Epilogue III - Mama?

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It was supposed to be a calm birthday. Nothing extraordinary, just a regular day with cake.

It started off well enough, breakfast in bed, his partners showering him with affection. Homemade hearts from Serene and Junseo, along with loving tackles from Serin and Ardin.

It was a good day...until Jin got to work.

Production team lost two weeks worth of filming content. The coffee cafe in the building closed for renovations. Namjoon had to leave work to pick the twins up early from school, which is never a problem, except they were in the mood to banter.

This led to a strong disagreement between the six year olds and Namjoon about mint chocolate, which carried into the house, causing the family to start a long debate on the apparently sensitive topic.

Things like this usually amused Jin if anything, but right now, he just needed a minute. He couldn't blame his partners for not knowing, he never spoke about it and he shouldn't even be feeling this way. He hated feeling this way.


He was pulled out of his thoughts by Jimin holding out a piece of cake towards him.

The younger's strong emotional intuition still as strong as ever pulled the older away inconspicuously, as the rest of his family brought up yet another debate topic. Soggy or crunchy cereal this time.

"What's wrong?" He cupped the older's face pressing a small kiss to his lips, sitting them down on their bed.

Instead of answering Jin leaned forward again connecting their lips in hope of cutting the conversation.

It almost worked too, he could feel the younger relaxing into his touch, sliding into his lap. Then freezing.

"Not gonna work." He smiled pulling away from the kiss, pupils already blown out with excitement.

Damn his restraint.

"Okay." Jin sighed, letting himself fall back onto the bed.

Jimin laid down quickly facing him, ready to listen and comfort.

"This is...this is my first birthday since-"

"Hyung!" Jungkook burst into the room, startling the two.

"What!" They both shouted back.

"There's- it's- come out."

The two looked at each other lost before getting off the bed. Jin still clutching his chest as they walked down the hall.

"Kook-ah what could possibly be so wrong that you had t- oh."

Standing there, graceful yet poised. Hair in a loose low bun. Lavender sundress. Expression almost worriesome, the tears threatening to get passed her eyes.

"My Jinnie."

It couldn't be real. It couldn't be. He'd spent all that time convincing himself she was- she was. They had a memorial. An empty casket.

He looked to his partners in disbelief, his kids, confused on the stranger in their room.

Then back to her.

Her arms opening, asking, needing.

"I'm sorry."

One step forward from her, one step back from him, a thoughtless reaction.

He steadied himself, willed his legs not to shake, closer, closer to her hopeful arms. The lump in his throat, the sting in his eyes, it was almost too much.

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