Chapter 16

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"Thanks for bringing me here, I had a good time," Emerson said, once they had left the planetarium, and were seated inside the car.

"I had fun too. If you want we can do something else, it's only five." Lucas suggested as he started driving.

"Like what?" Emerson inquired and Lucas responded with "Baking! We can go back to my house and bake a delicious cake" He beamed and Emerson nodded in agreement.

"That'd be nice, it's been a while since I've had cake," Emerson said and Lucas grinned.

"Great! I'm pretty sure I have all the ingredients at home"

- -

When they arrived home, Lucas left the car rather quickly, he was excited to be able to hang out with Emerson more.

As soon as they were inside the house, they both took off their shoes and headed towards the kitchen.

"Are your parents home?" Emerson suddenly asked and Lucas shook his head. "Nah, pretty sure they went out with my siblings"

"Mkay, so what type of cake flavors do you have?" He asked and Lucas opened one of the cabinets. "Chocolate cake, vanilla, and red velvet. Which one is your favorite?" Lucas asked and Emerson shrugged. "Doesn't matter, just don't pick vanilla, I hate it"

"How can you hate vanilla? Everyone loves vanilla" Lucas exclaimed. "Not me, something about it just makes me disgusted."

"Weird" Lucas mumbled as he grabbed the chocolate one. "It's not weird, everyone has different taste buds," He said defensively.

"Yeah I know, but c'mon, it's vanilla"

"Just shut up, and let's bake this cake." Lucas nodded, as he started to grab the ingredients he needed. 

A/N: I don't know how to bake a cake, so I'm skipping this part. I'm fr too lazy to do research, sorry :(.

- -

Lucas and Emerson had been sitting down at the kitchen table waiting until they finally heard the oven beep, confirming the cake was ready.

Lucas put on a mitten on his right hand, a toothpick on his left. He opened the oven and pulled out the cake a bit, placing a toothpick on top of it before pulling it back out, inspecting it.

"It's ready," He said before throwing out the toothpick and putting on the other mitten, taking out the tray.

"It actually looks good," Emerson said in disbelief, Lucas looking over at him, clearly offended.

"My baking skills, are just as good as my cooking skills" He claimed, and Emerson snorted. "Yeah, I'll believe it once I've tasted it"

"We have to decorate it first," Lucas said as he grabbed frosting from his refrigerator. Emerson didn't necessarily like frosting all that much. It just wasn't that tasty as people made it out to be.

"What's with that face? Don't you like frosting?" Lucas asked, putting the cup of frosting on the table. "I don't hate it, it's just not that good"

Lucas furrowed his eyebrows before suggesting "Okay, we won't put frosting on the whole cake but I'll take a piece and put frosting on my own" Emerson nodded in agreement, lips curling upward at Lucas being as understanding as ever.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing you smile Sugar, a sight for sore eyes" Emerson rolled his eyes, yet biting his bottom lips slightly, preventing him from smiling again.

"Let's just eat the cake" He grumbled, and Lucas nodded grabbing a knife, two plastic plates, and forks before walking back to the table. He cut a piece of cake, placed it on one of the plates, and handed it to Emerson, handing him a fork before doing the same for himself.

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