Chapter 14 📃🗝️

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He had them. He sure did, but fuck, was it a bumpy ride.

"Did we do it? Are they gone?" Jimin panted behind the wheel, finally driving at a normal speed once again, now headed to the airport. 

When no reply came he turned to Jin who's chest rose and fell at a dangerously fast pace, eyes wide, hands gripping onto the sides of the car.

He turned to look at his partners.


Jungkook was practically on Taehyung as he seemed to be holding on to him for dear life. Namjoon was basically crushing Yoongi, somehow laying sideways on his lap.
Jimin glanced further in the back to see, not Hoseok, but Hoseok's legs and a shakey Delilah pulling him up while also trying to find her hair tie that somehow came out freeing her curled hair...well more dishelved hair.

"Fuck I'm sorry, are you guys okay?" Jimin wanted to stop the car and check on each of his lovers more than anything.

"Hyung....that was....awesome." Jungkook sat up properly brushing away the hair that was now flopped over his face.

"That was the most epic thing I've ever seen you do, you saved us." Yoongi pushed Namjoon off of him to sit up.

"You're all okay, you're not mad?" Jimin peaked at Hoseok who seemed to be stifling a manic laugh with Delilah as he turned right side up. He then looked over to Jin who's breath was still laboured but he held an almost pleased expression.

"You did good Jiminie," Jin paused to pat Jimin's cheek before adjusting himself in his seat then continuing, "I need everyone to settle in now. Delilah did you get on to Captain Kim?"

"I- yeah I did, said that he can be available in an hour." Delilah nodded quickly.

"Good, Jimin to the airport then."

A moment of silence passed before-

"Namjoon what the actual fuck!" Yoongi shouted startling everyone in the car, he sucked in a harsh breath before continuing worry and stress creeping out of his voice, "why did you go back? Huh? You could've been hurt or- or-"

"I saw something and I got it, and I'm not hurt so stop worrying." Namjoon replied in a calm voice, leaning to press a soft kiss to Yoongi's lips, the older man becoming docile almost instantaneously, "I'm sorry for scaring you but,"

Namjoon stopped to pull out the envelope from his brown jacket, "I saw this, and I don't know why but something told me to take it."

"You risked your precious beautiful life for an envelope that is most likely nothing?" Hoseok popped up from the back, "Joonie what-."

"Wait let's it and then we'll scold him." Jungkook pouted, he hated seeing his big body baby Joonie get scolded.

Jungkook turned to the reader with furrowed eyebrows, "You guys must know, Namjoon is by all means a big buff sexy handsome amazing intelligent super cool talen-

Jk how did yo- whatever stop breaking the fourth wall we're in the middle of something here.

"Right. Sorry...bye.." :)

Namjoon is all of those things but he's also soft, gentle, and intuitive to an almost scary extent, so they agreed to wait until they an absolute reason to scold him for scaring them half to death and risking his life.

"Hyung don't you think you should open it? It was in your mom's suitcase." Namjoon held the envelope out to Jin who stared at it like it was some other worldly object for a solid ten seconds.

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