Chapter 15

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After "introductions" Preston pulled me aside eyeing me.
"She knows about Rob doesn't she?" He asks making my stomach twist and turn. I reluctantly nod making him smile.

"Well, we have to do something about it. Maybe a game of truth or dare?" He arches an eyebrow and I nod again giving a small evil laugh. He laughs along but we quickly return to the room. Perfect. It was like he knew what my second part of my plan was. This was going to be great.

"You guys want to play a game?" I ask. They all nod and we start our game."

"Rob truth or dare?" Preston asks.
"Truth." Preston quickly glances at me smiling then returns his eyes back to him in a quick second.
"Do you have a girlfriend? If so what's her name?"

"I don't have a girlfriend." He states. I knew Helena knew that already. She knew like everything about him. To be honest it was a bit creepy, but hey she is a professional fangirl.

"Helena truth or dare." I ask.
"Dare." I quickly give a sly smile and think of a really good dare.
"I dare you to rap about the person to your right." That person was Rob. She blushes madly and so does Rob but Preston and I just burst out in laughter. Helena could recite any Nicki Minaj song word for word so she could be pretty good for this.

"Okay." She stands up with a straight face. "Give me a beat." Preston and I start making weird noises and eventually we come up with a good rhythm.

(LISTEN I DONT EVEN LIKE RAP THAT MUCH SO DONT EXPECT THIS TOO BE GREAT btw the first part is the tune to JJ's rap 😂 and his first part to his rap is "KSI yes" and like idk I just got inspiration from that and it's really short)

"Robert Latsky, living north in his home country. His big brown eyes and his curly hair that'll make all the passing girlies stare. I got nothing else." She sits back down all of us laughing in tears.

"That was great." Rob laughs between breathes. Helena's face turns a warm shade of pink at his compliment then quickly to it's tan normal color.
"Thanks." She turns to me giving an evil smile. "Casey. Truth or Dare?"
"Truth," I respond.
"Try again." I groan even though I knew she would do this but accept her dare. "I dare you to sing your favorite song." At this point I felt like I wanted to throw up. I mean I was so insecure about my voice and I definitely didn't want to sing in front of them. I rarely sing in the shower!
"D- do I have to?" I stutter.
"Yup. You sing I rap."
"Don't push her." Preston defends making Helena glare at him. I knew she was only trying to have fun, but I really didn't want to sing. I see my hands shake and my stomach feels it's on a roller coaster.

"Hey you don't have to sing if you don't want. I bet your voice is beautiful either way." Preston tries to calm me down.
"No. It's a dare." I explain and start to sing. I imagine it as if I were by myself and no one in the world was around. "I'm going to pick up the pieces... and build a lego house." I try to calm myself down and stop shaking, but it was hard and I continue anyway. "If things go wrong we can knock it down." The words started to come easier and easier since it got easier to imagine me being alone. "My three words have or meaning, there's one thing on my mind it's all for you." (I don't think you guys want me to say the whole thing so ya...)

I finish at the end of the chorus feeling like I was really going to throw up. I don't know when my fear started, it's like I've always had it. "That was really good." Helena hugs me. "I didn't know it would be that bad. I'm so sorry Case."
"It- it's okay. I needed to face my fears." I take a deep breathe and hope I'll. ever have to do that again.
"You're a really good singer." Preston gives me a sympathetic smile and Rob nods from afar. I take a deep breathe and push a hair behind my ear.
"Should we continue or...." Rob asks.
"Preston still has to do one." I give Preston a joking smile and he returns a sarcastic one to me.

"Okay. Preston truth or dare." Rob asks.
"Truth." He responds.
"Boys are such sissies." Helena whisper to me making me let out a small giggle.
"If you had to kiss Casey or Helena who would it be?" Rob asks making Preston's face flush of color.
"You better not say me." Helena states sternly making Rob secretly smile then return to a normal small smile.
"Um... Casey." I feel heat rush to me cheeks and I return the small smile he gives me.
"Okay new round." Helena says quickly. "Preston truth or dare."

"What? Why me first?"
"Because the last shall be first, the first shall be last."
"Ugh. Truth."
"Fine dare."
"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in this room." Preston face turns a deep shade of pink from blushing.

"C- can it be on the cheek?" He asks making Helena shake her head. I knew he was going to kiss me because if her tried to kiss Helena he'd probably punch him in the face. My stomach twists and turns as the tension rises of Preston not doing anything. "Uh..." He looks at me, "D- do you mind?" I sit not being sure if I would mind or not. I mean I've never had a real kiss that I remember was I really ready? I shake my head before I can truly stop myself and his lips meet mine for a quick second then pull away but man was that second beautiful.


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