Chapter 20

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Warning: major feels train and a lot of POV switches sorry it's so short

Secret POV (someone you know)
S- she did it. She actually uploaded it. I didn't think she'd actually take the note this serious. I hope she isn't too hurt by this. Helena and I didn't want her to get hurt, we just wanted her to confess to Preston. Just Preston. We wouldn't actually confess to the whole school, but why'd she take it so far to tears?

I quickly call up Preston hoping he hasn't seen the video. Luckily he answers smiling greeting with a, "hey bud."
"HeyumhaveyoubychanceseenCaseyImeanAlex'svideo?" (Translation: hey um have you by chance seen Casey I mean Alex's video?) I ask a bit too quickly.
"What? No? What's Casey's YouTube channel? I wonder why she didn't tell me about this. Wait what was that last part after Casey's video?"
"Just... watch it. But don't get mad."

"WHATS THE NAME?" He asks making me facepalm. I take a deep breath and respond,
"Her channel name... is ThePlebbyPrincess?"
"What? No that's Alex. Getting a little overwhelmed with all the ladies huh Robbie?"
"No... just watch it... but don't overreact."
"Why would I do that?" He look to his right at his other screen probably pulling up the video.

I hear the echo of her voice and his eyes slightly grow wider and wider. "I- I..." He stumbles trying to collect his thoughts. "S- she..." He doesn't look into the camera tears pulling to his eyes. "I have to go. Bye Rob." He says bluntly but before I can respond he shuts off his camera and skype.

Quickly I text Helena hoping we can find out a way to undo what we have done. I tap my foot furiously on the floor as it rings hoping to God she would answer soon before something worse happens.

"Helena? Helena!" I greet hurriedly.
"What's up?"
"Preston. He just watched the video. Something's up with him. Something's wrong." My stomach tightens at what we've done to them. We just wanted them together but with no secrets. Now they aren't together with no secrets which we would rather not have.

"Okay. I have to call Casey. Bye Rob." I blow a kiss into the phone on instinct and hang up before realizing what I just did...

Casey's POV
I scroll through twitter and the comments seeing mainly good comments saying I was pretty which made me feel good but nothing from Preston. Oh God. I hope I didn't make him sad. My heart thumps loudly when someone knocks on my door at least a thousand times. I open it up and Helena grabs my hand dragging me down the stairs. "Um mom I'm going out with Helena." I yell grabbing my coat off the rack.
"Okay. Call me if she's kidnapping you." She yells back. (This is just a joke Helena isn't kidnapping her... not in that sense at least.)

"What's up?" I question her when we get into her truck.
"Preston. I need you to talk to him."
"Why? D- did he see the video?" My stomach forms a knot at the thought of Preston being mad at me for... lying to him. He has every right though. He poured out his feelings to me thinking I was someone else and then I just drop it on him like a bomb. Now it'll most likely blow up in my face.

How will I be able to confront him? That's when twitter blows up.

I have to end it sometime guys ;-;
I have another book that's coming to an end so I want to end them on the same day :D
I did think about a sequel but decided against it because I, personally, rarely ever read them

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