Chapter 20 🔪

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"You're gonna need to stop going easy on me." Sana huffed as she pulled Jimin up from the mat.

"You can tell?" Jimin chuckled a little.

"Seems like you're disappointing your partners over there, are you just the get away driver?" Sana teased to get Jimin riled up. It seemed to work as his smile dropped almost immediately.

"Let's go again."


They'd decided to leave the same day for their so called training. It wasn't leaving per say, but more so going to another floor in the small building. On their way down a sudden realisation hit.

"This entire place is empty." Yoongi stated the obvious.

"Why would anyone else be here?" Momo tilted her head.

"Cause...its an apartment complex." Hoseok said unsurely.

"This building seems a little small to be an apartment complex don't you think?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"This is your building." Namjoon realised.

"Correct. It's just a few floors for our different needs and wants, a big lobby and underground parking. It was originally for my partn- yeah." Momo swallowed thinking of what this place was supposed to be.

"All nine of you were gonna fit in that small apartment comfortably? I mean, we like being close but that just seems inconvenient." Jungkook grimaced thinking of having to wait in a line of nine people for two bathrooms every morning.

"No, that's just the guest apartment, our actual home is on the top floor. Sana and I just didn't feel comfortable up there, just the two of us you know?"

The partners knew all too well about that empty feeling.

"We know, sorry for prying." Taehyung apologised.

"No worries, let's get a move on shall we?" Momo gestured and Sana copied.


Now in the training room, their were lots of options for combat. Boxing, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu.

Of course, Jungkook took the the boxing route. Choosing the wrap his fingers instead of glove them up. He moved with speed and accuracy. The punching bag wanted nothing with him. It wasn't a bad site to look at either, inked out arm moving so fast you could barely make out the individual tattoos, plus he's been beefing up lately, he might even be getting bigger than Joon.

Namjoon took quickly to defensive combat. Preferring to keep whoever he's "fighting" under his control to gain time, to get what needs to be done, done. Neutralizing whoever he's in combat with, with the least physcial harm. He was brains and the gentle brawns.

Jimin obviously followed the Taekwondo route. His skills weren't rusty either, he managed to get Sana down in three seconds after a while of going easy out of politeness.

Yoongi decided to sit out and wait, knowing his skills lied else where.

"I just don't really think I'm a fighter, I can defend myself if I have to, but not like that." Hoseok eyed the room, not able to see himself doing any of what his partners were doing.

Even Jin had found a thing. He'd seen the bow and arrows, remembering how he did archery for fun as a teen and actually being good enough that his parents thought he should be in actual classes. He picked up the bow and arrow, muscle memory guiding him easily into place and stance. The very moment he let the arrow fly he hit a bullseye. The cheers from his partners definitely went to his head a little.

"So we have a hawkeye here." Momo clapped before moving over to Hoseok who sat on the bench.

Momo half smiled, "let's try this. Yoongi-ssi please come over here."

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