Epilogue IV - Moon

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"And don't forget on Monday we have a practice test for the final, so be prepared!"

Students filed out of the classroom, ready to "study" through the weekend, and totally not go to karaoke rooms.


Two years ago Ardin and Serin convinced their parents to let them go to public school... technically public school.

They'd sat down all together in the living room, Junseo, Somi and Mara dragged out the bean bags for their older siblings. It was serious.

"Here are three brochures for the top private high school for kids with famous parents." Ardin slid them across the coffee table.

"What is your brother doing?" Jin crossed one leg over the other, eyeing Serin setting up his laptop.

"We have a PowerPoint, Appa helped make it." Serin replied, furrowed eyebrows and focused eyes not leaving the screen.

All eyes fell to Jungkook.

"I only got the brochures I think we should hear them out!" He raised his hands defensively.


"Yoongi." Delilah turned to their husband, who just so happened to find something very interesting on the wall to stare at.

"Hyungie, that's so sweet of you." Jimin smiled walking in with Serene and pile of snacks.

"Only one snack, we're having dinner soon." Namjoon looked up through his glasses as Mara trudged over finding a comfortable seat on the single couch squeezed next to her dad.

She nudged his hand holding open the new artbook he'd recently bought, without thinking he titled the large book for her to see.

Mara beemed looking at the abstract art, "I like it!" 

"Me too."

She did love it, she loved drawing and painting with Taehyung and Jungkook, she adored reading art books with Namjoon and on the rare occasion accompanying him to kids allowed museums.

"Okay! in this PowerPoint we will be listing and explaining our reasons as to why we should attend a real school and why homeschooling will leave us socially inept." Ardin began with all seriousness, bunny smile no where to be found.

"You have great social skills bubby." Hoseok's face twisted with worry.

"Not the point...but thank you dad." He smiled a mirrored dimpled smile to Hoseok.

"So. Point one."

It was convincing to say the least. They made great points...and how could they say no. Ardin and Serin got into a private highschool in their junior year. The worry their parents felt as the twins, Serene, Junseo, Mara and Somi were thrusted into the school environment was real, but when they all came out with wide smiles and chatted through the entire dinner, they knew they'd made the right choice.


So now. Serene was dragging her feet out of the final class of the day, ready to be home, see her family, meet up with her little brother, but first-


Serene's best friend. The first friend she'd made. Jiyoon. They'd met at first drop off when Delilah recognised her mom Jihyo.

Jiyoon was sunshine to Serene. They always had each other. People wondered about their friendship. They seemed too opposite, in every sense. Where Serene was quiet (only to the people she didn't care for) Jiyoon was bubbly, greeting someone in the hall, flashing a smile to anyone who gave her the right "vibes" as she'd say. Some people had their judgements based on the most unimportant. Where Jiyoon had long black hair that not even a hairtie could hold on to, Serene had long brown curls. Where Serene had soft features, plump lips, Jiyoon's were sharp. If she wasn't so sweet, Serene might have been intimidated. Where Jiyoon would wear every colour of the rainbow, Serene loved dark colours, the occasional neutral colour on a fun day. They were opposites, and they attracted.

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