Chapter 20

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"Holy shit! I just got the best idea" Lucas suddenly said as both he and Emerson were walking towards the cafeteria. "What is it?" Emerson inquired.

"I won't do this without your consent because I know you don't like people," He said and Emerson nodded "Okay, what is it?" He asked again.

"Remember how Wilson said he liked the Cameron dude?" Emerson nodded.

"What if we invite both of them over! We can have out and spice up Wilson's love life. I'd be the best wingman ever!" Lucas said crossing his arms with a satisfied grin.

"Sure you would. But would Wilson even like you meddling with his love life?" Emerson asked and Lucas shrugged.

"I don't know, that's why we'll ask. But with your approval, because there'll be not one but two other people"

"It's okay, I don't mind. It's not like I'll try and be their friends besides it might help me become a bit more social." He said and Lucas grinned. "Okay!"

Both of them went inside the cafeteria, Lucas walking towards the table he used to sit at since Wilson was there, Emerson following behind him.

"Hi! I have a question" Lucas said and Wilson raised an eyebrow "Yeah? What is it?"

"Come with us for a sec, just in case," Lucas said since he didn't know if Wilson was out to his other friends, he wouldn't want to accidentally out him.

Wilson nodded, standing up. All of them walking towards the table Emerson would sit.

They all sat down, it's quiet for a few seconds before Wilson spoke up "So are you gonna tell me what your question is?"

"Oh yeah! So I had this amazing, and I mean amazing idea. Like it's one of the best ideas I've ever had"

"Hurry up Lucas, I think he gets the point," Emerson said and Lucas nodded.

"So if you want to, you're not obligated to, if you want we should hang out me, you, Emerson, and Cameron"

"You've never invited me over, so why now?" Wilson asked with a raised eyebrow "I'm feeling generous to share my home with you for the first time"

"You've never invited him over? Yet you invited me within the first day of knowing me" Wilson's jaw dropped "I- wow okay. Honestly, I have never felt so betrayed"

"Erm my bad? Anyways that's besides the point, so what do you say?" Lucas asked with curious eyes.

"And you're okay with this?" Wilson asked Emerson, who just nodded.

"Um I'd love to but I wouldn't know how to ask Cameron"

"Just be like, hi Cameron, you should hang out with me and my friends, they're cool especially Lucas." Both Emerson and Wilson rolled their eyes.

"I'm not as outgoing and straightforward as you," Wilson said and Lucas raised an eyebrow. "How do you expect to get with Cameron if you're not able to ask him to hang out."

"Uh, fine! I'll ask him, but if he says no, I'll drop-kick you" Wilson said with a glare, he looked around the cafeteria.

"He reminds me of you, you both sit alone, well you used to." Wilson said and Emerson tilted his head slightly "Like I had a choice, I pity Lucas" Emerson lied, and Wilson I snorted.

"I take back the invitation, whenever you both are together you gang up on me," Lucas said with a frown.

"We're only kidding"

"I'm not," Emerson said and Lucas rested his head on the table. "Life is so cruel to me"

"I'm joking, jeez," Emerson said with an eye roll.

"I know," Lucas said standing up straight with a grin.

"I'm leaving, if I stay longer I'll vomit," Wilson said before standing up and walking towards Cameron.

"Haters gonna hate," Lucas said and Emerson placed his elbow on the table, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"So what do you have planned for the hangout?" Emerson asked, looking at Lucas with a neutral expression.

"Board games, probably monopoly, and also uno"

"So I see you decided to ruin their chances of getting together," Emerson said and Lucas furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Monopoly and Uno both cause problems, you know with rage and whatnot"

"That's true but I doubt it'll ruin their chances," Emerson shrugged. "Those games are known for ruining friendships"

"Bullshit, they're just games," Lucas said and Emerson snorted "I know, I'm kidding, sorta."

"So if Cameron says yes to hanging out, what time should we go over to your house?" Emerson asked and Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Um, I literally drive you to school and back home? What makes you think you won't go straight over to my house" Emerson rolled his eyes.

"No. You're dropping me off home so I can change and eat and take a nap" Lucas raised an eyebrow. "And? You can do all that in my house, need to borrow clothes? Take mine, you don't even have to ask. You're hungry? Shit, I'll cook for you. Want to take a nap? I'll take a nap with you and even cuddle."

Emerson chuckled "You're so weird, we hang out plenty enough, I'm starting to think you need to be around me"

"Not a need, more like a want. So you're coming straight over?" Lucas asked, leaning a bit forward.

Emerson sighed before saying "Yeah I guess. Only because you're cooking for me. Makes it seem like you're my servant"

"Just for you, Sugar," Lucas said with a wink.

- -

School had finally ended, both of them walking towards the entrance of the building, to leave the school. "Hey, Lucas! Wait up!" Lucas stopped in his tracks, turned around, and saw Wilson jogging towards Emerson and him.

"What's up?" Lucas asked and a smile overtook Wilson's face. "He said yes! What time should we go over to yours?"

"At five, my siblings will be home but my parents will come back at around eight. I doubt my siblings will bother us, but if it's okay with you guys they can join us."

"I don't mind, and I doubt Cameron will either, he probably won't care enough," Wilson said with a chuckle.

"I don't mind either, Elizabeth is the most tolerable Hart, and the twins are always amusing," Emerson replied honestly, causing Lucas to roll his eyes.

"Most tolerable? As if. Besides, we all know I'm your favorite Hart"

Emerson raised an eyebrow at that statement "Debatable."

"Are you guys gonna flirt like that the whole time we're gonna be over?" Wilson asked with a teasing tone.

"It's not flirting, he'd know if it was flirting," Lucas said with a smirk. "It's simply platonic," Emerson said and Wilson raised an eyebrow, not believing him.

"Mhm sure, anyways I have to get going now, bye guys!" Wilson said before leaving.

Emerson and Lucas start to walk towards his car, talking the whole way back to Lucas's house.

Both of them were unaware of the fact later today they'll relationship will grow into a way they weren't yet expecting.

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