Chapter 28

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"Alright, we're here," Lucas said as he turned off their car and they both got out of the car, Lucas taking out the blanket from the backseat. "Where are we?" Emerson asked as they looked around.

"Just a place I go to when I need to think and just isolate myself for a bit. Also, it's almost dark so the view will be better, we just have to walk for a couple of minutes." Lucas said as she started walking, and Emerson followed beside them.

After a couple of minutes, they arrived and Emerson was beyond in awe with the sight.

The sun was setting, the sky was purple with pink. "Wow, it's beautiful," Emerson said and Lucas nodded. "Yeah, but after this, the stars are more visible here. It's the perfect place for when you wanna think and stay calm" Lucas said, before placing the blanket down on the grass, and they both sat down.

Emerson looked at the sun setting, they looked until it was finally dark, and they sighed, looking directly at Lucas, the moonlight reflecting on her, making them look ethereal.

"I know." Emerson started saying, and Lucas looked at him with a confused expression, not understanding what they meant by that.

"You know what?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"That you like me," Emerson said, leaning backward and putting their hands behind them to support themself, and looking up to the sky.

"Yeah, of course, I like you," Lucas said chuckling nervously, wondering if Emerson actually knew about her feelings for them.

"Romantically, I mean." Emerson suddenly said and Lucas's breath hitched.

"Oh... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Lucas said, looking at nowhere in particular.

"I'm not," Emerson said, sighing.

They kept telling themselves that it'll be fine, Lucas will understand they can't be together just yet. That they don't wang to rush into a relationship.

"You're not? That's good, I'm glad! Don't worry I'll lose feelings for you, not soon but I'll try"

Emerson rolled their eyes, they were irritated that Lucas thought they didn't reciprocate their feelings. Which is absolutely ludicrous because who wouldn't like Lucas?

"Shut up, why are you talking like it's impossible for me to like you back? Which I do by the way. Even if I didn't, it'll be because I have absolutely no fucking taste, like you're such a catch."

Lucas shrugged at that response "I'm a bit of an airhead, and conceited" Lucas said and Emerson scoffed.

"I said that as a joke, and yeah you're big-headed but it's cute and funny in a way," Emerson stated and Lucas smiled, looking at the, but Emerson was still looking at the sky.

"So, you like me?" He asked and she saw Emerson nod.

"But, I don't wanna date you," Emerson said but immediately looked at Lucas because the way he phrased it made it seem worse than intended. Judging by Lucas's expression, they took it the wrong way.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I just mean I don't want to immediately jump into a relationship right off the bat. Yeah, we've known each other for like almost three months now but I still think it's better to know each other more before dating, y'know? Like I know we know a lot about each other but like we don't know each other on an actual deeper level. I think we have a strong emotional bond but that's because we're always hanging out, but that's about it." Emerson ranted.

"Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, I agree, we don't know a lot of personal things about each other." Lucas said and Emerson nodded before smiling. "Thanks for understanding."

"'Course! Did you think I wouldn't?" Lucas asked unaware if he should feel offended over that.

"Maybe? But that's because I was overanalyzing everything. It's not that I don't think you're understanding, because I do!" Emerson explained nervously.

"Okay, we don't have to date or change anything, but can we just be exclusive but not be? Like we don't put a label on us or do anything romantic if you don't want of course, but we don't talk to other people in a romantic or flirty way" Lucas suggested and Emerson nodded.

"Yeah, that's perfect. I'm sorry that I can't be romantic to you, and give you an endless amount of affection." Emerson said and Lucas smiled, grabbing their hand.

"I'm happy as long as I know you like me back" Lucas explained lovingly and Emerson scooted closer towards her.

"What things specifically do you not want me to do?" Lucas asked before adding "I don't wanna make you uncomfortable accidentally."

"I'm not too comfortable doing intimate things yet. I trust you but stuff like that is something I'd wanna be older to do when I'm more mature mentally." Lucas sighed contentedly.

"Don't worry about that, I'm not ready for that either. So we just continue as before until we're emotionally and mentally ready for a relationship?" Lucas asked and Emerson nodded in response.

"Okay, but what about hugging and cuddling, is that off the table?" Lucas asked and Emerson squeezed their hand.

"No, it's not."

I know this was shorter than usual but I just wanted this chapter to be dedicated to them simply confessing.

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