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*Lindsay's POV*


Now that's a tricky one. 

I cannot confidently say that I've ever loved someone. At least not romantically.

I love my Mom, as my role model and rock. I love Alex, as my best friend. I care for Gio deeply, but I don't think I ever loved him, and I no longer think of him in a romantic way. I love food, but food and sex aren't really my jam. See what I did there? Never mind. 

But with Shannon, it's different. Like, I want to infinitely hug and support her, I want to cut the faces off the people who upset her, I want to see her beautiful smile, and hear her amazing laugh for eternity. So, yes, I am obviously deeply attached. 

Affection? There's no need to even question it. If I could only ever sleep with one person for the rest of my life, it'd be her. Her body drives me so crazy, I can't even put it into words. But it's not just her body. Her whole personality makes me want to kiss her, hug her, and make love to her. 


Without a shadow of a doubt, I can confidently say I have never felt the need for someone else more than I do with Shannon. When she's gone, I want her back. When she's present, all I want is to wrap her in my arms and never let go. Do I need Shannon?


Extreme feelings of attachment, affection, and need. Do I love Shannon?


It hit me like a ton of bricks. You'd think that I'd freak the fuck out, but I didn't. There was no need to. In that moment of realisation, I had love. Love.

The one emotion that everyone tries to chase the most. 

And I had caught it. 

I was in love, and in that moment, nothing else mattered. 


"Why are you never in your fucking office, Shannon?" I whispered to myself as I slid into the room. What was the point of an office if she never even used it? 

I was hoping to catch Shannon for a chat, after accepting that I was in fact, in love with her. Shit, that sounds so fucking odd. I knew I couldn't tell her yet, not without knowing how she'd react. I decided to be sneaky and drop some hints, seeing if she'd pick up what I was putting out there. 

I smiled when I saw a lone notepad and pen sitting in the centre of Shannon's desk. She must really enjoy my notes. 

I swivelled around in her chair whilst looking up at the ceiling until I got too dizzy, then situated myself behind her desk. Grabbing the pen, I bit lightly on the lid as I thought about what to write. 


Just a little note to say thank you. Thank you for being everything and all that you are. Thank you for blessing my life with all the joy and humour you bring. You mean the world to me, you really do. 

Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different. Would you like me to show you?


L x


If Shannon didn't pick up on this, she could not call herself a teacher. 

The Professor: AKA My Mom's Best Friend (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now