Chapter 3

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Emerson finally thought Lucas would stop talking to him but Lucas started poking his arm again.

"Stop it," Emerson said, trying to focus on the teacher. Lucas didn't stop.

Emerson didn't understand why Lucas was being so persistent in trying to be friends with him. Throughout the class, Lucas would stop then out of nowhere continue poking Emerson.

Needless to say, Emerson was at his limit. "Can I get your number?" Lucas suddenly asked and that's when it hit Emerson.

Something wasn't adding up. Something was very suspicious, and his reasoning on what it was seemed to make sense.

Hear him out. Firstly, they bump into each other accidentally just when Emerson was closing his locker and about to walk away. Secondly, he automatically decides to sit next to Emerson during class which he's sure he didn't know Emerson was there until today.

Thirdly, he doesn't stop pestering him and poking his arm relentlessly. Lastly, he asks for Emerson's number. Why would Lucas want Emerson's number and not have an ulterior motive?

Something didn't seem right, were Lucas and his friends trying to prank Emerson?

No that didn't seem like Lucas. He wouldn't do something like that.

Emerson ignored Lucas, more answering his question.

Once the bell rang, they both stood up but Emerson grabbed Lucas's wrist.

He waited until everyone left the classroom, both of them being alone.

"What do you want?" Emerson asked and Lucas raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean," Lucas asked, his tone signifying that he was confused.

Emerson let go of Lucas's wrist and sighed. "I mean, you out of nowhere decided to sit with me and bother me and then ask for my number. Why?" He asked.

"I want to be your friend," Lucas asked with a smile. "Why?"

"Do I need a reason to be your friend? I've never seen you before and I'm pretty sure you're not new. Right?" Emerson shook his head. "No, I'm not new."

"I knew it. Anyways, as I said you seem lonely and I want to be your friend to cheer you up" He simply stated.

"I don't want to be your friend, I chose not to have any friends because I want to." It came off harsher than Emerson wanted it to.

It was true. Emerson could make friends easily, considering many people have tried becoming his friends but he didn't like having friends.

Simply because that would mean they would rely on him and Emerson didn't like that. He would feel the constant need to not be an absolute dick.

He likes being a dick to people, it makes him feel happier seeing their irritated expression.

Though, Lucas didn't let it phase him. "Think about it this way, you'll technically still be alone. Since we won't necessarily hang out a lot. Though if it was up to me I'd hang out with your every day.-"

Emerson tried ignoring the way his heart rate sped up hearing Lucas saying he wanted to hang out with Emerson every day.

"-Anyways, and I'll be your only friend, and I won't force you to hang out with my friends, but knowing you for about an hour, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like meeting them." He guessed right.

"You would be my friend and not theirs. Not implying that you're an object because you're not. You're a human being who is only my friend and not my other friends, and also I like you and you just seem to not give a flying fuck about anyone and I think that's cool so be my friend?" Lucas said in all one breath before smiling awkwardly.

Cute. If Emerson could use one word to describe Lucas, it'd be cute. 

"Fine, but don't expect me to be all sunshine and rainbows. And I don't want your friends to start talking to me because you're talking to me. Just don't expect much from me." He said making sure Lucas doesn't get his hope up too much.

"Okay, I won't. Oh my God, this is so exciting am I your first friend?" He asked and Emerson nodded.

"That's so cool. Oh! Tomorrow can I sit with you at lunch? It'll be so exciting we can get to know each other" Lucas asked, his eyes shining as he smiled.

"Yeah sure, as long as your friends don't sit with us. I don't wanna deal with them" Lucas nodded vigorously.

"Okay! So, what do you have now?" Lucas asked.

"Gym. I usually skip that class, I only attend the number of times I have to pass the class." Lucas gasped. "I have gym class too! And you skip? Wow, I never imagined you to be the type of person to skip class." Emerson shrugged.

"Well you're going to gym class with me, no more skipping on my watch," Lucas said grabbing Emerson's wrist and dragging him out of the empty classroom and into their lockers to get their gym bag, then into the locker room.

The locker room was empty since they did arrive around 10 minutes late. Lucas went to his locker and opened jus gym bag, taking out his clothes.

He slipped off his shirt and pants, feeling a pair of eyes on him. "Stop staring at me and change," Emerson said turning around and seeing a flustered Lucas looking away quickly.

Once they both changed, they left the locker room and headed inside the gymnasium.

"Why were you both late?" The gym teacher asked. "Our teacher held us up after class to talk to us about our grades, and we were on the opposite side of the building" Lucas lied, the teacher believing him instantly.

"Alright." The gym teacher said.

"Hey, Lucas. Who's this?" A friend of Lucas asked. "He's my precious friend Emerson." Emerson rolled his eyes and started to walk away.

"Yikes, Lucas I don't think he likes you. Are you sure your friends?" He asked and Lucas furrowed his eyebrows. "He likes me, of course, he does. We are friends he just doesn't like other people" He answered before jogging up to Emerson.

"Hey, why'd you leave me?" Lucas asked and Emerson turned around to face him.

"I told you I didn't want to talk to your friends," Emerson answered, and Lucas nodded, remembering Emerson saying that.

"It's because of them, not me? You do like me right? You're not just hanging out with me because I wanted to?" He asked, hoping Emerson liked him as much as he thought he did.

"I don't like you" Lucas frowned, feeling upset. "I tolerate you, there's a difference"

"You tolerate me?" He asked and Emerson nodded in confirmation. "Hm, you tolerate me? You don't tolerate other people, just me. So that means you're becoming soft for me which technically means you do like me. Aw shucks, you're going to make me blush"


How did he get Emerson tolerating him into that? Once again, Lucas never ceases to amaze Emerson.

"Wow. You got me, I like you." Emerson deadpans. "I knew it, everyone likes me," Lucas said smiling as if he won a million dollars and puppies.

"Alright guys, we're going to play dodgeball today so pick which side," The gym teacher said, and Emerson sighed in disappointment while Lucas beamed.

He grabbed Emerson's wrist and dragged him to the right side of the court. "We're going to be on the same team, and don't worry I'll protect you," Lucas said with a smile while Emerson rolled his eyes.

"Wow, my hero," Emerson said as Lucas winked at him.

Needless to say, Lucas managed to protect him throughout the whole dodgeball game. Even if it meant getting hit by the ball instead of Emerson.

Absolutely heroic.

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