Chapter 8

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Lucas woke up with a smile, he was excited for today. He quickly got changed into his uniform, putting on a pair of shoes, going downstairs quickly yet quietly. He grabbed his keys and left the house.

He didn't know why he was excited to see Emerson, he only just met him. It's just something about Emerson that intrigued him.

The way he had no filter and didn't care about anyone was inspiring. Once he was inside his car, he called Emerson.

After three rings, Emerson answered, saying "Why are you calling me this early?"

Lucas responded with "Have you left your house?" "No," Emerson answered

"Good, I'll be there soon. We're going to school together." He said and before Emerson could retaliate, Lucas hung up, driving to Emerson's house.

When he arrived there, he honked, and a few seconds after Emerson left the house, walking towards the car.

Once he stepped inside and put on his seatbelt, he crossed his arm. "Why did you pick me up?" Lucas shrugged.

"Wanted to see you" He replied truthfully.

"I don't get you, why? We only met yesterday, we don't know anything about each other, hell I don't even think you know my last name. Why are you hanging out with me?" Emerson said, taking a deep breath since he had been wanting to say that since he arrived home from last night.

"We can get to know each other, it's why we're hanging out, I want to get to know you, I want to know the smallest things about you. And I do know your last name, it's West. When I bumped into you, I'll be honest I didn't know who you were which is insane because how did I not know who you were? Like you're the prettiest guy in the school" Emerson blushed, but kept a nonchalant expression.

"I asked a few people about you after I bumped into you, is that weird? I was just so curious about you, you know? Anyway, you're fucking amazing without even trying, I'm just glad you decided to be my friend." Emerson stared at him completely dumbfounded.

"Drive" He muttered underneath his breath, feeling embarrassed. Lucas smiled and nodded.

- -

Emerson quickly got out of the car, grabbing his backpack and closing the door. A part of him wants to run away and avoid Lucas like the plague, but the other part wants to engulf Lucas in a hug and smile.

Yet he chooses neither. He waits for Lucas to get out of the car and grab his backpack and walk towards him, in silence.

He shoves his hands in his pockets and walks, Lucas walking beside him.

"Yo Lucas!" A random guy said, walking towards them. "Hey Wilson" Lucas replied, waving at him.

"Since when were you and Emerson friends? I'm surprised you got him to talk to you, let alone walk with you." Lucas scoffed. "Why are you surprised? No one can resist my charms"

"Bullshit" Emerson said monotonously. "Shit this is like the first time I've ever heard him speak, your voice is deeper than I thought," Wilson said and Emerson ignored him.

"He doesn't like talking to people, only me" Lucas stated proudly.

"You like him?" Wilson asked with a smirk. "Who wouldn't? Look at his face, he makes me swoon" Lucas said covering his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Does he like you?" Wilson asked. Was Emerson completely invisible to them?

"No, he just tolerates me. But that's saying he likes me in his weird way" Wilson chuckled before saying "Cute."

"Bye," Emerson said once he reached his class. "Bye Emerson see you later!" Lucas said with a grin.

"So, do you like him romantically? It's what I meant but knowing you, you thought I meant platonically" Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Give me a minute, I'll remember what that word means," Lucas said, as he continued walking, Wilson following.

"Oh! I'm not sure, I think I may end up liking him romantically, I think it's too soon to tell" Lucas said honestly and Wilson smiled.

"I think he's good for you, you need someone who's the opposite of you, who brings out a different side of you. Your smiles seem more genuine when you smile at him. I'm happy for you" Wilson said and Lucas ruffled his hair.

"I just want to be friends with him though, he for sure doesn't like me like that, I don't even know his sexuality. He might end up catching feelings for me, I mean it's me after all. I'm irresistible" Lucas bragged causing Wilson to roll his eyes.

"Still as egotistical as ever"

"But of course, it's my only personality trait," Lucas said and Wilson chuckled. "Yeah yeah."

- -

Emerson was sitting down at his desk after Lucas dropped him off at his class. His friend Wilson didn't seem bad. They seemed close.

Lucas said that he likes Emerson, did he mean that as a friend? Emerson didn't like how Lucas openly said that.

Emerson scoffed, before shaking his head. As if Lucas would like him.

He was a nobody, sure people knew him, a lot of people knew Emerson. They talked shit about him, they even made up rumors about him.

The weirdest ones were that he was a part of a mafia, and a gang leader like seriously? He's only seventeen years old.

Did Lucas know about those rumors? Not likely considering he didn't know Emerson before.

Emerson snapped out of his thoughts when the teacher started the lesson. 

He didn't want to think about Lucas anymore, because if he did, he'd be forced to think about the fact Lucas might have feelings for him, and he wasn't sure if he liked that.

He didn't want to hurt Lucas if that happened to be the case.

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