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*Lindsay's POV* 

To say I was happy would be an understatement. Shannon and I had spent the last week acting like a real couple, with the exception of out in public. Today, that was about to change. I invited Shannon to the cinema for an official date, convincing her that the dimness of the lighting would shield us from any lingering eyes. 

When she agreed, I went ballistic. I did not have enough time to prepare. The date was in three hours. THREE! I didn't know what to wear, what we were going to watch, if I was supposed to bring her flowers. Lost and stressing out, I was relieved to find Alex chilling on the sofa as I stormed into the main house, with two hours and fifty-seven minutes to go. 

"Alex! Code Red! Code Red!" I yelled, running into the house. 

"That time of the month again?" She asked, eyes glued to the television screen and an arm resting lazily over her head as she laid splayed on the couch. 

"What? No! Get your lazy ass up off the sofa and help me get ready for my date!" I sighed, rushing towards the back door, and my guest house. 

"With Shannon?" Alex asked, her head popping up over the back of the couch. 

"Yes! Now hurry up! I only have two hours and fifty-five minutes left," I shouted, checking my watch as I hurried out the door. 

"Heck yes! I'm coming, bitch!" 

Alex jumped up so fast, sprinting towards me, that she ended up over-taking me and arriving at the guest house before I could. And I thought I was eager.

The next couple hours consisted of Alex destroying my closet and bouncing on the spot in excitement. I was excited, but her energy was contagious, causing me to start jumping around. Butterflies were erupting in my stomach as the nerves started to settle in. 

We chose not to go all out with my outfit, settling on something flirty, yet casual. I let my eyes roam over my figure through the full-length mirror in my bedroom, inspecting my appearance. My black jeans were matched with a bright v-neck shirt, which drew attention towards my exposed cleavage. A light denim jacket rested off my shoulders, allowing me to combat the chill of the fans within the cinema. My small silver pendant necklace sat cushioned between the entrance leading into the valley of my breasts. To tie the outfit together, I wore my comfortable Adidas sneakers, not feeling the need to wear heels for a date to the cinema. 

My makeup was light, as I preferred the more 'natural' look, not wanting to hide my face behind an endless mask of concealer. A decent spritz of my perfect perfume and I was ready to take on the world. 

Glancing down at my inexpensive watch, I realised I only had ten minutes until Shannon and I's agreed upon date time. Thanking Alex with a hug, I pushed her out of my house to get myself ready. I was physically ready, but I definitely was not mentally or emotionally ready yet. 

To calm myself down, I tidied the apartment, making my bed and spraying some perfume around. I wasn't expecting the date to end with us spending a night at my place, but if it so happened, I wouldn't want the place looking like a mess. 

With five minutes to go, I locked up my house and walked around to the front door of the main house. Knocking twice, I didn't know what to do with my hands, placing them awkwardly in the back pockets of my jeans and rocking on the heels of my feet. 

"Why the fuck are you knocking?" Alex asked, swinging the door open. 

I shrugged, trying to find Shannon behind her, "I'm just trying to be romantic. I'm here to pick Shannon up for our date."

"No shit," Alex rolled her eyes, opening the door for me to come in, "Shannon's just finishing getting ready."

I nodded, standing around awkwardly. It was essentially my house, yet the tension was incredibly awkward. Or maybe that was just me, I don't know. 

I was inhaling a deep, calming breath when Shannon walked into the living room, causing my breath to catch in my throat. 

"You look... wow," was all I could mumble, my eyes travelling over her body. I couldn't understand how she could be dressed so casual, yet still managed to take my breath away. The affect she had on me was unreal. 

A tight-fitting skirt fell to her mid-thigh, with the button-up shirt she wore to work still harvesting her figure. She was more daring than I was, opting for a pair of pumps, causing her to look even taller compared to me. 

Offering her my hand, we walked out of the house as I was still trying to wrap my head around how magnificent she looked. Arriving at the cinema, Shannon agreed on the rom-com I had picked out and we chose seats in the back corner, away from prying eyes. 

To say the movie choice was horrible would be an understatement. The film was possibly the most boring thing I'd ever had to watch, even with the company of Shannon, who had maintained a tight grip on my hand since the beginning of the movie. 

Feeling daring, I moved my hand onto Shannon's inner thigh, rubbing up and down in teasing motions. My fingers inched higher and higher, a soft gasp leaving her mouth as my pinky finger grazed against her panty-clad lips.

"Not here," Shannon growled quietly, removing my hand from underneath her skirt. 

The film was nearing the end, but I needed to pee badly, telling Shannon I'd be back quickly. After taking care of my business and checking that there wasn't more than ten minutes left of the movie, I started walking back in the direction of the cinema room. My eyes trained on my phone, it was too late to realise I was about to walk into someone until we came crashing together, sending my phone and her popcorn tumbling to the ground. 

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," she mumbled, repositioning her glasses before bending down to pick up her popcorn box. 

"No, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going," I sighed, making sure she was okay. 

"I guess it was both of our faults then," she laughed, awkwardly, whilst fiddling with the cuffs of her sleeves. 

"I guess so," I smiled, before saying a goodbye and walking back towards the cinema room. I was met with Shannon standing at the door, watching me closely with an unreadable expression plastered on her face. 

"Who was that?" she asked as I approached where she stood.

"Oh, I don't know, just some girl," I shrugged off, offering my arm to Shannon.

She stared at me intensely for a couple of moments, before walking in the direction of the exit, leaving me standing there, alone and confused. 

What just happened?

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- T.J Starc

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