Chapter 19🐞

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Last night was a night they'd all needed. Mentally and physically they'd felt better, stable, ready to get shit done and get things right.

The next morning Jin was up early, already sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen with Momo and Sana discussing business.

"So you really think that's what it is?" Momo leaned on the counter as she waited for the kettle to boil.

"It has to be." Jin answered, eyes not really focused on anything, kind of glassed over, just as it is whenever you're just waking up. 

"What has to be?" Delilah mumbled as she, Jungkook and Yoongi all filed out of the room at once. Jungkook clinging onto Yoongi's side, his hyung taking it happily as they moved over to the couch.

"Good morning love." Jin wrapped his arms around Delilah's waist as he sat in the chair.

"Morning baby- no kisses I didn't brush my teeth yet." Delilah pulled back as Jin tried to peck her lips.

"I did. You're the only one who cares. Kiss me." Jin rolled his eyes.

Delilah cringed but allowed him to peck her lips twice.

"You're gross, good morning Momo, morning Sana." She grumbled as she trudged over to the couch.

"Morning Momo morning Sana." Yoongi huffed out as Jungkook rolled himself into his lap.

"Mornin' Sano, Mama" Jungkook slurred obviously drifting back into dream world, causing the others to chuckle.

"Morning guys." Momo smiled as she poured the Pajeon into the oiled frying pan.

"Hyung, you were saying something about what something was?" Yoongi rubbed his eyes becoming more awake.

The kettle started whistling that moment, everyone wincing at the high pitched squeal. Sana took the kettle off, ready to make tea.

"Momo and I had quite the conversation last night, and I think we can get this shit over and get back to our life soon, we should wait for the others to wake up, I want us all to be on the same page together." Jin stretched as he got off of the stool walking over to Sana, ready to help make breakfast.

Yoongi and Delilah accepted the answer, but were suddenly ready to wake their partners up. They shared a glance with each other before nodding, unfortunately for them the telepathy between them seemed to reach Jin too.

"Yah, let them sleep a little more, I don't think after this one we'll be getting much."

Their telepathy was too strong. Damn it. The two grumbled but relaxed into the couch, Jungkook finding his way to lay across them both.


Hoseok and Namjoon were the next to wake, not long after their first set of partners. They'd found their respected places on the couch, preferring to cuddle pile on the four seater, that graciously had a pull out recliner on the end, allowing for the buff bunny to climb over and lay on Namjoon, arms and legs wrapped around the older.

"He's so obsessed with you." Delilah chuckled, pulling Hoseok and Yoongi close.

"I can't disagree, when we first met, he just stared up at me with the widest eyes, it was probably the cutest thing in the world." Namjoon pet Jungkook's hair, causing the younger to nuzzle into his chest more, he was a little surprised by how long it's gotten, it was almost passed his shoulders.

"Okay somebody get Jimin and Tae out here." Jin said walking over to his partners while drying his hands, "breakfast is ready and they'll sleep til tomorrow if we let them."

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