the encounters

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"How long do you think your brother will be out for?" I ask looking at Alesia as she is watching tv on my couch.

She shrugs.

"Where does he even stay at when he leaves for these periods of time."

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" She teases and I roll my eyes.

"Nope just interested. It's been over a week since that shooting and—"

"Serena. You know we don't talk about this stuff."

"I'm just curious."

"When things are calm he will come around. You think he tells me where he stays when he's gone for those months ?"

"Not even a clue?"

She shakes her head no. I take a breathe. This ain't going to be good.

But it was fine. For two weeks I was paranoid. Yet nothing happened, only proving Marcelo is all talk.

Yet after practice he was there. Out of the blue he was in the girls locker.

"How did you get in here?"

"Where is he?"

I thought we forgot about that encounter.

"He's hiding. Clearly." I turn my back and grab the rest of my stuff. Yet in seconds I'm being turned around and slammed against the lockers.


His hand wraps around my throat tightly.

"You want death to come to you don't you?"


My hand places over his wrist softly.

"If you wanted me dead you would've done it. "

"Yeah i would've."

In a flash I feel a knife press into my stomach.

"You keep testing me." He speaks while turning the knife. My tears burn as they fall and the pain is unbearable.

"Let it out. Scream." His words are full of hate. I want to scream as he pushes the knife deeper, but I only whimper. Knowing it was a threat.


He pulls the knife out and lets go of me harshly. I press my hand on the wound. He just looks at the blood satisfied before leaving.


I walk down the street knowing this will be a long walk home. My dads mad at me. He's been more frustrated with me recently. Which he has the right to be. But it was mostly Alesia's fault. She threw me a birthday party in my own home with no permission. I don't know how she got in. But she invited boys and more people then needed.

The gifts were nice but that caused me an entire week of walking home after school. It's not really far. Twenty minutes isn't a lot to me. Thirty if I'm being lazy. I'm just happy she didn't bring drinks. I think that would've been the line.

It's been two weeks. My wound still hurts. I haven't told anyone. I can tell it's healing. I never thought I'd have to put my own stitches. I cried so much that night. I just wanted to tell someone but I was scared.

My eyes focus on the tile shaped concrete stepping over the cracks. It's windy and gloomier then most days. Sun is coming down faster. Holidays are near.

I look up as I hear deep voices.


Talking to another guy in all black. I think he senses eyes. Because his green pairs land on mine. I turn and decide to take the cross walk. But halfway through he's caught up and I can't even look at him.

"You seem to be everywhere." I admit continuing to focus down. Why can't he leave me alone.

"I thought the stab would've killed you."

I roll my eyes knowing he can't see me.

"Is this amusing to you? Hurting and threatening me?" I press looking up at him.

"Just banter Serena."

"Don't smoke near me please."

"You're not going to tell me what to do."

"My dads already mad—"

"Is this the step dad or real dad again?"I take a deep breathe not even wanting to question why he knows so much. "Why are you following me?"

"I wanted to see if you're doing well."

I stop.

He stops.

I turn to face him. He has his hoodie on and it would make things easier if he wasn't attractive. "You've been making my life hell since the party, I think you know I'm not doing well. "

We continue to walk. Why is he still walking with me.

"Can you leave now?" I ask, even politely. He's walking behind me. I roll my eyes as I hear a gunshot but it seems far. Plus what would anyone want to do with me. I don't get scared anymore. His phone buzzes and I hear him stop walking. I keep walking. Taking the chance to get away from him but he pulls me into an ally.

Everything goes too fast as he starts shooting. Cars start passing by but they all have bad aim. His bullets shoot through all the windows until there's silence again. He hands me his keys.

"My car is down the ally. It's the first thing you see." I start walking. At a fast pace not even daring to look back when I hear more gun shots that are much closer then needed to be. Yet as soon as I get to the end a man appears right in front of me. I see nothing but his eyes and my heart stops. I'm snapped out my conscious once a bullet shoots right through his heart. My eyes widen.

Marcel takes the keys out of my hand and turns on the car. As soon as I'm in he's pressing gas.

"You don't just stand when your about to die."

"Where are we going."

"You can't not answer my questions at this time now, my dad is already—"

"You'll be back by the next morning." He cute me off.

"Get me out."

He ignores me. He doesn't say a word for the rest of the way too long ride. My eyes just take in every view we pass. He calls for the third time. He's going to send out a team.

I pick up.

"I'm with Alesia." I lie.

"She's just mentally breaking down and I think it's better i stay with her dad. Girl things. She's always their for me so."

The line goes quiet. He says it's okay and my chest hurts as he hangs up.


We end up at a way too fancy but simple hotel. I ignore the men who are older then him that seem to be around every corner. He slides the card to open the door before handing it to me. I walk in but he stays outside. I look at him.

"Where are you going?"

"When do you get your period?"


"Answer the question."

"In two weeks."

"Then shut the fuck up till the two weeks pass." I roll my eyes. He walks out the hotel and I'm left here. What have I even gotten myself into. I start walking around. It's nice. There's a balcony. Pretty view of kind of nothing. More green then street lights. We really are far out. I open the bathroom door and gaze around it. It's big. There's another door on the other side. When I open it, it connects to another room. Which I'm guessing would be his. He has his own balcony too. I leave and go back to my own side. I end up in my own headspace . Overthinking it all. I should be in my own bed.

He doesn't take long. Maybe an hour or less. He comes back in with some bags and puts it in the kitchen. I truthfully though he may starve me.

"I didn't know the rooms connect with a bathroom."

"Just make sure to knock then."

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