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*Lindsay's POV*

Hunger ignited my soul. 

One, two, one, two.

Fiery my lungs felt. 

One, two, one two.

My body fought against the water that tried to fend me off. 

One, two, one two. 

I took one final breath before I performed a tumble turn and pushed off with my feet from the cold tile wall. I only had 50 metres to go. When I took a breath I looked at my competitors. A young woman from NYU was progressing closer. I couldn't let her get the win, swimming as hard as I could to reach the other end before her. 

30 metres to go. 

My legs were on fire, followed by my arms. I started to get nervous as I could feel the woman pushing in front of me. My nerves turned to anger as I started punching the water out of my way.

20 metres to go.

I couldn't let her win. I brought my arm up hard and fast, rotating it to swim ahead. It hit the water and I felt as though I had been shot. I let out a horrible scream into the pool's water, my arm feeling as though it had been ripped from my arm. All of my competitors swam past me in a flash, my dreams of winning a State Championship swimming away with them. 

My arm was like a dead weight. A dumbbell weighing me down. I tried to paddle towards the edge of the pool, but the slightest movement caused an immense stabbing feeling in my shoulder. I rolled onto my back, floating towards the end of the pool. 

Lifeguards and officials jumped in, lifting me out of the pool as best as they could without injuring my arm further.

But I'll tell you, it still hurt like hell.

I was placed on a steel bench and my family rushed to my side. I looked up to see my Mom, Alex; my best friend and my Mom's wife, and my incredible boyfriend Giovanni. Alex looked down at my shoulder and cringed. 

"Don't look down," she winced, causing me to look down, like the idiot I was.   

My shoulder was detached from my body, obviously dislocated. Looking at my arm only made it feel worse and I cried out in pain again. 

It was not long before I was loaded into an ambulance on the way to hospital. They gave me this weird green whistle that tasted funny, telling me that it would numb the pain. They weren't wrong, but I couldn't exactly remember much of the ride regardless. 

The next thing I remembered were the blinding lights radiating from the hospital ceiling as I was awakened. Mom, Alex, and Gio were all standing in my room, alongside a doctor. I could feel that my shoulder had returned to it's socket. The doctor read the clipboard and sighed. 

"Hi, Lindsay. I am Doctor Wishart. I see you obtained the shoulder dislocation while swimming?" She asked. 

I nodded my head and looked at her carefully. 

"I'm afraid the anteroinferior dislocation occurred as a result of a shoulder impingement, most commonly known as swimmer's shoulder. Have you heard of it?"

I nodded again and answered, "Yes, my coach told me about it. She said it hardly ever happens."

"Well, it hardly ever happens if you don't put strain on your shoulder. However, swimming puts an enormous amount of pressure on your shoulder which most likely caused this injury," Dr. Wishart clarified. 

"How long will it take to heal, Doctor?" Mom asked, and I looked over at Dr. Wishart for an answer as well.

She looked down at her clipboard then back up to my eyes, "I'm afraid a shoulder impingement is quite serious. While they can sometimes heal within a few weeks, with a combined dislocation I predict that it will take at least 3 month for it to properly heal, and potentially 6 months. I'm sorry, Lindsay, but you cannot swim during this healing process otherwise you'll risk injuring your shoulder to the point where you'll never swim again. I'll give you some time to talk this over with family, but come find me if you need anything clarified." Dr Wishart left the room and I felt a few tears flow down my face. 

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now