the snake

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"Marcelo killed one of my brothers men the day you lied and said you were with me." Alyssa states out of no where while we pack up after practice. Been three days, my dad hasn't suspected anything much because Alyssa is an amazing liar.

She never tells me these type of stuff.

I stay quiet.

"Where were you that day?"

I stay quiet.

"Even at the party, you went missing for awhile."

"Marcelo was there too, you know that did you?"

Why is she.

"Alyssa." I breathe looking over at her.

She waits for me to say something, anything. She's being some detective right now.

"I was with a guy. And it's been going on for awhile but I just can't say much okay?"

"Why can't you say much?"

"Because he's older a little. And I'm just testing waters. My dad would kill me."


"I will tell you everything but it's going really slow and no we didn't do anything . Just talked. I was with him."

I partially lie. Mostly lie actually. Yet she doesn't look satisfied. "You know Marcelo put my oldest brother in a cell right?"

No. I didn't know that.

"And that he murders anything in his way like he tried to do to me."

"Why are you telling me this stuff now? I've seen him once and that's when I was thirteen." I think she can hear the annoyance and harshness in my tone. But I just didn't know all that.

Alyssa Thompson.


She knows everything. Since I got here she's always been on top. People are only scared of her because of her brothers and what they do. She's like a sister to me. Yet I'm lying to her. And I don't know if I'm protecting myself or him.

My phone goes off. I check the message and it's an Unkown person.



"Is it him?"

"My dad is waiting. I have to go." I give a weak smile before leaving.


As soon as I hit the school gates I see his car. I open the passenger door and look at him.

"I'm not getting in with you this time. How do you even know what school I go to? Or what time I get out? It's creepy."

"Get in."

"So you kidnap me again for an entire night?"

"So I can take you home." He always speaks with so much patience. I get in not because I want to. But because I know Alyssa will be out on this side as well. And I do not want her gaining anymore suspicion.

The entire ride is quiet. I feel his eyes on me a few times. I focus on the road ahead. He drives insanely slow or maybe it's because the amount of tension in here. Maybe I'm scared. I am scared. Tried to kill her? When was that? I never knew her family like that. Close enough for rides and buy me food. But it was never that dynamic. Now I'm riding in a car with a man she clearly hates. A man everyone clearly hates. We pull up across the street from my house.

My dads home. It's almost six and I'm already late enough.

My mind is everywhere. Putting small pieces together. He asked me to figure out where her brother was. I don't know why. She probably out puzzled that too. Maybe she knows as much as I do. Probably more. Should I keep quiet? Her brothers know he was with someone that night. But why would they have people run up on him in such an instant. Of course she knows I was with him. The timing would add up. But she would trust me.


He's called my name the second time. My hearts racing as I look over at him. Why am I in so much of his mess. In such little time. He hands me a box.

"It's a present just open it and put it on."

"Sounds more like a forced gift to make up for the shit you've put me through. Maybe even to shut me—"

He looks over at me.

I stop talking.

I open the box.

I look over at him trying to imitate if he's being serious or not.

"I can't take this."

"You will take it, and put it on."

"Who are you to boss me around." I state , my attitude doesn't go hidden. But he isn't frustrated by it at all. I close the box and give it to him. "I don't want it." I just stare at him. That necklace. A diamond simple chain with a black stone snake charm. It's the same snake as he had on his back. And I don't know what games he is even up to but I'm not stupid enough to just put it on. As if I'm if his fucking conquest. Now I'm cussing even in my head because he's driving my internally insane.

"That's really what you texted me for? I'm not even going to ask how you go my number. I don't want anything to do with you. I won't say anything if that's what you're afraid of."

"I know you're not going to say anything. Maybe it's just a gift."

"How do you know I won't say anything." I know the sentence makes him think. For awhile. I wish I didn't say that.

He hasn't lied to me technically. Just won't say anything...literally.

"About what part?" He uses my own line. I'm quiet. So much to say. But with him I actually have to think and piece together my sentences before saying them out loud. Yet even when I do I'm in a jumble so it's better to stay quiet. Which has never been an issue with me. I'm naturally this way. I think.

"If I don't?"

He opens up the box again and take out the necklace. My hair is already up so it's easy for him. Easy for him to reach over to my seat and place it on me. Easy for him to touch me again and make my skin burn. His eyes focus into mine , his face way too close and his hand behind the seat now. Not touching me.

"If I'm not going  to hurt you, why do I want anyone else to. "

"That doesn't make sense." I breathe. He's sucking all the air in this car.

"You'll understand it soon."

"You keep making me wait for answers. I don't want to talk to you again."

"Or see you." I add.

He moves away from me. I let out a breathe I didn't know was being held for so long. He sits back in his seat and unlocks the car. Hinting for me to get out. I don't question anything else. Or look at him. I just walk across the street and go home. I hear his engine start and wheels start driving away.

My dad doesn't say anything as I walk into the kitchen to grab a banana and go straight to my room. I change and look at myself.

I unclip the back of the necklace ready to remove it. Yet my gut feeling is telling me to listen to him.

Which is something I shouldn't be doing.

Yes it's a beautiful necklace. Way too expensive. I keep it on. It's cold on my skin when I hide it under my shirt.

"If I'm not going to hurt you, why do I want anyone else to."

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