Epilogue II - Too?

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"Jihyo-ssi, is that all for today?" Jihyo's secretary leaned up against the frame of the door, a tired pout across his lips. The judge slouched over a desk of paper work, empty coffee cups and a ton of unread cases. Eyes riddled with bags and exhaustion as she looked up.

Secretary Choi was obviously just as scattered. His hair no longer slicked back in it's neat form but falling into his face, at least two coffee stains on his now untucked shirt.

It's gotten busy the last few months at the court house. With this big take down by some "unknown group" which she may or may not have assisted in. An exploded box making factory, which turned out to be a cover up for transporting illegal goods, multiple other illegal businesses coming crashing with a removed part in its carefully calculated clock.

It was a great win, but it came with a lot of paper work and long nights for court officials like Jihyo.

"Yeah Soobin go ahead and leave for the night, but tell them not to lock up I'll be here for a while." She huffed out earning a tired bow from him.

He bowed out of the room leaving Jihyo to mountain of documents.


It had to have been another two hours before the woman had dozed off while reading documents. Head lolling back before falling down into the desk with a thud.

She groaned eyes and limbs too heavy to pick up again.

A knock on the door startled her straight up again.

She hesitated in answering. It makes no logical sense for anyone to be in here right now.

Another soft knock, this time with a specific rhythm to it that shocked her enough she rolled back in her office chair hitting the back wall.

But that knock, it could only be- it can't be- they definitely worked with- and the building exploded- she couldn't be- they couldn't be- they had a fucking memorial for them.

The knock repeated once more before a hushed conversation could be heard through the door.

A moment passed and two pairs of footsteps started retreating.

Jihyo still in disbelief flew out of her seat, the neat bob her hair was this morning, scattered about, barely held together with a clamp, chest rising and falling rapidly, vision clouding with tears.

"It can't be, it can't be."

She got to the door in a flash. Hand on the doorknob, and then-

"Unnie." She couldn't help the way her voiced cracked, her knees felt weak seeing them. Everyone was so sure-

Sana and Momo whipped around. They froze not sure if they'd be welcomed with open arms after...

They didn't have much time to think because the already blubbering woman was frantically jumping into their arms "You're alive, you're alive, you're-" she pressed kisses to their faces. Knots forming in both their throats eyes burning as they held her up.

"Why...why wouldn't we be Ji?"

Suddenly Jihyo pulled off of them, remembering that they're not together,not anymore. Pushing down that ache of letting go she cleared her throat and spoke as formally as possible, forcing herself not to let any more tears fall.

She cleared her throat, not meeting what she knew would be the hurt eyes of Sana and Momo, "The business, the one that got taken down. The building that exploded. The- uhm, the one of the bodies identified, we knew it was...him."

"Oh god Ji." Momo took a step forward before stopping.

"We. We did that, well we helped do that. With the group...that- I'm so so sorry but we can't give you a name we promised to protect them- fuck, secrets, this is what broke us apart I know but- we can't- this family they-"

Engulfing the two in a hug once more, Momo and Sana looked at each other confused.


"I know them, they're- i know. Unnie, you both- you were good?"

"We were, all for you all for us." Sana's arms ached to hug back, and finally she did.

"We've been trying and- we wanna come home, we want another chance to be...us. All of us. We'll work hard, clean jobs this time." Momo spoke into Jihyo's shoulder.

"I'll ask our friends for a job at their company- not the filming but- you know something in an office." Sana sniffled through a laugh.

Jihyo pulled her face out of their chests but still held on, looking at the two of them.

"Wanna come home see if they forgive you too?"

A short inhale from Momo, "too?"

A nod.


"I'm home." Jihyo said, voice a little shakey as she entered the foyer, she knew at least three of them had to be awake.

Mina and Chaeyong trudged out of the living room, blankets wrapped around themselves oh so cuddly.

"Unnie-" Chaeyong's eyes widened already glassing over.

Mina was set with an unreadable expression.

"Maybe we should have a family meeting."


Sana and Momo waited in the kitchen as the rest of their former partners were woken up and brought into the living room.

"Did something happen?" Nayeon was already wide awake and concerned while the rest of her partners still held sleepy expressions, Tzyzu nuzzled into her lap eyes already closing.

Instead of speaking, Jihyo called for the two to come in.

Some sat in disbelief, some itched to stand up, everyone confused.

"We have a lot of explaining to do."

And it was a lot, by the time they'd finished no one was left with a dry eye, the sun already beginning to peak through the lightening blue sky.

"So...?" The two stood nervously on their, hoping, praying they could come home.

"We understand if you-"

Sana was cut off as she was almost tackled by Dahyun. "Don't ever leave again, don't leave, don't go, stay, please stay." She cried into her chest, squeezing tight around her waist.

Sana looked up hopefully to the others. Jihyo was next to get up and join the hug, then Chaeyeong, Tzyzu, Jeongyeon, Nayeon...

And Mina. They looked over to her who sat stock still eyes wavering.

Momo put a hand out, "Mimi, I'm so sorry, please, I'm-"

Before she could finish the sentence Mina was bounding over, Momo instinctively pulling out of the hug and opening her arms as Mina jumped into them, wrapping her legs around her waist.

"Mo unnie~" the wet crack of her voice came as she finally broke. She pressed her lips to Momo's who stood shocked only for a second before kissing back.

"Never leave again." Nayeon smiled as she pecked Sana's lips.

"Never again."

"Does that mean we can sleep in our room again?" Chaeyong sniffled.

"You haven't been?"

They shook their heads.

"Neither have we..in Japan, we couldn't sleep in our room without all of you."

"If we go to bed now are we gonna sleep or are we gonna make up fuck?" Jeongyeon quirked her head, all eyes snapping to her.

"I think you already know the answer to that."

A beat of silence passed before they were rushing off yelling trying to figure out who was strapping or getting strapped amongst many other activities.

And their home was complete again. Forever this time.

Yayyyy, finally I'm at peace and now for real this time any epilogues will just be a good time. Mwah 😚😚😚😚

Stan BTS....and TWICE!!

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