Chapter 10✨

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This chapter may be confusing if you haven't read the BangBangTan. I mean, why would you be reading this if you haven't read it lol it's a spin off sequel thing.

This chapter includes very brief mention of rape and violence.


Would they hate him?

He didn't have a choice, not really anyway.

He would've gone away for God knows how long he couldn't do that. Even if it meant doing something he truly didn't want to do. And it was just one small favour.

"Explain." Jin spoke in an almost demanding voice.

Their partners were still frantic on the inside, wondering why the fuck they weren't calling the police when their kids and babysitter are missing, but, as their oldest partner instructed, they sit and listen, panicking wasn't gonna solve anything. Though it was a bewildering site to see Jin with such control in his tone, it was a side they'd never seen before.

"Okay, okay." Taehyung took a deep breath.

Flashback. Five years ago on the Godforsaken night.

He and Delilah's rapist had been picked up by the officer. He couldn't stand the thought of being in such close range with a monster, he wanted nothing more than to reach over in his cuffs and strangle him until he saw the life leave his eyes. He would've done it too, if not for the look on Jungkook's face after dragging him off Hyunki. For the sake of never seeing that face on any of them again, he turned as far away as possible from the unconscious man.


It had been hours, and he was still in these cuffs, tight enough that the skin underneath had become agitated, his mind was hazy. His head lolled back onto the cold wall, the tiny iron chair doing nothing but making him more sore, but he wasn't in a holding cell which he was grateful for.

Hyunki had managed to get a few hits in, so he wasn't in the best of condition either. That punch he'd landed, Taehyung could feel the dull throb in his left cheek. His eyes became heavy, and after the adrenaline rush calmed, he felt weak, tired...exhausted, but even if he was exhausted on the brink of passing out, he couldn't. The image of Delilah in the alley scarred his mind. Every time his eyes closed, he saw her, and it terrified him into semi-wakefullness.

Taehyung was dragged out of his dazed state by the cuffs being pulled off his sore wrists. His eyes shot open. The same cop.

"What's happening?" His body attempted to surge up, but it was a weak attempt.

"Looks like you're free to go, don't know how, you must have someone deep in the system to get away with this." The officer chuckled dryly, "but if that guy did what you said he did, I think he got what he deserved."

Taehyung rubbed his sore wrists as the officer walked him out of the room.

It had to have been Yoongi. Somehow, he got him out. He had no idea how, but now, all he wanted was to see him.

He'd expected to be greeted by said partner once he'd gotten into the main hall of the building, but he was very wrong.

"Taehyung, sweet boy, the second I heard what happened, I knew I had to get over here. I'm so truly sorry about what happened with Delilah, I know this must be terribly difficult to deal with."

What the fuck.

"Eomeoni?" Confused was an understatement for what Taehyung felt.

"Please, I've seen you with no front teeth,  it's been a while but I'm still your aunty Sunghee."

"Ah- Imo."

(Imo/ 이모, is the means aunt..)

She wore a fitted beige pencil skirt, scarlet red blouse, a matching beige coat, black red bottoms. Her hair was pulled into bun with strands falling gracefully on the sides. Red lipstick to match. She shared a striking resemblance to Jin, well, maybe Jin basically took her full face and wide shoulders. So she was gorgeous even pushing well into her 50s, she had almost youthful aura, intimidating as hell, but youthful.

"Right. Uhm, where's Yoongi, why are you here?" Taehyung shifted around, his legs were tired.

"Getting straight to it, that's lovely. I had a feeling you'd be in need of my assistance, so walk with me." She pushed through the doors. Taehyung following behind  swatting away a sudden feeling of doubt. This wasn't what he wanted, he wanted to find Yoongi, see his partners. He wanted to see Delilah.

"So," Sunghee started, pulling a cigarette and tesla key out of her coat, "Yoongi will probably think you're in there for a few more days, and that's perfect, because, I need your help, a small favour, in return for me getting you out." She lit the cigarette with an electric lighter, holding it between her red lips, marching ahead to the car.

"A favour? I don't understand." Taehyung stopped as they got to the selfdriving car. He didn't wanna get in, this didn't feel right anymore, why did Yoongi not know he was okay, why did he have to think he was still in jail?

"Yes, coming?" She smiled throwing her cigarette into the conveniently placed trash can, "I hate these things, I should invest in one of those e-cigs hm."

Even stated as a question, there was no choice. Taehyung followed.

"Perfect, so I need you to deliver a package for me, not far, just to Japan. I can usually get these done easily through the restaurant, but this needs to be more quiet, more hush, with someone no one will be suspicious of. You." She looked directly at him, tapping her nails against the steering wheel.

"I- don't understand."

"Trust me, you will soon, and you'll have to keep this between us, honestly I don't want my son to know about this. I'm not ready to bring him into this world, I'm not sure I ever will be. This favour, this will be the beginning of something bigger. I just need this from you, please, Taehyungie, I wouldn't have asked if didn't truly need it. When it's done I'll take you home, or back to the station to meet Yoongi." She held his gaze, her eyes pleading behind the strong set intimidation.

Why couldn't she tell Jin? He didn't wanna keep a secret from his partners at all. But she got him out of jail, and he'd known her all his life, she'd never put him in a situation where he could be hurt, and he most definitely didn't want to disrespect her and say no.

So reluctantly, against his own better judgement, "Okay. I'll help you imo."

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