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*Lindsay's POV*

I stared at the woman before me. She cleared her throat and I tried not to think the worst. 

"Hi, is Jess home?" she asked, and I let out a breath. She was just here for my mom.

"No, she's not at the moment. Can I take a message?" I questioned. 

"LINDSAY, WHO IS IT?" Alex yelled, louder this time. I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. 

"Wait. You're Lindsay?" the odd woman queried, and I nodded. "Wow. You are so grown up. How old are you now?"

My head tilted and I squinted my eyes, looking at this stranger. She chuckled at my expression before holding out a hand for me to shake.

"I'm Shannon, an old friend of your mom. The last time I saw you, you were just starting school. Now you're all grown up!"

I continued to be confused, and that's when I heard my mom walking up the sidewalk, back from work.

She stopped when the tall lady turned around, mouth falling open.

"Shannon?!" my mom practically screamed. 

"I'm back," Shannon shrugged, nonchalantly, before Mom jumped onto her, wrapping her in the biggest hug humanly possible. 

"What's happening out here?" I heard Alex say behind me, a hint of jealousy hidden within her tone. 

Shannon turned to Alex and held out her hand to shake, "Don't worry, Alex. I'm not trying to steal your wife. We're just old friends." 

Twisting to face Mom, Shannon smiled, "I saw the wedding pictures." 

Mom and Shannon walked inside, in their own little social bubble, leaving Alex and I outside the front door. 

"She seems nice. It's clear Jess really likes her," Alex mumbled, and I nudged her arm. 

"Don't start getting jealous. They're just friends."

She just trudged inside, nodding her head. 

It was almost time for supper, and I knew that Mom wouldn't be cooking tonight. So, I dragged Alex into the kitchen and she made a large bowl of potato salad and grilled salmon, while I stayed seated at the bench for moral support. 

When Mom and Shannon walked into the dining room for dinner, it was clear that Mom had been crying. Alex kissed her tears away and asked her what was wrong, but she stubbornly answered that everything was fine. We started eating, and the first few minutes were awkward until conversation started up. 

"Are you from New York, Shannon?" Alex asked, and I could see that her arm was under the table near Mom's leg. I kicked her in the shin, not wanting any funny business at the table, and she winced slightly before placing her arm back over on her side of the table. 

"Yes, I'm originally from New York. However, I've been living in L.A. for the past few years."

"Oh, nice. I've always wanted to go to L.A," Alex mentioned, earning an elbow from my mom. "Why did you leave?"

Shannon looked down at her cutlery for her second and I saw her eyes get cloudy, but a moment later she was smiling and composed again. It was almost like seeing the emotions of two different people. 

"There was a... death in the family," Shannon replied, and Alex and I both murmured our condolences. Mom, however, did not. So I assumed that's what had made her cry. Maybe she knew the family member?

The night continued, mainly filled with Alex grilling Shannon, and receiving elbows in the ribs from my Mom. The table was filled with laughter, smiles, and banter, but all I kept thinking about was that look on Shannon's face. Her shoulders tired of holding themselves up, her eyes begging to shed a tear or two. I wanted to know why. 

Although I'd never ask, who was the family member who died? Was their death the cause of this sadness? I was captivated by the mystery, my curiosity getting the best of me. 

Not too long later, I excused myself and got ready for bed, having to get up very early for swimming practice the next morning. As I drifted off to sleep, my mind was crowded with the sight of her eyes. Reminding me of the crème de menthe that I tried for the first time on my eighteenth birthday. A deep, yet bright, piercing green. They held so much mystery, and I wanted to explore. 


My legs weren't burning, neither were my arms, my lungs, or my throat. I was stuck on the side-line. My sadness was drowning me as I watched the rest of my swim team practice in the pool. I wanted that to be me. 

Waking up at four in the morning only had it's perks if I got to go swimming. Otherwise, I was just a crazy person who didn't get enough sleep. The doctor predicted that I had to spend at least three months out of the pool. Three. Whole. Months. 

Some of my teammates gave their condolences, but I wasn't paying attention. I just wanted to be in the water again. To feel it glide past me as I raced against it. To feel the edge of the pool wall against my fingertips as I bet my competitors. 

Soon, I was alone in the aquatic centre, just me and the water. I walked towards the edge and dipped my toes in. The smell of chlorine was like heaven. The ripples in the water tempting me to jump in. 

Screw it. 

I went to jump in, but was pulled back by the top of my shirt.

"No you don't," uttered Alex, pulling me away from the pool edge. "If you go in that water before you're better, you can kiss your dreams goodbye."

I sighed, my mood deflating once again, "I know. I just miss it so much."

Alex nodded before leading us both out of the room of temptation. 

We started on the short five minute walk around the pavilion and towards the main campus of Penn State University. As we rounded the corner of the busy intersection, I saw Shannon exit a sleazy motel and hop in a cab, pointing her out to Alex. We walked in silence, which was unusual whenever you are anywhere near Alex, and looked over to see her texting someone.

"Who're you texting?" I asked, casually.

"No one," she replied, hiding her phone and acting suspicious. I glanced at her with an 'I know you're lying' look, which she ignored and continued walking. By the time we made it to the main building, I had given up on trying to discover what Alex was hiding, but I was not going to forget it. 

One thing I didn't like was secrets. 

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Stay safe x

-T.J Starc

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now