Chapter 2🌤️

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Their weekends were always spent together as a family. For those two days their busy schedules were put aside for themselves.

Jin as usual now, awoke first, and as expected he was in the arms of one of his partners.


When they'd moved into their much bigger, much more family centred home, they'd decided to join three bedrooms together for the 8 of them.

It was difficult to actually achieve, but, with a custom bed that started in one corner of the room and ended on the complete opposite end, an entire room dedicated to their closet and a bathroom that could fit an entire idol group, it worked.

The partners were ecstatic to all sleep together in one room.

They'd spent enough time apart with work and schedules.


As carefully as he could Jin slid out of Namjoon's hold, causing the man stir.

"Baby?" His voice was low and raspy.

"Shh, I'm gonna go check on Serene and the twins." He kissed his cheek.

Namjoon rubbed his eyes before sitting up.

"I'll come help." He looked over at his partners.

Next to him was Taehyung, who's leg was thrown over Delilah, who's arm was thrown over Jeongguk who spooned Yoongi, who laid on his back with a leg on Jimin, who was chest to chest wrapped up with Hoseok.

They are perfect.

Namjoon carefully slid out of the bed, following behind Jin.

"Yah." Jin jumped a little at the sudden spank on his ass.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Namjoon chuckled.

Jin rolled his eyes a little with a smile.

They peered into the other worldly room.

Leya helped with the designs and all the plush toys from her kids animation.

She called them BT21.

The twins surprisingly, were asleep.

"Must've gotten worn out from playing last night." Jin whispered.

Namjoon nodded as he looked at them fondly.

They had separate beds but always found themselves sleeping next to each other snuggled up.

The two partners tiptoed out of the room quietly, and headed down to the next room.

Namjoon peeked in the neutral nature coloured room. The greens, browns and beiges were warm and soft.

It helped that Serene's favourite BT21 was the small brown cookie.

She was tossing and turn, meaning she was about to wake up.

They entered the room quietly.

"Diaper change."

"I'll go make a bottle."

It had become effortless team work.

Namjoon swiftly changed the diaper, Serene opening her eyes, blinking slowly.

"Hi baby." Namjoon cooed, "did you sleep good?"

She made tiny grabby hands, eyebrows furrowing a little. He picked her up delicately. 

Jin chuckled a little as he walked back into the room.

"What's funny?" Namjoon turned to his partner who shook the milk bottle.

"My little princess has crazy hair and it's all flat in the back." Jin smiled as he kissed her cheek.

"Yours is flat too." Namjoon rebuttled defending Serene.

Serene nuzzled her face into Namjoon's chest before looking over to Jin. She spotted her bottle and leaned over.

"My baby is hungry?" Jin smiled.

"Mm." Serene nodded lightly.

She took the bottle quickly, Jin walked over to the soft beige rocking chair.

"Gonna make coffee." Namjoon kissed their foreheads before walking out.


30 minutes later.

Jin followed out into the living room, Namjoon sat back with a book in hand.

"The bottle put her back in dream world." Jin smiled softly.

Namjoon hummed in response, placing his book and glasses to the side, he stretched his arms.

Jin took the invitation to sit on his lap.

The younger pressed gently kisses to his cheeks then neck.

Jin sighed contently exposing more of his neck to the man.

Namjoon took the advance whole heartedly, he snaked his arms around the older, pulling him to straddle his lap. He kissed down his neck, until he got to his shoulder blades, pulling the fabric off slightly, he began placing more wet kisses.

"What if they twins wake up?" Jin said with eyes closed.

"We'll hear them coming." Namjoon groaned feeling Jin almost pushing his hips down intently.

"And what if one of our husbands or wife wakes up?" A smile grew on his face.

"Then they watch, or join or nothing at all." Namjoon nipped as his neck slightly. His hands reaching underneath Jin's shirt.

Jin pressed his lips to the younger's giving in.

Not that he was ever resisting in the first place.

His arms raised as Namjoon slid his shirt off, pulling their bodies closer together. Jin shivered feeling the cold metal barbells on press on his body.

Namjoon's nipple piercings remember?

As expected a partner woke up and after also checking the babies he strolled out into the living room.

"Having fun?" His tired voice rasped out as he stretched.

They turned to see Taehyung smiling at them.

"Yeah, what about you?" Namjoon held onto Jin's hips as the older leaned down to continue abusing his neck.

Taehyung tilted his head, he quietly sat next to them, his hand sliding into his pajama pants.

"Watching." He mumbled as he eyed his partners arousal.

"But after can we eat? I'm starving." He chuckled a little.

"I'll make you croffles, when we finish."

Their eyes darted back to the hallway.


Hey besties

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Hey besties. I'm feeling a little better, kinda nervous, may have to up my treatment or have another procedure done...but I'm okay, I'll be okay.

I love you bye. <3333

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