able to do, is hide his emotions. He'd make sure Lucas wouldn't be able to find out that Emerson has feelings for him.

lucas: hi sugar

                                                 emerson: hello

lucas: were you busy?
did i text you at a
wrong time?
                                                emerson: no,
                                                i was taking a

lucas: oh, i wanted
to know if you
wanted to hang
out later :)

                                                emerson: idk
                                                i was planning
                                                on just sleeping

lucas: oh that's fine
perfectly fine, maybe

                                               emerson: maybe

lucas: okay, i'll go
now, see you
maybe tmr, if not
monday, bye sugar

"He hates me, you saw how distant he was?" Lucas inquired in distraught. "He seems off, is he usually that dry?" Wilson asked and Lucas shrugged.

"Not really? A bit but not like this. What if he hates me? He didn't even want to hang out, do you think he got tired of me? Yeah, we've been hanging out this whole month but still! I thought we were having fun." Lucas said crossing his arms across his chest, before huffing in annoyance.

"Give him time, he's not getting tired of you, trust me no one can get tired of you. You're like this ball of mischievous, that's why you're one of the only guys I tolerate."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm absolutely breathtakingly fantastic, how could someone possibly ignore this gorgeous face?" Lucas said, uncrossing his arms before standing up. "Video games?" Lucas asked and Wilson nodded with a smile.

- -

On the other hand, Emerson was chanting "Pathetic" to himself for the past minutes. This was not how it was supposed to go.

But he panicked when Lucas asked if he wanted to hang out, Emerson realized he's not ready to face him. Not after he's fully aware of how strong his feelings are for Lucas.

It was nerve-wracking.

Emerson just had to play it cool, tomorrow he was going to hang out with Lucas no matter what.

He guessed Lucas could sense something was off with Emerson, and that can't happen. He has to pretend like there are only platonic feelings and that he's not growing distant.

Easy enough.

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