Chapter 15💫

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The flight dragged on, agonizingly. The more time that passed the more restless the eight grew.

By the time the plane landed the eight partners were practically aching to get off of the plane.

Getting through the airport was a task on it's own. Namjoon lost his passport, but it was found in the cabin of the plane in between two seats.

Renting a car was even more taxing as the wait in line was at least an hour and they simply didn't have that kind of time. Delilah would've asked Leya but, Leya didn't have a private car, preferring to have her people drive her everywhere, besides, Delilah couldn't lie to Leya so it's better to keep her out of this completely.

At least anyone who recognised them didn't cause a scene, just pretended not to know them, although they always knew when someone recongnized them, the initial panic, then trying to hide said was cute and appreciated because getting swarmed by paparazzi and fans would be the worst possible thing right now.

They had good fans.

Thankfully, on his way back from the restroom Jungkook managed to bump into the one other friend he grew up with who'd moved to Japan and was coincidentally about to visit family in Korea.


"Yeah just take my keys, my car's in lot 7B, close to the back on the right side." Yesol smiled holding out the keys.

"A-are you sure Sol-ah this is your car." Jungkook gave Yesol an unsure look. She hadn't changed all that much, unless you count the extra piercings, tattoos and waistlength silver hair with dark roots. She and Jungkook always talked about decorating their bodies when they were older, and were both happy to see each other living the way they wanted.

She glared back with an unamused look, dark eyebrows furrowing, "you're gonna make me miss my flight and you know how my mom gets, please, get out of my face Kook-ah." Yesol flicked his nose as she always did when they were kids, snickering when her friend pouted.

"Whatever you're still elf height bye." Jungkook added insult to injury by leaning on her head as he took the keys.

"Suck my dick Kook," Yesol chucked his arm off causing his partners to choke on a laugh, "just don't crash my car, when you're done just park it where it was and give it to Valle- oh thank you Ji." Jiwan, Sol's girlfriend walked over with Cinnabon and coffee.

"Hi everyone." She smiled wide before pulling Sol close.

Sol turned to face the others who'd she always known but were never as close with, "It was nice to seeing my celebrity oppas again, and it's really nice to meet you Delilah Unnie. Later assface, love you I guess." Yesol bowed slightly.

"Bye Sol thank you for the car, it was nice seeing you Jiwan." Jungkook smiled warmly at her, "love you too smurfette!"

Yesol's only retort was giving Jungkook the finger causing his partners to bellow out a laugh.


It was a squeeze since the car wasn't made for eight people, but they managed, they didn't mind being close, not at all.

Taehyung drove since he was the one who knew where they were headed. Apparently he'd dropped the package off to a woman who managed a restaurant, coincidence? Who knows honestly.

"Okay I'll go in first and talk to her, she might run if we all go..." Taehyung was already out of the car before his partners could argue.

It was a classic Japanese style restaurant with a bit of a modern twist, it was quaint and comfortable. Taehyung adjusted his silk red button down out of nervous habit as he approached the head waiter.

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