Chapter 11 🪐

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To say the group of partners were at a loss for words would be the biggest understatement of the year.

Stuck between needing to comfort Taehyung who was very openly crying and begging for forgiveness or comfort a mortified and trust shattered Jin who pulled himself away from the embrace of his partners upon hearing how Taehyung got himself involved in all this.

"Please don't cry baby, and don't say sorry. I'm sorry I yelled at you, this isn't your fault, you did what you had to do, Im sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know everything and I just assumed, I'm sorry I'm sorry."

Yoongi stepped over the shards of glass which was once Jungkook's favourite vase. The beautiful porcelain filled with delilahs, turned to ruins. He took Taehyung into a tight hold, trying with all he had to console his partner who cried into Jimin's shoulder.

"How could I not know." Jin murmered taking three more steps backwards bumping into the flipped over coffee table.

This was his mother, his family business and all of this was happening right under his nose.

How could he have not known?

"No, you're not blaming yourself for this, do you understand me Seokjin?" Hoseok let go of Jungkook and Delilah and strided over to Jin cupping his face, eyes burning into him with worry.

He could completely blame himself for this, he wanted to, how could they all not blame him it was his mother that started all this, that got Taehyung to do some shady work for her.

God, it makes him sick just thinking about it.

He wanted them to yell at him, push him, curse him out. Anything would feel better than the comfort they were trying to give.

There's only one thing that he truly could do that would make this okay, with all the false calm he could muster up, he spoke.

"Taehyung, you said she sent you to a place in Japan?"

The group of partners were once again surprised by Jin's stability.

They couldn't see how he was crumbling with the weight of guilt on his shoulders.

"Y-yes, why?" Taehyung wiped away his tears pulling out of Yoongi's arms.

Jin felt panicky, he couldn't stand still with all these eyes on him, it made him feel worse, so needing to not stand still he began placing the flipped furniture back in their rightful places, Jungkook and Jimin followed along.

"The...package, who did you give it to or where did you drop it off?"

"Hyung what's the point in all this?" Namjoon finally pulled himself out of his mind enough to say anything.

Though he asked the question it was more so for the others, he'd already picked up on Jin's beginning strategy and he would he sure to put his 148 IQ into this, he'd put his life for this, because this was his life, their life, their children. 

"I need to get to my mom's house, then I need to get to Japan. I'm fixing this, this is my family's fault, it's my family's restaurant."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jungkook stilled. The further shattering of a family picture frame startled them all. The youngest had dropped the frame upon hearing what his husband was planning to do.

Confused, Jin scanned the faces of his partners who seemed annoyed, and rightfully so, but not for the reason he seemed to be assuming.

"You have every right to be mad at me, I know, I'm sor-"

"You're not serious." Jimin bounded up his husband.

"What? What is it, do you want me to get on my knees because I will." His chest began to feel heavy, he knew they'd be upset, but the way they looked at him. It felt awful.

"Oh for fucks sake, you're not doing this alone. Your family business? We are your family." Delilah folded her arms with a glare, how could he possibly think that he was to try to do this on his own.

"Oh." Was all Jin could say.

What else could he say, he couldn't tell them no, that'd never work.

He looked at them again, he felt that hollowed cold ache in his chest for his family, for his babies who were God knows where.

He was ready, he had to be, to do whatever it took to get them back.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Jin's shoulders sagged.

"Good. Now I can see those cogs turning in your head, tell us what you're thinking baby." Namjoon gave him a small but reasurring smile.

"Okay. I need everybody to listen."

Jin took a deep breath, his partners now paying full attention to whatever he was about to say.

"When I spoke to my mo- when I spoke to Sunghee, she said something about information or something or-  just that that I'd get it and give to- someone? God I don't know, she said I'd get it soon, I have no idea how, but, she must've had her ways apparently."

Jin sighed before he continuing, "So first things first, Taehyung."

Taehyung perked up upon hearing his name, he hummed in response, not yet trusting his voice to be stable.

"I need you to tell me everything about Japan."

Happy New Year everyone 💖💖💖💖. I hope you all had a safe and fun New Year. I'm currently battling a hangover but I wanted to say hello on the first day so here I am!!

Jungkook's puppies are so 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Can't wait to see how these partners change with what's to come *wink* *wink"

Anygays, I love you, bye 💜💜💜.

밤이 ~ 🌙

밤이 ~ 🌙

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