Chapter 21 (Finale)

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^ that is a small letter from me to you guys that no one will probably read and it's a tradition to do this on my account :D but yes, sadly this is the end of the book. D: maybe be an epilogue I'm not sure I'm either going to do an epilogue or a sequel but I'm leaning towards epilogue because I just don't like sequels then again a ton of you want a sequel so I'm thinking about it...

Warning: very cliché like seriously I cringe

Casey's POV
People keep asking me what's up with Preston and I notice his latest post that states,

Hey guys I haven't been feeling like doing much lately. I haven't been myself. I learned out that my two crushes was one person and I feel bad. Plain and simple. I'm sorry but I'm taking a break
- Preston xxx <3

My heart drops reading it. It was my fault and obviously other people noticed it too because they're attacking me about it. I hold the tears back trying my best not to cry by the people's hateful words. Others defend me leading to more and more fighting and none of it could be good so I shut off my phone completely not wanting to ever turn it back on again.

I realize how deeply I was breathing when Helena gives me a concerned look before turning back to the road. Also, it was pouring outside which it rarely does in Texas. Man, it was weird. "You okay Case?" She asks which I nod to.
"Yeah, just some stuff on Twitter."
"Oh don't listen to those bitc-"
"SQUIRREL!" I scream and she slams on the brakes both of us jerking forward then backward hitting our seats violently.

"That's why you don't call people bad names." I laugh and she joins in.
"Sorry. Let's just get to your boyfriend's house."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I defend making her roll her eyes. "Besides, at this point it's unlikely we'll ever even become closer than we were. He hates me." I sigh looking down hearing the pattering rain on the windows

"Whatever you say cap'n."

After awhile we arrived at his house and I notice my hands were shaking. "Hey. Don't get too nervous." Helena whispers putting her hand on mine. I nod and walk up to the front door knocking. His mother answers with a wide smile.
"Come on in. Wouldn't want you getting too soaked in the rain." I flash a thankful smile and walk in.
"I really need to talk to your son. Like urgently please." She nods and leads me to his room.

The hallway was familiar to me to when Helena and I were talking and she knocks on the closed door a familiar tune playing faintly but I can't put my finger on what it was.

No answer. "Preston? A friend is here to see you." Again, no answer. "Preston Blaine Arsement open this door up right now!" She commands. After a small thud a dreary looking Preston opens the door his cheeks red and puffy. She stares at him in surprise for a second then blinks and acts casual again. "Sorry about that, I hope you two have fun." She smiles again and walks away leaving Preston and I.
"Come I Alex. Or Casey. Or whichever you are." His voice was blunt his tone was angry but the music he was playing makes me smile.

I'm out of touch, I'm out of luck. I'll pick you up when you're feeling down

"Listen I'm really sorry, Preston. It's just... I'm not comfortable with letting myself go. I've never fully revealed myself to anyone. Not even Helena or my mom." The last line hit me in the gut hard. I've had all these secrets jumbled up inside me forever. Forever.

And forever is a pretty long time. "I- I'm sorry okay?" I stumble letting tears fall down my cheeks. I bury my tear stained face in my hands not wanting to make eye contact with him. Seeing his broken heart made mine shatter.

"I- I'm sorry I took it so hard." He mumbles so I can barely hear. "It's just... tough when you think you know a person but it turns out to be lies." A pang of pain rushes through my whole body at his words, but they were truthful words.

"I- I- I'm so sorry Preston. I had no intention to hurt you."
"The thing is, it's too late."
"I don't believe you're ever too late for true love." I mouth my voice no higher than a mouse but he heard me. I could tell by his glance. He got up and walked over then took my hand.

I got up and followed his lead and he held me close to him wrapping both of his arms behind my back and I wrapped mine around the back of his neck. The song, luckily, was beginning to start over and I gazed into his deep brown eyes. He had the best eyes. A mix of warmth and radiance with the warmest cocoa brown I've ever seen.

I hum along to the soft words of Ed Sheeran resting my head on his shoulder. "Do you forgive me?" I asks as we continue to sway.
"I couldn't stay mad at you forever." He whisper making me smile. "I love you too much."

"I love you too." When the song ends I lift my head up and we engage in a soft warm kiss. My first REAL one.

This is honestly one of the best journeys I've ever been on. Of course there's were bumps and stuff but I couldn't imagine it any other way.
I'm really debating if I should have a sequel or not so I want to try something.

If this gets to 10 comments saying you'll read it then I'll MOST LIKELY (lel unlikely #punnypunsarepunny *if you know who makes these hashtags I love you*) make it... I've learned not to promise anything *cough like people dying cough*

If you won't read it tell me because I don't want more people saying they won't read it than will ya know? I think you guys do but eh who knows

well um anyway that's been it so far.
I love you guys so much! <3 :D
-Kylie aka agirlwhofans

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