Chapter 10

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"Let's go," Lucas said, grabbing Emerson's wrist, leading them out of the school.

Lucas was running, dragging Emerson with him. "Let go of me, I can walk myself," Emerson said planting his feet down so he wouldn't move, making Lucas stop, letting go of his wrist.

"Sorry, got excited" Lucas admitted, and Emerson sighed before saying "It's fine"

- -

Arriving at Emerson's house, Emerson looked over at Lucas. "Do you wanna come inside for a bit? I'm going to take a shower so you can just wait in my room." Lucas smiled before nodding, turning off the car.

Both of them walk towards the front of the door, Emerson unlocking it.

He walks straight into his room, opening the door. Lucas following him.

"Just sit down or look around, just don't touch anything," He said before he left to the bathroom.

Lucas looked around the room, it was neat and bland. Though he didn't expect any less.

He noticed a picture on the nightstand near the bed. He sat down on the bed and looked at the picture frame.

It was younger Emerson, he looked adorable. He was in the middle between two people, Lucas guessed they were his parents.

He wondered what happened to his dad, Emerson talked about his mom but never his dad. Was he not in Emerson's life anymore?

Lucas smiled at the photo, Emerson wasn't smiling which wasn't a shocker.

His bed was comfortable, he laid down, his feet dangling off. He noticed a stuffed animal on the bed, a brown teddy bear. "Cute" He mumbled, picking the teddy bear up.

A couple of minutes later, Lucas was on his phone, still laying down, as Emerson walked into the room, the towel around his waist.

"I forgot to grab a pair of clothes" He mumbled, walking towards his closet.

Lucas couldn't take his eyes off Emerson.

His pale slim body, the way the droplets of the body were trailing down his bareback. His wet hair dangling, almost covering his eyes. Emerson truly is gorgeous.

"Stop staring at me," Emerson said, and Lucas sighed. "No, you're gorgeous, a true work of art" Emerson scoffed, grabbing a pair of sweats and a long-sleeved shirt.

"Charming. I'll be back" Emerson said, walking away back to the bathroom.

Lucas smiled, it was fine if Emerson didn't reciprocate his feelings, even though he wasn't completely sure if what he felt for Emerson are romantic feelings. He was glad to at least have Emerson as a friend.

"You can start going," Emerson said, going inside his room to grab a pair of socks and shoes, slipping them on as Lucas nodded, walking out the door.

Once Emerson finished putting on his shoes, he grabbed his phone and left the house.

Lucas was on his phone, waiting inside the car until Emerson opened the door and sat down, closing the door and putting his seatbelt on.

"Hi," Lucas said, as he started to drive. Emerson looked at him before looking out the window.

- -

"Welcome to my house again, this time we're home alone until school for my siblings' end," Lucas said and Emerson nodded.

"Go to the kitchen, I have to put my backpack away, I'll be right back," Lucas said jogging up to his room, throwing his backpack on his bed.

He looked to the mirror, checking himself out. "Man I look great," He said before leaving, going down to the kitchen.

He stopped, going back to his room. Taking off his clothes, leaving himself wearing just his boxers. He walked to his closet, grabbing a pair of shorts and a tank top.

"Hey, did you die or-..." Emerson stopped midway through his sentence, staring at Lucas's back. He wasn't in any sports yet had muscles.

Lucas turned around. Abs... Emerson thought to himself, staring at them shamelessly.

"I had to change, the uniform isn't that comfortable," Lucas answered, putting his sweatpants on.

Emerson's eyebrows furrowed. Anyone with common sense would get aroused seeing a half-naked Greek God, why didn't Emerson? Maybe he was asexual, there was nothing wrong with that but would people accept that?

Emerson shook his head, he didn't care about people's opinions, why start now.

"Understandable, you were taking long so I thought you died or something," Emerson said and Lucas chuckled.

"Nope," He said before slipping on the tank top.

"Let's go back" Emerson nodded, walking back to the kitchen, Lucas following him.

When they were in the kitchen, Lucas opened the cabinet and grabbed a box of pasta, placing it on the counter before grabbing a pot.

He put water on the pot, filling it up halfway. Emerson was leaning against the counter, looking at Lucas.

He placed the pot on the stove and turned it on. Waiting a bit before opening the box of the pasta.

He put the pasta inside the pot, throwing away the box. He grabbed a wooden spoon from one of the drawers. Occasionally mixing it.

"That seems easy," Emerson said and Lucas nodded. "It is, you just have to remember what to put when you do the sauce. But people put different things, I do the way my mom makes it, but someone can just use the sauce or add something else"

"Oh, what do you put in the sauce?" He asked curiously.

"Cream cheese" Emerson raised an eyebrow. "Cream cheese?" Lucas nodded in confirmation.

"Trust me, it takes so much better like that," Lucas said before grabbing the prego sauce from a cabinet.

"Also there are many different types of sauces which can change how the pasta taste, this sauce is the one I like better"

"I thought they all tasted the same" Lucas shrugged "They don't, in my opinion."

Once the pasta was almost finished, Lucas grabbed a big pan, turning on the stove before placing it on top.

"What's that for?" Emerson asked.

"The sauce" He answered, opening the cap and pouring it on the pan, before grabbing a big spoon full of cream cheese and dropping it on the sauce. Mixing it all.

Once that was finished, he turned the stove off from the sauce and pasta, which was finished.

He grabbed a colander and placed it on the sink, pouring the pasta in there. Letting it drain from the water.

After, he poured it on the pan with the sauce, mixing it again.

"And voila, the pasta is ready," Lucas said with a smile before grabbing two plates, grabbing pasta, and putting them on both of the plates.

"Here," Lucas said handing the plate to Emerson before grabbing a fork and putting it on his plate.

They both went to the table and sat down across from each other.

"Eating the food isn't going to kill you, I'm a good cooker," Lucas said since Emerson was eyeing the food suspiciously.

"Right..." He said, grabbing a piece of pasta with his fork and eating it. Chewing it slowly, savoring the taste.

His eyes widened at how good it tasted. "Wow don't look so shocked," Lucas said chuckling before he started eating.

Both of them finished quickly, Lucas grabbing Emerson's empty plate. "Are you going to want seconds?" Lucas asked and Emerson shook his head.

"No, I'm full" He answered and Lucas nodded. Covering the pasta, before he started washing the dishes.

It felt nice, both of them alone, eating, Lucas cleaning up.

It felt oddly comforting to Emerson.

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