Story time

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Have you ever heard about King Kanishka?
If yes then good and if no then I'm here to tell you.
During the ancient time, Kushanas rulers were establishing their roots in Central Asia and they were controlling the silk route(from where China sent its silk to different countries, it was via India and in Indian history, it is noticed that whoever control the silk route have the ultimate power, let us go back to the story), Kanishka came to the throne in 78AD(nearly). His capital was at Purushpura(now in Pakistan) and the empire stretch from Khurasan(in Iran) to Patliputra(in Magadh, India).

He was a great king.  He gave patronage to Buddhism, he himself was a follower of Mahayana sect of Buddhism, he patronise Gandhar school of Buddhism and he also organise the 4th Buddhist council in Kashmir.
Ashvaghosh was his court scholar, he wrote Buddhacharita (Biography of Buddha), and also a very famous physician Charak was in his court. I think all Indians have heard the name of the Nagarjuna - he is also known as Indian Einstein, he was a scholar of chemistry, he gave the concept of relativity at that time, which is amazing.

He was a great military leader he won many battles. He also invaded China and defeated the commander of the Han dynasty. At his time, the Kushana empire was spread to Middle Asia. He occupied the silk route(From China up to Rome). He also issued a large number of gold coins. So overall we can say he was a great king. But what made me sad was that he was killed by his own army.

Sad ending. Right?
You know why I talk about him all of a sudden because I was reading about him. I first get to know about him when I was in 12th standard(final year of high school), my heart ached so much reading about him and then I read about him during college, and whenever I read him my heart aches so badly as if I know him. Many great people get a bad end, I do feel bad for them but it is different for him.
Every time I read about him I feel like someone is stabbing my heart, my heartbeat goes insanely high. Why? Who is he?
Yaah Ravi control it's not a movie or a kdrama and there is nothing like a rebirth in real life,  so calm down. It's nothing just your hormones and this happens at this age. But I don't feel good.

I guess bye for now because I am sad. I need to charge myself with some good music. See you later. Bye byeeeee

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