Chapter 7🍂

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"Security checked the entire building." Namjoon huffed out as they sat in one the company buses.

They'd chosen to go all together in a bus driven by security instead of in separate vehicles.

"Straight to voicemail." Delilah chewed on her bottom lip, she'd tried Hoseok's phone at least 36 times.

"I'm calling the police." Jungkook started dialling the number.

"No, don't." Taehyung glanced up.

"What? Why?" Jimin paused is pacing outside of the car to look at Taehyung.

"We ca-"

"He's at home." Yoongi came rushing out of the elevator.

"What?!" The group of partners all said.

"Apparently he left early because he wasn't feeling well, I called Sunoo to check on the kids, said Hobi let him go home early."  Yoongi chuckled dryly.

"That bitch- I'm gonna ruin him when we get home." Jin sat up in his seat.

"Will you? Will you really?" Namjoon looked Jin up down.

Jin rolled his eyes, knowing he was a softie and would let them all get away with anything.

"I'll handle him." Delilah spoke up. That sent some chills down their spine, because they knew she would.

"Let's get out of here, I wanna be home with my babies." Jimin hopped into the van.

Yoongi followed in after squeezing himself between Taehyung and Delilah.

"My Yoon wants attention?" Delilah leaned over pressing a kiss on Yoongi's forehead, he keened at the kiss.

Of fucking course he wanted attention, but right now he had something to say to a certain someone.

Yoongi leaned closely to Taehyung, appearing to be resting on his shoulder.

He whispered in a sharp tone, "I'm not keeping my mouth shut for much longer, you have to tell everyone, I'm not gonna be an accomplice and risk not getting cuddles or sexy time."

"G-got it." Taehyung swallowed before looking out the window.

Jimin glanced over in Taehyung's direction.

Why didn't he want to call the cops? And that strange man definitely thought he knew him...but Taehyungie wouldn't lie to us...he wouldn't.


Everyone was pretty much bouncing in their seat, without Hoseok they weren't complete, they felt anxious. If any one or two of them were missing they didn't feel completely at ease, and with what happened today they just wanted to be all together, more than usual.

"Hyung, what're you gonna do about today?" Namjoon turned in his seat causing Jeongguk to groan as he was jostled in the older's embrace.

"I'll handle it, I've already got some friends doing some looking into this guy." Yoongi lied through the skin of his teeth, glaring at Taehyung for making him already partially an accomplice.

Ignorance is fucking bliss.


"Front door open"

"Front door closed"

"Front door locked, alarm set."

"Oh no, can you hide poppa?" Hoseok sat in the living room with the twins and Serene. Serin and Ardin did make a small attempt to hide their poppa behind some pillows, but to no avail.

Jungkook had tipped him off via text on the way home, and right now he has a little bit scared for his life.

"JUNG MOTHER EFFIN HOSEOK!" Delilah's voice rang through the large home, still censoring her language because she knew her kids could hear.

Hoseok winced.

"Hyungie run!" Jimin called out.

He definitely thought about actually running, but honestly he was more concerned that his family was okay after what happened.

"In here." He replied.

"Poppa in twouble." Ardin giggled.

Suddenly the footsteps of his partners all redirected towards him and suddenly Hoseok felt like Simba during the herd scene from the Lion King.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi found him first, following close behind was Delilah, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

He made himself small on the couch as he was tackled by his partners.

"You scared us." Namjoon pulled them all closer.

"I'm sorry, I had a really bad headache, Oh Jan, look at your beautiful face." Hobi reached out to brush his fingers across Jin's slightly bruised face.

"Oh Jay, I know." He leaned more into the touch.

The partners pulled off of their missing partner.

"Okay NEVER do that again, let's keep each other informed about us at all times okay?"  Yoongi kissed Hoseok's cheek.

"Im sorry I'm really sorry, I just kinda crashed with the kids when I got home." Hoseok twiddled his fingers, feeling guilty he worried his partners.

"Okay I guess you're in the safe zone again, my babies go play in your rooms, we'll be there soon to catch up okay?" Delilah pressed a light kiss to her kids' foreheads.

"Okay momma! Serene let's go." Serin carefully helped Serene off the couch. He and Ardin, holding her hands as she walked unsteadily down to their room happily.

After a moment, Hoseok spoke up again.

"Will you guys forgive me if I let you all use me until I'm within an inch of my life?"

The partners eyes all focused on their husband.

"We already forgave you, but you said that and now we're going to our play room." Jungkook quickly scooped Hoseok up, earning a happy yelp from the man.

"My loves, let's roll out, and don't forget to be gentle with our Jinnie okay?" Jimin snickered.

I know what you want.....and you'll get it, soon. I love you, bye ( ˘ ³˘)💜. Stan BTS.

 Stan BTS

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